Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1003 Come to China

But the person has been killed... Even if I told them that they could continue picking up when they came back, they probably wouldn't dare to come.


The undead hero who led the undead to kill Tiago and other players walked up to Da Liang. The six-pointed star logo on his armor showed that he was a wizard of the Wizards Guild. Just after Daliang recognized his identity, he showed him the elder badge of the elder of his Mist District Chapter. An elder could still do it by calling on some of the power of the cyan coalition.

After completing the task, the wizard saluted Daliang. When he was about to speak, Daliang, who was afraid that his identity would be revealed, said first, "Thank you very much for your help. These gold coins on the ground are my donation to the defenders of the Bone Split Territory. I hope this money will allow you to recruit more soldiers.

Okay... I still have something to say to my friends. You can leave as soon as you finish cleaning up this place... Don't disturb us. "

After the wizard saluted Daliang again, he led the undead to pick up the gold coins on the ground.

Da Liang turned to Ada.

Ada was still in shock. In her eyes... Tiago, who was extremely majestic, extremely harmful, and extremely cruel, was killed by the Chinese player next to him with a wave of his hand.

Being able to command an NPC army, what kind of person is this Mr. Daliang? Why does Tiago call him Duke? Difficulty Is he a noble?

Da Liang, on the other hand, was thinking quickly about how to deal with Ada. He knew that gangs in Brazil were very rampant and would cause Ada a lot of trouble if they were not handled properly.

Finally, Da Liang said: "In order not to cause trouble for you, this plan to find the Eternal Night Cathedral is cancelled. If you think Tiago will not cause trouble for you, go back and explain to him now that you have no relationship with me. , you didn’t take me to the Cathedral of Eternal Night.


You feel that Tiago will get angry at you and possibly cause you physical harm.

I can take you and your family to China for temporary refuge. My company can provide you with a job and arrange for you to study here. After this war is over, you can choose to stay in China or return to Brazil. "

Ada asked, "Can we really go to China?"

China and the United States are the two poles of the world, not just in the game. Compared with the United States, which lives on the financial pyramid, China, which focuses on industry, can provide ample employment opportunities, and China is increasingly favored by workers from the third world.

The gap between rich and poor in Brazil is very large. Ada's family is on the extremely poor side. Living in a slum with no fixed income, going to school has become Ada's only way to change her destiny. But the high tuition fees... made her wonder if she could persist in finishing college.

But if I could go to China...

Everything will change. Everyone who has been to China says that China is the country with the best security in the world. A gold coin there can be sold for about three US dollars worth of RMB.

Oh my god...three dollars a gold coin.

Many children like Ada in Brazil dream of going to China and the United States.

Now the opportunity was right in front of her.

"Can I really go to China to study? With my family."

Daliang didn't take this as a big deal. As long as the money was in place, let alone bringing a family of Brazilians to come to China, there was no problem in annihilating the so-called frontline from outside the game.

However, Daliang is not used to solving things in the game outside the game. This is a matter of principle. And he started a war with the charging front line not just because Tiago offended him...

"Of course... If you are really in danger, log off and contact the Chinese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro now. I will find someone to see if I can take you into the consulate, and then arrange for you to get on a plane to China as soon as possible.

Remember, don’t bring anything with you and get to the place where Tiago can’t find you as soon as possible. "

"Okay... okay, thank you, Mr. Daliang."

Ada didn't know if Tiago would be angry with her because of these things, but the charge to the front line was a very radical one, and often a small thing could lead to their bloody revenge. After hearing what Daliang said, think about what Tiago would do if he was humiliated and killed in the game? Ada was really scared.

After thanking Daliang, Ada immediately exited the game.

Ada's home is located in a slum in Rio de Janeiro. Her parents, younger brother and she are crowded into a stuffy and small room. Just across the wall from their slum is Rio's famous wealthy district, with villas built on the hills facing the sea. The port not far ahead is filled with luxury yachts.

She quickly wrapped up her gaming helmet. It was Ada's most valuable thing. There were more than 300 gold coins she earned in the game.

Then Ada called her parents who were working outside and briefly explained what she had encountered in the game.

Hearing that his daughter had offended the Charge Front, and he was also the boss of the Charge Front. Ada's parents felt that their lives were coming to an end. They had no power to resist in the face of gangsters who committed drug trafficking, kidnapping, and murder.

They can only leave Rio de Janeiro as soon as possible, but leaving here...where can they go?

Ada immediately said to her anxious parents: "I met a person in the game, the Chinese who killed Tiago in the game. He is willing to take us to China... to China, where we can Start a new life, a better life than here.”

Older people are far less visionary for the future than young people. In the hearts of Ada's parents, China is too far away... as far away as an alien planet.

Their noon sun is actually in the south!

"Go to that person lying to you?"

"I don't know, but it's better than waiting for the people on the front lines to come to our door. And he asked us to go to the Chinese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro immediately, and we will reach China through formal channels."

Hearing that they were going to the Chinese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, Ada's parents finally dispelled some doubts. If the other party could really get the consulate to accept their family, then the Chinese that Ada knew would really be of great status.

People on the front line would come to the door at any time. Ada's parents asked Ada to find her brother, and they met outside the Chinese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro.

After Ada ended the call with her parents, she immediately ran out of the house with her gaming helmet.

Her younger brother Tommy plays football at a nearby court, where scouts from the Rio Flamengo club often pay attention. Becoming a professional player is the fastest way for a boy from a Brazilian slum to change his destiny.

"Go to China?" Tommy felt that his sister had gone crazy. "Is there football in China?"

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