Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1012 Good people and good deeds

Although the nobles in Rio de Janeiro were frightened by Juliet's violent aura, it was always a good thing to have a strong friend.

After King Duolun invited Daliang to his study for discussion, the banquet returned to a relaxed atmosphere. The elven nobles discussed what consensus could be reached through this cooperation between Rio City and Shangjiang City, and whether an alliance could be established.

The Five Color Flag Alliance is really very powerful. If the City of Rio de Janeiro can become one of them, then when the Magic Realm invades again, with the support of three giant dragon clans, they will be determined to fight the Bauhinia City.

"Cheers to the friendship between the city of Rio de Janeiro and the city of Shangjiang!"

In the banquet hall, the elven nobles toasted to celebrate.

Daliang and King Duolun also picked up the elves' wine and clinked glasses with each other to show that the negotiation had a happy start.

"I hope that Shangjiang City can sign a commercial custody agreement with Rio de Janeiro City. The nobles in Rio...including me want to send most of the gold coins in the vault to Shangjiang City for temporary storage as soon as possible.

We can pay part of the fee as Shangjiang's storage fee for us. "

King Duolun first proposed the most urgent needs of Rio de Janeiro City. The news of Daliang's arrival in Rio City will definitely be known to Bauhinia City, and he will definitely intervene in Rio City's transfer of the wealth from the treasury. He must deliver the wealth in the treasury to Shangjiang before Bauhinia City reacts.

Daliang came to Rio de Janeiro this time not only to save Aida, but also for the gold coins in the cities in the entire South American system. His appetite was not just for an elf main city.

Just gold coins to help keep? The owner of the gold coin knows the exact amount. If it is less, there will be a message indicating that Shangjiang City cannot use it...

"No problem, Shangjiang City is willing to help Rio City keep your wealth." Daliang's words calmed King Duolun's heart, and then Daliang said again: "However... His Majesty wants to use this method to avoid Bauhinia City. Robbery, I’m afraid, won’t be very effective.”

King Duolun nodded: "The Duke is right. If Bauhinia City takes over Rio and even kidnaps me to extort gold coins, we can only transport the gold coins back from Shangjiang.

Do you have any good solutions? "

Da Liang picked up the wine glass and said, "Has your Majesty heard that Shangjiang is issuing war bonds?"

War bonds are a new term for system NPCs. Now Shangjiang's war bonds have just been issued in the business circle of Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, and the impact has not yet occurred. Therefore, the city of Rio de Janeiro in South America does not yet know what war bonds are.

I saw King Duolun with a confused look on his face.

Daliang explained: "The war bonds issued by Shangjiang City this time are paid bonds issued for plane wars. If your majesty wants to truly preserve the wealth of Rio de Janeiro City, I suggest that you purchase all the gold coins you plan to store in Shangjiang. War Bonds.

The war bonds currently issued by Shangjiang have a three-year term and a total interest rate of 10%.

The interest is not the most important thing, the important thing is that it takes three years to be cashed into gold coins. If Redbud City comes to rob and extort again, His Majesty can say that you exchanged all the gold coins for war bonds. You can give them bonds of equal value and then provide evidence to report the loss to Shangjiang City.

And if the three years are up and the war is not over, you can apply for an extension for another three years.

The war will eventually end...

As long as the Five Color Flag Alliance is here and the Supreme Angel Holy Bella is here, you will not suffer any loss of your money. "

After listening to Daliang's explanation, King Duolun finally understood the function of war bonds.

The base camp plane robs the main plane for gold coins. Gold coins can expand the army, make weapons, and build fortifications. These are things that war bonds cannot do.

As long as the wealth represented by the bonds cannot be directly exchanged, it will be of no use to the base camp plane.

After Bauhinia City sees Rio City taking out these war bonds, they may become angry and wreak havoc on Rio de Janeiro City, but they will not do it a second time, because doing so will not gain anything except a waste of plane teleportation resources.

King Duolun was very moved by the war bonds issued by Shangjiang, but he also knew that as long as the gold coins were exchanged for bonds, the gold coins would no longer be his.

At least for the three years it took for the war bonds to be redeemed, it was just a pile of paper.

Should I change it or not? King Duolun was very hesitant.

Daliang struck while the iron was hot and said: "In order to prevent the war bonds redeemed by customers from being idle in the past three years, we in Shangjiang City are making every effort to promote the circulation of war bonds.

Currently around the Eastern Pacific, war bonds have begun to replace some gold coins in commodity transactions. The trade affected by the plane war is slowly recovering from the depression period.

We believe that with the widespread use of war bonds, trade in the main world will soon return to prosperity. "

After purchasing war bonds and gold coins, King Duolun received the impact of a new idea.

Use Shangjiang's war bonds instead of gold coins to trade goods?

Is this possible?


As long as everyone recognizes that Shangjiang's war bonds represent the same amount of gold coins, they will be willing to use war bonds for trade.

And when all the base camp planes are eyeing the wealth of the main world, is there any more reassuring substitute for wealth than owning Shangjiang War Bonds?

Even if gold coins are exchanged for war bonds, they are not dead money. You can buy what you want and restore the depressed economy of Rio de Janeiro.

King Duolun was already very excited.

However, King Duolun was not dazzled by the immediate benefits. Duke Daliang came all the way from Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro, definitely not to give benefits.

He definitely wants something!

Shangjiang City wanted to use the city of Rio de Janeiro to achieve certain purposes, which is why they sent a duke here.

In the understanding of King Duolun...

Shangjiang City helped me keep my gold coins, offended Bauhinia City for me, and gave me 10% interest after three years. Such good people and good deeds will definitely not be done by Shangjiang City in vain. They will definitely let Rio de Janeiro City give some profits in exchange for these things paid by Shangjiang City.

King Duolun already has a plan to cede some of the interests of Rio City. As long as the conditions proposed by Shangjiang City are not so harsh, as long as he can leave wealth for Rio City to survive the war. He can agree to any conditions of Shangjiang City.

"Your Excellency Duke...what do we need to pay to get the help Shangjiang City gives us?"

King Duolun probably wouldn't have thought that taking away Rio's wealth would be Daliang's biggest purpose.

Therefore, when King Duolun proposed to pay some remuneration and agreed to some terms for these "benefits", Daliang was really unprepared for the moment.

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