Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1009 Welcome

Daliang took off his priest's robe and put on Shangjiang's aristocratic ducal uniform. He took out the scepter that symbolized his status as a duke, and then pinned the King's Hand badge, which represented his status as Shangjiang's imperial prime minister, on the left breast of the dress.

In a short period of time, Daliang changed from a player adventurer to a noble with a special status in the game.

Of course, the aristocrats in the Chinese gaming area will not enjoy any privileges when they come to the Brazilian gaming area, but this time they are not coming to Rio de Janeiro in their own name.

Teleported to Sofia with Daliang, and headed to Rio de Janeiro in advance with the credentials of diplomatic relations.

On coming...

Daliang believed that he did not have the ability to destroy the charging front line by himself. If there was a real fight, the most he could do was burn down the Legion garrison on the front line of the charge, and then be surrounded by the entire Rio de Janeiro players.

Just like a foreign player going to a Chinese game area to show off his power, this is something that will cause public outrage. No matter what the cause of the matter is, players in the domestic game area must first protect their own people.

However, in order to save Ada, Daliang had no choice but to change his plan and came to the Brazilian Game Zone alone.

After occupying the airspace of the charging front, Daliang made no further attacks. Not to escalate the matter is to prevent the players in Rio de Janeiro from being angered and triggering a siege from them. He just showed his strength appropriately, so that Tiago would not dare to hurt Ada now and win time to rescue Ada.

Then there is the matter of staying in Rio de Janeiro, staying in Rio in a manner that can threaten the charging frontline legion's garrison at any time, and continuing to maintain pressure on Tiago until Ada is rescued.

Daliang cannot be defeated in Brazil, nor can he win a disastrous victory, which will make Tiago lose his fear.

Therefore, when Memnon summoned players to surround Da Liang, the army from Rio de Janeiro arrived in time.

The hero who led this army of elves rode a golden dragon and broke through the encirclement of players and came to Daliang.

After seeing Daliang's attire, scepter and badge, the elf hero immediately stood up on the back of the golden dragon and saluted Daliang: "Dear Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City, I am Count Harrison of Rio de Janeiro. I heard that you are here. After hearing the news, King Duolun was very happy and ordered me to lead the royal guards to greet him.

What is going on here? Is someone trying to attack the most expensive guest in Rio de Janeiro? "

The visit of Duke Daliang, the former prime minister of Shangjiang City, aroused the highest attention in Rio de Janeiro. Just looking at the welcoming lineup, you can tell what kind of status Daliang has in the heart of King Duolun.

Dare to attack Daliang?

Don’t want to hang out in Rio de Janeiro anymore...

Two hundred million dollars just flew away, and Memnon gritted his teeth angrily. But he did not have the ability to deal with the main city of Rio, so he had no choice but to say to Earl Harrison with a smile: "Your Majesty, we are all here to welcome the Duke of Daliang, and we have absolutely no intention of attacking the Duke."

Earl Harrison's expression softened slightly: "Since we are welcoming Duke Daliang, let's get out of the way. His Majesty is already waiting to receive the Duke at the palace..."

Memnon had no choice but to retreat with his men and give up the airspace leading to Rio de Janeiro.

Daliang was riding the golden dragon, the ultimate creature of the elves, which made Harrison's favorability towards him rise a lot. He respectfully said to Daliang: "Your Majesty has prepared a banquet in the palace, and he very much hopes to meet with you. Jiangcheng established a friendly cooperative relationship.

Invite your lord the Duke to come into the city! "

"I am also very much looking forward to meeting King Duolun. Could you please lead the way, Lord Earl?"

Daliang's aristocratic etiquette is impeccable.

Harrison turned the direction of the golden dragon, formed a ceremonial marching formation with the following golden and green dragons, and flew towards the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Daliang's archangels and golden dragons also formed a guard of honor formation under the leadership of Julian, protecting Daliang in the middle.

Glancing lightly at Memnon, Da Liang said to the gargoyle-riding Ada: "Stay online and report your situation to me every four hours. If... anyone hurts you, I will burn this place down immediately."

After saying that, without even looking at Tiago, Daliang led his team to follow Harrison and fly to the city of Rio de Janeiro.

"Thank you, Lord Duke! You should also be careful..."

Daliang flew away and bowed to Ada behind his back: "Don't worry, I will be fine. It's just that some people... are in big trouble!"

Just like that... Daliang was surrounded and watched by tens of thousands of players, and the golden dragon he was riding slowly flew away.

Once Daliang leaves this time and enters Rio de Janeiro, he will be protected by the NPC army. Memnon knew that letting Daliang leave would cause endless troubles in the future, but he had no choice but to do anything about it.

There is no way to fight this battle, and I don’t dare to fight it. Once they are classified as rebels by King Doron's wanted order, their properties in Rio will be attacked and confiscated.


Memnon could only sigh, but he was very confused about the purpose of Daliang coming to the Brazilian game area.

Charge Frontline is only a little famous in Rio. It is nothing outside of Rio. Why did it conflict with a high-level player like Daliang, causing Daliang to risk such a big risk and come to the Brazilian game area to find Tia in person? Ge's trouble?

So Memnon called Tiago and asked him in detail about the whole process of what happened.

Tiago was very honest in front of Memnon, telling him exactly how he blackmailed Daliang, and then how Daliang sent an NPC army to kill them.

Now Tiago really regrets provoking Daliang, and finally realizes the difference in strength between himself and Daliang. It is impossible for the army brought by Memnon to stay at the front line of the charge, while Da Liang is in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

As long as the player's army here disperses, he can come out and set fire to the frontline station at any time. It can be said that as long as Daliang is in Rio de Janeiro for one day, long as Daliang doesn't say that this matter is over, he will be worried for one day.

After Tiago finished telling what happened, he asked Memnon: "Mr. Memnon, I would like to ask you to mediate the conflict between us and Daliang. I am willing to let Ada go and compensate Daliang with 500,000 gold coins." Mental damages."

To Memnon, this incident was a very common conflict in the game. There are too many blackmails in the game, but Tiago just kicked the iron plate without opening his eyes. But Memnon always feels that things are far from being as simple as they appear. There are too many ways to save Ada, such as just now...

Tiago has promised to let Ada go, but Daliang insists on surrendering the frontline troops.

Is this motivated by motivation, or does it have another agenda?

What's the use of a medium-sized Brazilian player army surrendering to you, a Chinese game zone player? Can you still reach Brazil through a charging front?

Thinking of this, Memnon suddenly looked at the army that was flying towards the city of Rio de Janeiro, and was suddenly shocked!

He really wants to put his hand into the Brazilian Game Zone, and he has already done so. Now all the players in the Brazilian Game Zone know that Daliang is in Rio de Janeiro and is treated as a guest by King Duolun...

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