Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1008 Changing clothes

While Daliang was collecting information about Memnon through the university alliance, Memnon was also searching for information about Daliang, especially the strength he had just shown in the battle against the frontline legion.

Four archangels (Julian was mistaken for the archangel), three golden dragons, a purple-haired high-level hero, an invisible high-level assassin, plus Daliang's own advanced spellcasting profession...

Just the force revealed is already very luxurious, and it is not known whether he has any hidden strength.

The important thing is...most of the ultimate heroes brought by Daliang and himself did not take action. Just a purple-haired heroine kills the frontline personnel who dare not take off, but a black assassin hero kills the frontline personnel and everyone is in danger.

Very tricky!

If you want to defeat Da Liang here, you must be prepared to pay a heavy price.

But there are many benefits to killing Daliang.

The biggest benefit is...the big bosses in the American game area put a bounty on Da Liang.

When the large maritime fleet clusters of the Chinese game area and the American game area began to face each other, the American game area also felt the pressure from the Western Pacific.

The number one player in the game, Feishanzoushi, is entrenched in Southeast Asia. He relies on the South China Sea to manage the surrounding area like an iron barrel.

And when China and the United States were confronting each other in the Pacific but maintaining restraint, he took the initiative to lead his fleet out of the Indian Ocean. The Overlord Fleet led the fleet of the Southern Lords Alliance to advance quickly, and then, with the support of various game areas in Southeast Asia, won a naval battle against the Indian game area.

Feishanzushi used the fastest speed to completely control the Strait of Malacca and extended its tentacles into the Indian Ocean.

The Asian subcontinent, the Middle East and East Africa lay before him.

However, Feishauzushi did not continue to advance westward. Instead, when the plane war broke out, he quickly moved his main maritime force eastward and deployed his troops in Indonesia, directly threatening Oceania.

The series of strategic movements of flying sand and stones are breathtaking. When everyone thought that due to the threat of the United States, the Southern Lords Alliance of China would put its main force in the Pacific Ocean, Feishaozushi opened a breakthrough in the Indian Ocean, obtained supply permission on the coast of the Bay of Bengal in Myanmar, and seized many islands to build military facilities and docks for mooring warships.

Players in the Indian game area were stunned by the sudden appearance of Chinese warships in the Indian Ocean. After losing a decisive battle at sea, they had to admit that a big tiger had entered their back garden.

However, just as the Indian Game Zone was preparing to deal with the next attack from the Chinese Game Zone, Feishaozushi proposed peace talks.

Stabilizing the frightened Indian game area, flying sand and stones asked allies to help defend their occupied areas, and then pulled the main sea force to the coast of Indonesia.

All game areas in Oceania are directly exposed to the range of naval guns with flying sand and rocks.

After the Southern Lords Alliance fleet in the Chinese game zone completed its deployment in the Pacific, a plane war broke out, and the maritime confrontation between the Chinese and American game zones moved closer to the brink of war.

So far... Feishanzushi took advantage of the time difference and took advantage of the Indian Game Zone's numbness and carelessness to obtain the westward sea entrance, control the Strait of Malacca and build a western strategic buffer zone, so that the Indian Game Zone could not threaten his home base - the South China Sea.

Then he occupied an extremely favorable position in the upcoming Pacific War.

Flying Sands and Stones looked at the island chain extending eastward in Oceania, and made a right hook stance on the Pacific Ocean. The American game area does not dare to go directly west along the Hawaii-Guam direction.

The early stage of the future Pacific War should be a battle for the Oceania island chain, and the control of Southeast Asia has a unique supply advantage.

The Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese game area is not as geographically located as the Southern Lords Alliance. The strategic maneuvering space is small. Not only does it face supply difficulties in the open ocean, but it also faces the Korean and Japanese game areas that are not very obedient.

However, the strength of the Northern Lords Alliance is not weak, especially they have Da Liang and the Judgment Legion commanded by Da Liang.

Da Liang is very strong. He is currently the only player in the game who can win against flying sand and rocks in a large-scale war. What he is good at is to attack more with less, and use elite troops to implement the black tiger heart-breaking tactic and appear in the enemy's most critical places.

When fighting behind enemy lines, you must have very strong strength if you want to win.

Daliang just has this strength, and there is nothing that can be done against him with several times the military strength.

Compared with the hard Kung Fu of flying sand and moving stones, players in the American game area are more afraid of Da Liang's sweeping kick.

Now Da Liang has left the Chinese game area and appeared in the Brazilian game area, and has brought so many ultimate creatures and advanced heroes. If this force appears in the Pacific War, it will definitely be a nightmare for players in the American game area, but now they are surrounded by Memnon.

As long as they can kill these ultimate creatures, the bosses in the American gaming area are willing to pay any price.

When Memnon was facing Daliang, he was receiving offers one after was really irresistible wealth.

Facing Daliang's inquiry, Memnon smiled like he saw Jinshan: "Duke Daliang, it's not that I want to kill you, it's that I have to kill you. I blame you for being too arrogant. At a time when you shouldn't have appeared, Appearing in a place that shouldn't be there, he brought a group of heroes that he shouldn't have brought with him. and your subordinate heroes have been put on the bounty list with a clear price tag, and 200 million US dollars have been placed in front of me. What can I do? "

Daliang was as firm as a mountain in the face of the siege. He said to Memnon: "No matter how much money you have, it is yours if you have the ability to take it. This is a matter between me and the Charge Front Legion. I didn't want to involve too many people."

If you insist on participating, your loss will definitely not be 200 million US dollars. "

Memnon laughed and said: "Daliang, you are too arrogant...this is the Brazilian Game Zone!

Here, whoever I let die will die! Today, you will all die here! "

Memnon stopped talking nonsense with Daliang and was about to order an attack...

But at this time, the sound of the horn came from the direction of Rio de Janeiro. Then smoke and dust billowed from the ground, and a large-scale army was rushing towards the charging front-line legion station.

A thick white cloud in the sky was also pressing down quickly, and it was dotted with countless silver lights. If you look closely, you will see that the white clouds are all composed of Pegasus Knights and Silver Pegasus Knights.

The dragon's roar resounded throughout the world, and the roars of more than a dozen golden dragons and green dragons came and went.

An army of elves is getting closer and closer. The flags they carry show that they belong to the Royal Guards of Rio de Janeiro.

The city of Rio de Janeiro is the main city of the elves.

What are the troops from the main city doing here? Outside the city limits, NPC armies generally ignore private fights between players.

Was he passing by?

In order not to involve this elven army in the battle, Memnon stopped issuing all-attack orders, and instead let a dozen high-level players see Da Liang to prevent him from opening a portal to escape.

Rio de Janeiro's army was getting closer and closer, and then Memnon noticed that Da Liang did not run away but began to change clothes.

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