Start With a Fake University

Chapter 880: The major construction companies began to compete

Latest website: I have to say, An Yujia is really smart.

Ding Yue just reminded one wave, and An Yujia guessed what it was.

That's right.

Feiyue Construction Company will rely on the Feiyue Group behind it and the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to try to build an "oasis city" for the Pharaohs. Ding Yue even thought about it and called this action the "oasis city plan". Be sure to take down the construction of the new capital of the Pharaohs.

"But Principal Ding, to build an oasis city, it will take a lot of effort, not to mention it is still in the desert, this difficulty is the same as climbing the Shu Road."

This metaphor of An Yujia is really very appropriate.

Shu Road is difficult, and it is difficult to ascend to the sky. Similarly, the new capital of the Pharaohs wants to build an oasis city in the desert, and it is indeed difficult to ascend to the sky.

Construction companies from all over the world can at most guarantee to build a city full of modern buildings for the Pharaoh. No one has the ability to build an oasis city for the Pharaoh.

Because it is not so easy to do greenery in the desert.

"As long as the technology is in place, anything is possible."

Ding Yue said confidently.

Seeing that President Ding was so confident, An Yujia wondered what kind of black technology was President Ding making Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences do?

Since Principal Ding is so confident.

Then there is no need for An Yujia to worry too much. It depends on what Principal Ding intends. All in all, this time An Yujia will definitely coordinate the Feiyue Group and fully support the Feiyue Construction Company to compete for the new capital of the Pharaohs. this construction project.

Even if the competitors are Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, and Kiwitt Construction Company, so what?

In the words of Principal Ding, that is, it is over.

So ever.

In the next period of time, An Yujia started to coordinate the relevant matters of Feiyue Group, all funds, affairs, etc., as far as possible, to clear the way for Feiyue Construction Company to bid for the new capital project of the Pharaoh Kingdom.

On the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, in the center of the scientific research base, teachers and students from the School of Environment, as well as teachers and students majoring in botany, are busy working on their projects one after another.

When Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group are all working towards the same goal.

Those big construction companies in the world, including the Xia State Construction Engineering Bureau of Xia State, are surging in various undercurrents to inquire about each other's intelligence, because in their opinion, only these large international construction companies are "real" competitor

Feiyue Construction Company was not in their eyes at all.


What they don't know is that even such a Feiyue construction company that they don't care about is already starting to hold back their big moves.

a month later.

The first public tender for the construction of the Pharaoh's new capital is getting closer.

People at the helm of construction companies from all over the world began to go to the pharaoh's city of Kairo.

Because they all want to win as much as possible on the Pharaoh's side, after all, this is a project of at least 60 billion US dollars.

Who wouldn't want to make that kind of money?


In the office of the Management Committee of the new capital of the Pharaohs.

At this time, as the head of the management committee, Arfate was discussing with Peter of Eagle Sauce Bridge Company.

"Alfate, we are old friends."

With a cigar in his hand, Pete said to Alfate calmly.

This Pete is a senior management of the Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, who is in charge of the bidding project for the new capital of the Pharaohs. After learning that Alphaat is the head of the management committee of the new capital of the Pharaohs, he has contacted him many times.

This time, he came directly to Pharaoh's city of Kairo, and talked to Arfate about this matter in person.

"Pete, I think you should understand that this kind of project, no matter how good our relationship is, I can't open the back door for you."

Arfate said helplessly.

The two of them are old friends, so Arfate is also very helpless about the fact that Eagle Sauce Bridge Company wants to find him through the back door.

In fact, Pete didn't come to Alfate to go through the back door on the basis of old friends.

Because Pete is also very clear in his heart, it must be difficult to rely on the back door for such a huge construction project as the new capital of the pharaohs. This time, Pete wants to rely on the hard power of Eagle Jam Bridge Company. Arfate tried his best to keep an eye on the Eagle Sauce Bridge Company at the public tender meeting.

"Alfate, how did you know that I was here to find you through the back door?"

Pete took a puff of his cigar and said calmly with a shrug.


Alfate frowned and asked, "Pete, as long as this is not the case, then we can talk about everything."

"Ok, I understand."

Pete smiled and said, "Alfate, think about it, do we still need to rely on backdoors to obtain projects? In recent years, I miss you for the hard power of our Eagle Bridge Company. It's there for all to see."

"That's true."

Alpha nodded and said, "I know that your Eagle Sauce Bridge Company is very strong, so I told you, your Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, as long as the bidding document is good enough, then there is a good chance of winning the new capital construction. Engineering."

"So, your management committee agrees with our tender?"

Pete asked with a smile.

"But still, Pete, if there are other construction companies' tenders that are better than yours, I think the management committee will also make the right choice." Alfate reminded.

In the end, which construction company to choose, in fact, to put it bluntly, it depends on which construction company's plan is the best. As the management committee, it is natural to choose the plan of the construction company that is most beneficial to the pharaoh's side.

But this job is a very rich job.

"Alfate, I gave you a million dollars in your account in Switzerland, and you can buy some real estate in Switzerland, where the environment is quite good."

Pete, smoking a cigar, said to Alfate with a smile.

"Pete, what do you mean?"

Alpha frowned tightly, looking at Pete and asking.

Although he asked this, in fact, Alfate was still very comfortable. He was sitting in the position of the head of the management committee, and he had to make some oil and water anyway.

Of course.

Alpha also has certain principles.

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That is to make oil and water, but I will definitely not open the back door to my old friend Pete directly, and let their Eagle Sauce Bridge Company directly win the construction project of the new capital.

The bidding process still has to go. As for whether Yingjiang Bridge Company can get the construction project of this new capital, it depends on the hard power of Yingjiang Bridge Company.

"Alfate, relax a little, don't be so nervous."

Pete smiled and said to him, "As a friend, can't I give you a gift?"


Alpha nodded and said calmly, "As long as there are no other requirements."

"As I said just now, our Eagle Sauce Bridge Company is going to win this project by virtue of our strength. Even if you and I are old friends, it doesn't affect this."

Pete continued smoking his cigar, laughing.

In Pete's view, it doesn't matter if Arfate, as an old friend, doesn't open a green channel for himself, just send the money out.

"That's fine."

Seeing that his old friend Pete didn't ask for anything else, Arfate accepted this "gift" from his old friend with great satisfaction.

"Alfate, I booked a hotel for dinner tonight?"

Pete invited.


When Arfate heard the words, he immediately shook his head and said, "I have to meet some other people tonight, I think you should understand Pete, the tender will be held soon, I am very busy at this time, many people from the company They all come to see me, and I can't see these faces, can't I?"


Pete nodded and said, "Okay, Alphaat, I hope we can finally celebrate the founding of your new pharaoh's capital together."

The meaning of Pete's words is also obvious, that is, he is determined to win the construction project of the new capital of Pharaoh, because as a high-level executive of Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, he is very interested in the competitors Kiwit Construction Company, Bouygues Construction Company, Wanxi Group, etc., have already learned a lot.

It is because he understands that Pete is confident.


Arfate said with a smile: "Well, I'll see someone later, Pete, you can take a look at New Cairro City to see how to create the best new city for us."

"Ok, Alpha, then I won't bother you."

Pete finished smoking the cigar in his hand and finished talking with Alfate. Although he didn't get any substantive "promise", he had already completed the "plan".

After Pete left, Alfate showed an intriguing smile.

Immediately afterwards, Arfate received the person in charge of the next construction company. This is from Kiwitt Construction Company. It is a competitor with Eagle Sauce Bridge Company, but even if it is a competitor, it doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone comes to him. The person in charge of the construction company, everyone in Arfate needs to meet, and if you don’t see it, you can’t see it.

"Hey, Erevan."

Arfate met with Erivan, the principal of Kiwitt Construction.

At this time, the Xia Kingdom was on the side of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Ding Yue has asked An Yujia, Director Chen Ping, to prepare the bidding team and bring all the materials, ready to go to Pharaoh's Kailuo City.

After all, the official first tender is about to be held, and if you want to participate in the bidding, you have to go to Kailuo City.

"Principal Ding, the tickets have been booked, there are twelve people in total."

Secretary Wen Ruohan had already booked a flight ticket and came over to report to Principal Ding.

"Mmmm, Da Bai, have I packed my luggage?"

Ding Yue asked his artificial intelligence robot.

Dabai is not in the principal's office at the moment, but in his apartment room. Ding Yue asked Dabai to help him pack his luggage. This time he went to Kailuo City to participate in the bidding. Ding Yue was going to lead the team in person.

Because of this war without gunpowder smoke, Feiyue Construction Company made full preparations, including environmental improvement, soil improvement, super photosynthesis technology, etc. Although these have not been completed, but The progress has been very good.

This time, Ding Yue went to Pharaoh's Kailuo City to use these unfinished "black technologies" to win this tender, even if Pharaoh saw the environment of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences at the tender. The black technology of science and botany has not been completed, but it has already made such a high progress, and they will definitely consider it.

Ding Yue is confident.

"Let me inform everyone that at three o'clock in the afternoon, we will meet at the administrative building, and then we will go to the airport."

Ding Yue said to secretary Wen Ruohan.

"Okay Principal Ding."

Wen Ruohan nodded in response, then took out his mobile phone and prepared to notify one by one of the meeting time at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Just when Wen Ruohan was about to be the first to notify An Yujia.

An Yujia walked into the principal's office.

"Principal Ding."

After An Yujia came in, he asked, "Everything is ready, what time shall we leave."

This time, An Yujia is definitely going to Pharaoh Kailuo City, because An Yujia is the CEO of Feiyue Group. No matter what contracts are signed or business talks are made, An Yujia is inseparable from it. .

If Ding Yue went, as long as he was the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he would show his black technology in the School of Environment and Botany of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to the Pharaoh New Capital Management Committee.

"Sister An, Principal Ding just asked me to inform you that we will gather here at the administrative building at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and then leave for the airport. I have already made all the itinerary arrangements."

Wen Ruohan said to An Yujia with a smile.

As Principal Ding's personal secretary, Wen Ruohan must have arranged all the itineraries for this trip to the Pharaoh City of Kailuo, including air tickets, hotels, and return air tickets.

"Okay, did Director Chen inform you?"

An Yujia nodded and asked.

This time, the team that went to the pharaoh city of Kailuo to participate in the bidding meeting, UU Reading is Principal Ding with secretary Wen Ruohan, and then An Yujia with an assistant, and the rest is Feiyue Construction Company. The core staff on the side.

"I'm about to announce."

After Wen Ruohan finished speaking, he called Director Chen Ping.

"Huh, the propaganda from the Xia Construction Bureau is very strong. It seems that it is very confident that the project of the new capital of Pharaoh will be taken down this time."

Ding Yue glanced at the news and saw the official announcement about the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau.

The Xia Jian Bureau announced that they would officially go to Pharaoh Kailuo City to participate in the bidding for the project of Pharaoh's new capital, New Kailuo City. As soon as the news came out, I don't know how it became a hot search.

Ding Yue thought that the publicity department of the Xia Jian Bureau must have operated it, otherwise, just relying on this news, it would be so easy to get on the hot search?

Seeing that Xia Jianju was very confident, Ding Yue just smiled and didn't speak.

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