Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1011 Showing Muscles

Under the guidance of Harrison, Daliang walked to King Duolun. King Duolun smiled kindly and said: "I didn't expect you, Duke, to be so young... Of course, King Joyce, who newly inherited the throne of Shangjiang, is also a young man. The human race, you have given vitality to Shangjiang. That city, which is very far away to us, has created a miracle that makes people look up to it, and has brought hope to all the castles in the main world to survive this war.

Please congratulate Queen Joyce on her coronation for me. It is an unforgettable regret that I was not present to attend her coronation ceremony. "

Daliang saluted King Duolun respectfully and complimented: "Thank you for your blessing. Your Majesty's wisdom is also admirable. After the war broke out, I visited many cities, and they were all affected by the war and were desolate.

In Rio, I didn't see any signs of war, and the residents of the city were not greatly affected.

This is the most valuable thing... Only when the city is stable can everyone's strength be united to tide over the difficulties together. "

King Duolun smiled helplessly: "I am already old and no longer as strong as I was when I was young. I will bear all the humiliation alone. When the war is over, I will abdicate and turn this dark page away. .

I wonder what kind of good news your Lord Duke will bring us when you visit Rio de Janeiro? "

Daliang said: "Of course it's friendship and cooperation!"

This is what King Duolun wants to hear most. He smiled happily and said: "I also look forward to establishing a friendly cooperative relationship with Shangjiang City. This is not a place to discuss important matters. If the Duke doesn't mind attending the banquet later, we will You can go to my study first to discuss some cooperation methods."

"I also very much hope to immediately listen to His Majesty's views on the diplomatic relations between our two city-states..."

King Duolun announced the start of the banquet and invited Daliang to his study for discussion. Then he noticed Julian behind Daliang.

Due to previous reports from his attendants, King Duolun knew that Daliang had brought four archangels and three golden dragons. At first, King Duolun thought that Julian, who had been following Daliang, was an ordinary archangel. After all, it was not something worthy of attention for a human duke to have an archangel attendant beside him.

But if you feel it carefully, there are many differences between this archangel and other archangels.

The faintly revealed aura is stronger than that of the Archangel...

This is a higher-level angel than the archangel, and King Doron made a judgment in a short period of time. The only angels that are higher than Archangels are the Supreme Angels and Holy Angels that I have heard of but never seen.

There is a supreme angel in Shangjiang City, who is also a female angel. However, it is impossible for the supreme angel to be a follower of a human duke, so this one should be a 15th-level holy angel.

An entourage of holy angels…

King Duolun couldn't believe his own judgment. The status of the Holy Angel in the angel race was second only to that of the Supreme Angel. He served as the mid-to-high-level commander of the Angel Legion. His identity and status were not weaker than those of the city-state kings of the main world. Normally, it is impossible for a holy angel to appear in the main world, let alone become a follower of the human race.

But Shangjiang City is guarded by a supreme angel...

In order to confirm his judgment, King Duolun saluted Julian and said, "Is this sir a holy angel?"

Julian respectfully saluted King Doron: "Hello, Your Majesty... I am Holy Julian, the guardian angel of Duke Daliang."

Although he had already guessed it, King Duolun was still deeply shocked when he knew that he had guessed correctly. To be guarded by a holy angel, this Duke of Daliang is really not simple... Shangjiang City really cannot be understood using the common sense of the main world.

"It is really an honor for this city to have a holy angel come to Rio..."

Julian was about to say something humble, but Juliet, who was ignored, was very dissatisfied with King Duolun's attitude towards her. She exuded her coercion, and three black flames emerged from her waist and kept swinging.

The aura of fear instantly enveloped the entire banquet hall, and the elven nobles who were originally happy about the arrival of the Great Light fell silent instantly.

"I am also an angel..."

Just as Juliet was about to introduce herself, Julian spread his wings, and the divine aura descended, covering the fear. Then he said: "You only need to introduce yourself. Don't show your power without an adult's order."

Then Julian apologized to King Doron: "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, this is my sister Juliet. Because of her violent personality, she was restrained around me, so she was also brought into the palace. If it disturbs Your Majesty, And all the adults, please forgive me..."

Juliet put away her momentum and said evilly: "Sister, you forgot to mention that my Hell Angel, like your Holy Angel, is the 15th level..."

Da Liang sometimes felt helpless towards Juliet's temper, but at the same time he was glad that Stark and the others were not transformed into Hell's Angels. These extremely evil and chaotic creatures were really difficult to discipline.

Seeing that Juliet had ruined the banquet, Daliang said to Julian: "Take Juliet out and wait for me, keep an eye on her... don't let her cause trouble."

"But I want..."

Juliet took Julian's hand and walked out, and said: "It's really boring here. Let's go to the beach and see if there are any unlucky sea monsters there. Don't worry...this is Rio de Janeiro. The palace, and... isn’t the night still here?”

Julian followed Juliet and left the palace at Da Liang's signal.

Daliang apologized to King Duolun: "I made you laugh, Your Majesty. Juliet is a Hell's Angel and doesn't like to be too restrained. Following me does make her very uncomfortable. If your Majesty is frightened, I will apologize to you on her behalf."

King Duolun laughed and said: "Duke Daliang is really surrounded by heroes. Shangjiang can join the Five Color Flag Alliance as the main alliance, which is really strong.

I am even more looking forward to cooperating with Shangjiang in the future. "

Juliet's outburst just now really scared King Duolun. He could realize that Daliang wanted to kill him, and he could do it just by relying on this holy angel and a hell angel. And... according to Juliet, Daliang is now accompanied by a follower named Yezi.

Where is he?

This is the hinterland of the palace, guarded by several master druids, and countless detection magics constantly monitoring every corner of the palace, but none of them noticed an invisible hero coming in here.

The strength of Duke Shangjiang is really frightening. At the same time, King Duolun also intuitively felt the strength possessed by Shangjiang. Shangjiang is so far away and is a very unfamiliar city to Rio. All the news about Shangjiang is vague and hearsay.

Now... Duke Shangjiang is accompanied by a 15th-level Holy Angel, a 15th-level Hell's Angel and an assassin hero who should also be a 15th-level assassin. Shangjiang's overall strength is evident.

King Duolun said that he was looking forward to cooperating with Shangjiang, which was not a compliment. He couldn't wait to cooperate with Shangjiang and put the wealth of his city in a safe nest.

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