Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1004 Confrontation on the Ocean

Ada doesn't know if there is football in China. But when she and her brother were explaining why they went to China, several frontline gang members found them.

They were bare-chested, showing off their scars and tattoos, and surrounded the two siblings, Ada.

"Ada, the boss wants to ask you some questions, come with us..."

After Ada went offline, Da Liang stopped looking for the Evernight Cathedral. Anyway, it wouldn't run away for a while, and it was more important to do business.

Return to Yongye City, gather your guards, and then return to Shangjiang City.

"All members of the Judgment Legion have entered a state of war, and the staff department has come up with a combat plan against the player legions on the west coast of the South Atlantic as quickly as possible."

Just after Daliang gave the order, Shu Xiao came over to chat privately: "Who are we going to fight? Is it very difficult for the east coast of the Pacific to fight the west coast of the Atlantic?"

"This is an easy war. Does our Judgment Legion need to take action? You first organize the combatants and ask Sister Man to come over and coordinate our logistics. This time we go to South America to have a good time.

I leave the preparations for war to you. I went to Uncle Jin to discuss something. "

"Okay! Don't worry, Master."

In preparation for the war, Daliang handed over to Shu Xiao and Xu Man. Then he contacted Boss Jin and asked him to ask someone to ask the Rio de Janeiro consulate to receive Ada's family and bring them to China as soon as possible.

Boss Jin has a wide range of people. To him, this little thing is just a phone call away.

After arranging people to keep an eye on the matter, Boss Jin asked Daliang: "Why did you go to South America to cause trouble?"

"Accident, it's a complete accident." Daliang also felt that this incident was surprising enough. He asked Boss Jin: "How far have we competed with the American game zone in the Pacific?"

In the Pacific Ocean in the game, in addition to the real islands, there are also countless islands, reefs and shallow water areas generated by the game itself.

Fishing resources, advanced monster refresh points, hidden maps, dungeons, resources, minerals, and commercial resources...

Endless, imaginable and unexpected wealth, far beyond the land.

After experiencing the naval battles in East Asia and Southeast Asia, the Chinese game area gained time for development with a victorious attitude. Then with the help of the opening of financial barriers, it quickly left its surrounding competitors behind and began to face the Pacific Ocean.

The American game area has a natural advantage in the Pacific. The Hawaiian Islands allow American players to easily reach the hinterland of the Pacific. They want to take the entire Pacific into their own pockets, but they have to face the challenge from the Chinese game area.

Before the Plane War broke out, the Chinese Game Zone and the American Game Zone had been fighting for control of the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, everyone had money, from large guilds and large legions to teams and individuals. As long as they had some money, they would invest in large-scale offshore development. Throughout the sea, scenes of thousands of sails cruising occurred from time to time.

However, although both sides had many ships at sea, no major war has ever occurred.

Because large-scale battles must be organized by large player groups. However, these large player groups are afraid that they will fight to the death with the enemy in the front and suffer heavy losses, while the small player groups in their own game area will take advantage and grab the victory from behind.

The gains outweigh the losses... The strongest maritime forces on both sides are avoiding a decisive battle at sea, and instead focus all their experience on the development of the ocean.

Therefore, although frictions between Chinese and American players occur every day in the Pacific, there has never been a war.

Now that the plane war has broken out, some sailing players have gone bankrupt. Some other sailing players are afraid to go out to sea again due to the rising gold price and increased sailing risks.

When the small fish and shrimps in the ocean have receded, the large fleets cruising on the sea are as eye-catching as great white sharks and giant whales.

"The risk of a major naval war in the Pacific between the Chinese and American game zones is increasing, and our Northern and Southern Lords Alliance is also actively expanding its maritime fleets.

Xu Man has traveled to South Korea and Japan many times. Even if they are unwilling to send troops to help us fight, they cannot be allowed to cause trouble for us later.

The biggest problem the ship.

Although we also have several senior ship designers, the drawing rate of the three-masted battleship is really poor. Feishanzushi's side is better. There is a very powerful senior ship designer in his Dominator Legion. The success rate of the three-masted warship design drawings is very high. The Dominator Legion's ability to travel across Southeast Asia depends entirely on the blueprints he provided.

Aren't you also a ship designer? What level is it now? "

In the past, Daliang had provided shipbuilding drawings to Boss Jin and Xu Man, but the recent shipbuilding plan of the Black Fire Fleet had taken up all the shipbuilding drawings produced by Daliang, so that Daliang had not supplied shipbuilding drawings to the outside world for a long time.

This time the maritime confrontation in the Sino-US game zone has reached a substantial stage. The Northern Lords Alliance has a very large demand for shipbuilding blueprints, especially three-masted battleships, the main battleships at sea.

After considering the shipbuilding progress of the Blackfire Territory, Da Liang decided that the Blackfire Fleet would first replenish the brigantine frigates. The Blackfire Kingdom has no risk of a sea war for the time being, and the need for three-masted battleships is not urgent. The number of three-masted battleships is currently sufficient, so the three-masted battleship blueprints will be given priority to the Northern Lords Alliance.

"I am also a senior ship designer now, and I happen to have a batch of three-masted battleship drawings in my hand, about 200 of them. I will count the numbers later and give them to Xu Man for distribution.

These three-masted warships should be able to strengthen the maritime power of the Northern Lords Alliance.

What I want to talk to Uncle Jin now is... the possibility of opening a battlefield in South America. "

Open up the battlefield in South America.

Boss Jin certainly knows what Daliang’s purpose is.

South America is the gold coin farm of the American game area. 70% of the gold coins flowing out of South America have gone to the American game area. These gold coins have cultivated powerful American player legions and contributed to the overall development of the American player territory. The progress is higher than that of Chinese players.

Opening up a battlefield in South America will raise the price of gold there, reduce the export of gold coins, and leave American players with no money to fight the war.

It's just that South America is really too far away, and it is within the sphere of influence of the American game area. It is difficult for the expedition to achieve the expected goal.

But Boss Jin knew that since Daliang had said it, he must have his own ideas. He asked: "Tell me about your plan. If we can really kill the American game zone in South America, we will have won half the battle in the Pacific." .”

Daliang said: "There are only more than 400 million people in South America, while Brazil has more than 200 million. At the same time, because of Brazil's overall economy, their player ratio is higher than that of other South American countries. The Intelligence Department of the University Alliance has made statistics, and the number of players in South America as a whole is Among them, players in the Brazilian game area accounted for three-fifths.

As long as we fight hard in the Brazilian game area and mess with them, we can take the opportunity for Yingshi Virtual Bank to extend its hands into South America. "

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