Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1005 Big brother takes the lead

The title cannot be changed until the editor is at work. The content has been corrected. I apologize again.


What Daliang said is very correct in theory, but how to operate it in practice?

The Chinese game area is so far away from the Brazilian game area. How can we organize people to go there and play?

Just when Boss Jin was about to ask about the details of Daliang's plan, the Chinese Consulate in Rio de Janeiro called him. Then Boss Jin immediately said to Daliang: "The Rio Consulate has received Ada's parents, but did not see Anda and her brother. Someone called to tell Ada's parents that a gang member called Charge Front took Ada and her brother His brothers were all taken away.”

The thing that Daliang least expected to see happened happened...

Why are some people so bad at playing games?

"Uncle Jin, I will tell you more about the South American incident when I have a chance. What happened to Ada was entirely because of me. I will find a way to rescue her first."

After saying that, Daliang closed the communication with Boss Jin. Then he took Julian, Juliet, and Yesha through the main plane of hell to locate the portal, and appeared in the sky above Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian game area.

To be precise... it was the headquarters of the Assault Front Corps under the City of Rio de Janeiro that took off.

Tiago, who was on the front line of the charge, was really angry after being killed by the NPC army commanded by Daliang. He believed that this was an ambush specifically targeting him, because no one could pass by a system city and command the troops inside at will.

Daliang must have done some mission in the Bone Split Territory to have the right to command a part of the system's army. Then he and Ada planned to lure me there, and then killed me while I didn't have enough personnel to protect me.

"Ada...I want you to know what will happen to traitors."

After Tiago went offline, he immediately sent people to capture Ada. Then his men took Ada, who was ready to escape, to his residence...a villa overlooking the sea.

Facing the sea, the villa is facing a large swimming pool, with several beautiful Latin beauties swimming around in bikinis. There were some vigilant gang members standing outside and inside the villa, with bags bulging under their clothes and guns in their pockets, loyally protecting Tiago's safety.

At this time, Tiago was sitting in a chair. He was slightly fatter, holding a piece of deerskin and wiping a shiny revolver with his hand covered with gemstone rings.

Ada and Tommy were pushed in front of Tiago.

Tommy was already frightened. Ada held him in her arms and begged Tiago: "Sir, I'm really sorry. I didn't know this would happen. This is the first time that Daliang and I met in China. , he just let me lead the way, I have nothing to do with him."

Tiago didn't speak. He cleaned the gun carefully, then put a bullet into the magazine and turned the wheel of the revolver.

At this time, Tiago raised his head and said to Ada with what he thought was the kindest smile: "Whether you have anything to do with Da Liang or not, none of us know. But I think you should know how to play Russian roulette? This one The gun has six magazines and I only loaded one round.

I'll give you four chances to say 'I don't know'. Every time you say 'I don't know', I'll shoot your brother.

After four times, you can take your brother back, alive or dead.

The first question: Do you know that Daliang wants to ambush me? "

"I..." Seeing that Tiago had pointed the gun at Tommy, Ada desperately tried to protect her brother, but Tiago's men snatched Tommy away and pinned him on Tiago's body. Under the gun.

Ada begged bitterly, begging Tiago to let them go.

But Tiago didn't have that much patience: "If you don't answer, you don't know. This is the first shot... For the next question, don't delay any more."

When Tiago was about to shoot Tommy, a man rushed out of the villa and shouted loudly: "Head... someone is causing trouble at our legion's station."

"You didn't see that I was doing something very important! Can't you wastes solve it?"

The man hesitated and said: "'s Da Liang from the Chinese Game Zone. He occupied the airspace of our legion's station and said that if you harm Ada, he will burn our legion's station clean!"


The bright light was in the sky above the assault front legion's station.

Tiago remembered what Daliang said to him.

"Start now...the Chinese Game Zone Judgment Legion declares war on the Brazilian Game Zone Charge Front Legion...!

Commander Tiago, see you in Rio de Janeiro! "

Why did he come so quickly!

Suddenly... the fire on the Tottori coast appeared in Tiago's mind... This guy is an expert in arson, and he must not be allowed to set off a "meteor shower" on top of the assault front legion's station!

Tiago did not dare to delay. He asked his men to keep an eye on Ada and his sister, and then walked quickly into the villa. At the same time, he asked: "How many people have come from the Judgment Legion? Have you notified the Radiant Leader to send support? "

"The Judgment Legion did not come. Da Liang only brought two heroes. One is Archangel Julian, and the other cannot identify his identity."

Tiago was so nervous just now because he thought that the entire Judgment Army was coming. However, upon closer inspection, he found out that one of them was carrying two heroes. He couldn't help but slap the man in the face and cursed: "He has three people... you can't deal with him? Is the Archangel very good? It's not like I don't have one!"

The man said aggrievedly: "Boss, our Archangel has been killed by Da Liang's hero. Now...our players and units that can fly will die as many as they go up...If there is really nothing we can do, I wouldn't dare to Came to call you.”

"What!" Tiago was shocked: "My archangel is dead, how did you protect him!"

"It happened too fast. Our Archangel fell down as soon as he went up..."

Tiago's heart suddenly went cold, and he quickened his pace...

When Tiago logged into the game and returned to his legion station, what he saw was that the sky was clear and there was nothing flying under the white clouds. There were only three people parked in the airspace directly above the legion station.

In the middle is the appearance of Daliang, who is wearing a priest's robe and holding a staff, riding on the back of a royal griffon.

On the left side of Da Liang is an archangel. Tiago recognized this as the famous angel Ji Julian in the early stages of the game. Flying Sand and Stone was rated as an A-level ultimate creature, and was judged as the most powerful angel by the Eye of Insight.

It's just that Julian hasn't appeared in public for a long time. This time he appears here, his appearance and armor have changed a lot...

The other hero is relatively unfamiliar. He looks like an anime character, with long purple hair and two swords on his waist.

The people who came with Tiago said to him: "Head...our archangel was killed by the purple-haired hero. She was very fast. Those of us who rushed up couldn't get close to Da Liang, so she was killed." ”

Tiago's eyelids twitched: "You mean, Daliang and Julian didn't take action at all, but he killed my whole legion with just one hero and no one dared to fly?"


I sent it wrong, I will correct it tomorrow.

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