Start With a Fake University

Chapter 879: Invest in schools again

The latest website: After Ding Yue gave some black technologies to the botany major of the Department of Biology and many teachers and students of the School of Environment.

A mighty technology research and development began.

From cutting-edge laboratories, abundant funds, to the expertise of the researchers, one related theoretical paper after another, as well as experimental research data come out.

The theoretical papers were successively published on the National Papers Network, and the experimental data were stored as confidential data in the Feiyue Group's database. The world's top security database, no one can break the security wall of the database except for himself.

"President Ding, teachers and students of the School of Environment and Botany, new data are born every day."

This is the information reported by Secretary Wen Ruohan to Ding Yue.

That's right.

The School of Environment and the Department of Botany conduct intensive laboratory research every day, from the super photosynthesis of plants, to the cultivation of drought-tolerant plants, to the improvement of desert soil.

Students at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences found that this year the school seems to be vigorously developing related majors in the School of Environment and Botany.

In particular, the teachers and students majoring in botany were overjoyed.

Because before that, although the biology department was also developing vigorously, if it falls in the field of botany, the strength is still a little worse, but I don’t know what happened this year. Research and development funds, etc., have all grown significantly. As long as they want to research projects, there is no reason for the school to not give money.

Such a cool professional subject research environment is simply a paradise for these college students and graduate students.

The teachers and students were very excited and worked hard. In addition, Ding Yue also gave them the corresponding skills and knowledge, so they were like chicken blood, and it was a smooth journey to study, even if they encountered any difficulties. , It is also under the concerted efforts of teachers and students to complete the breakthrough of difficulties.

this day.

Ding Yue was thinking about a question in the principal's office of his administration building.

Ding Yue had thought about this question before.

That is, the major departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are actually closely linked. You can't do without me, and I can't do without you. The successful research and development of the chip clearly proves this.

This time.

Feiyue Construction Company wanted to win the huge project of the new capital of the Pharaohs. At first, Ding Yue thought that he only needed to be professional in construction-related fields.

But now, it is clear that this is not enough.

In order to be confident in winning the construction project of the new capital of the pharaohs, I have now contacted the School of Environment and the major of botany. It can be seen that even different types of disciplines are closely linked and inseparable in practical application. .

So Ding Yue had an idea.

That is, the major departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences must actively develop as soon as possible.

In the early years, Ding Yue mainly developed computers, machinery, biomedicine, film and television media, etc. Later, Ding Yue gradually developed aerospace, agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry, and chemical energy.


Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is already backed by the towering Feiyue Group. In terms of funds, the Feiyue Group can provide Ding Yue with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of profits every year.

After all, the major industries of Feiyue Group have been rolled out one after another, and their competitiveness is very strong both domestically and internationally.

On the basis of such huge profits, Ding Yue decided to increase his investment in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences again. Whether it is teaching funds or scientific research funds, he must invest more in order to protect his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Able to fully blossom in professional fields of various disciplines.

Only then can Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences become the most influential and top university in the world!

So ever.

Ding Yue called An Yujia over.

"Principal Ding, are you looking for me?"

An Yujia asked after coming to Principal Ding's office.

Under normal circumstances, An Yujia came to look for Principal Ding after he had something to do. Very few Principal Ding directly called himself over to talk about the matter.

"Well, I asked you to come over and talk about our Feiyue Group and some things about the future development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

Ding Yue nodded and said calmly.

When An Yujia heard this, she felt that things were not that simple. When it comes to the future development of Feiyue Group and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, this is not a trivial matter, but a big one.

Usually, the future development trend of Feiyue Group or Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is decided by President Ding himself behind the scenes.

An Yujia is an executor and can occasionally make suggestions or something.

Unexpectedly, Principal Ding called himself over today to discuss the future development of Feiyue Group and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. It seems that Principal Ding trusts himself quite a bit.

"Headmaster Ding, do you have any ideas?"

An Yujia asked seriously.

"Well, I want to increase the capital investment of various departments and departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, whether it is teaching funds, or research and development funds, etc., and invest heavily."

Ding Yue said very directly.

"How much force?"

An Yujia frowned and asked.

An Yujia knows that all the capital investment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, except the annual tuition fee, is invested by the money earned by Feiyue Group. The tuition earned by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is actually not enough to support a school. Over the years, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has spent in various aspects.

After all, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has more and more excellent departments and majors, and the research funds are too high. In addition to the daily maintenance and operation lights of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the consumption of funds is like running water.

Even if Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can charge a lot of tuition every year, because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is a private university, the tuition fee is definitely much higher than that of public universities.

However, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' excellent rewards for students, various bonuses, etc., are also in "billion" units.

Therefore, the source of more funds for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is actually the income created by Feiyue Group.


An Yujia couldn't be more clear about this.

Looking at President Ding's words, he means to use more of the profits created by Feiyue Group to better develop the majors of various departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

After all, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has about 30 departments and hundreds of majors.

"Mr. An, now our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has a number of top ace departments and majors, and there are also potential departments and majors that have developed very well, but there are many more, and I think more funds are needed to develop them. Any major is a core existence in every industry field, and every department and department is closely related, so I thought about it, the remaining departments and departments must be vigorously developed, and there must be mechanical Department, computer department, ah, such strength, so it needs a lot of money.”

Ding Yue said in detail: "You should know more about Feiyue Group's operations and profits, Mr. An. Under the condition of ensuring the normal operation of capital circulation, leave an additional emergency reserve fund, and then how much can you spend every year? Vote for the school?"

In the past few years, Ding Yue has always been the department and department that needs teaching and scientific research funds. He applies directly, and Ding Yue will give it. Although it is possible to develop some departments and departments that Ding Yue wants to see, there are also many Departments and departments were something Ding Yue could not see for a while.

Just like the School of Environment and Botany this time, if Feiyue Construction Company wanted to win the construction project of the new capital of Pharaoh, I am afraid that Ding Yue might not have the energy to notice them in the next few years. .

Therefore, Ding Yue plans to go all out this time, and increase the investment of all the departments and majors of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, even those newly established departments and majors.

"I estimate that there are about 30 billion to 50 billion yuan of funds every year, which can be invested in various research and development and teaching operations of the school."

An Yujia thought for a while and replied.

Since there is no specific data available now, An Yujia can only make an estimate, but it is definitely not bad.

30 billion to 50 billion funds!

This is already quite a high amount of funding, okay? Top universities like Qinghua University and Yancheng University may not have 30 billion or even 50 billion in funding every year.

This is Ding Yue's confidence.

Your own Feiyue Group has at least a starting income of 100 billion a year. Apart from the annual operating capital that Ding Yue just mentioned, and an emergency fund, the rest of the money can be invested in your own fog. City University of Arts and Sciences.

Ding Yue has such courage.

Money, as far as Ding Yue is concerned, is paper and numbers. If you invest in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, you can speed up the development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and even achieve a big technological explosion. Maybe the fourth technological revolution will be because of yourself. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences set off a wave leading to the future.

"Then convert it into proportions."

Ding Yue thought about it, and then said to An Yujia: "Every year, no matter how much money our Feiyue Group makes, we will invest this proportion into the teaching and research funds of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

"Well, good President Ding, I will handle this matter. In fact, as long as there are sufficient funds, the development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will move towards a high-speed and stable path."

An Yujia admires Principal Ding for his charisma. He invests such a large part of his company's money into college education. The most important thing is that if many projects fail after the investment, then it is A real loss.

But An Yujia believed it.

Judging from the current good development prospects of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, as long as you are willing to increase capital investment, the return you receive will definitely be very high, because Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is simply a sea of ​​knowledge, and all kinds of human knowledge will be Gathering here, perhaps many winners of the Nobel Prize in the future will be born here.

"President Ding, I think it is indeed a wise choice to increase the capital investment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. However, I still have a question. The thing we are most concerned about recently is whether Feiyue Construction Company can win the new Pharaoh Kingdom. The construction project of the capital, now we can no longer cooperate with the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, what should we do next?"

An Yujia is still worried about recent events.

For the future development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, as long as the general direction is right, An Yujia thinks that there is basically no problem, but for the nearest thing, An Yujia really can't think of a better way.

Feiyue Construction Company is very powerful, but what can they do to compete with the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, as well as Kiwitt, Bouygues and Yingjiang Bridge?


Ding Yue calmly said to An Yujia.

Ding Yue did not tell An Yujia the specifics, so An Yujia didn't know the trump card yet.

"However, there is not much time until the first public bidding on the Pharaoh's side."

An Yujia said worriedly.

This Ding Yue also knows.

It is even possible that when the first public bidding was conducted on the Pharaoh's side, the various black technologies of the School of Environment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and the major of botany had not been developed.

But it doesn't matter.

Can't make cakes without research and development?

The question of time can make a time difference, that is, before the various black technologies of the School of Environment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and the major of botany have not been developed, use this "gimmick" to win the construction of new buildings from the pharaoh. The capital's project, or even if you can't get the project temporarily, you can get more time.

Just like the first tender, Ding Yue told Pharaoh that his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group have black technology to improve the environment, which can help Pharaoh and the others build an oasis city.

In this way, the Pharaoh's side will most likely hesitate, so the first public bidding can let the Pharaoh's side temporarily determine the winning bidder, and then delay it until the next bidding.

In this way, you can buy more time for your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Mr. An, don't worry, you don't think I'm in a hurry, there will always be a way, I still have an ultimate weapon." Ding Yue smiled and said to An Yujia.

"The ultimate weapon?"

When An Yujia heard it, UU read www. was stunned for a moment.


Ding Yue didn't hide anything from An Yujia, and was going to tell her about the black technology being developed by the School of Environment and the Department of Botany.

"Principal Ding...Is there anything I don't know?"

An Yujia asked curiously.

"From the perspective of urban planning and construction, our Feiyue Construction Company has the same strength as Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Yingjiang Bridge Company, and Kiwitt Construction Company, so what can we use to compete with them?"

Ding Yue said with a smile: "At this time, we need to find another way. Mr. An, think about it, what does the new capital of the pharaoh need most? Is it a modern metropolis? Not only that, their new capital is in the desert. built in it.”

"Oasis City?"

An Yujia's brain turned very fast, and she said immediately.

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