Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1013 If you want to get rich, build roads first

Since King Duolun offered to give, what should I order?

Da Liang is thinking...

You can ask for some rare resources and high-level troops; you can also ask for some trade preferential rights. Rio de Janeiro is an important port on the east coast of South America. The distance from East Asia to here determines that the profits of specialty products will be very high.

The right to garrison troops...

Finally, Daliang said to King Duolun: "We hope to open a teleportation array from Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro."

Open a teleportation array?

King Duolun thought that Shangjiang City would need resources, troops, trade preferential rights, and even garrison troops here... but he did not expect that Shangjiang would open a teleportation array connecting the two cities.

It is definitely a very big project to realize the transmission from Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro across the Pacific Ocean and the South American continent. The teleportation fee will also be very high. The teleportation fee for a single person is at least 1,000 gold.

King Duolun asked: "Building a teleportation array from Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro is not a simple project, and it will cost a lot of resources."

Daliang said: "If His Majesty is willing to fund the construction of this teleportation array, we can invite Zilong to solve the technical problem. If the teleportation array can be used to connect Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro, it will make our friendship stronger.

In addition, we also want to establish a branch of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro and rent a port for the exclusive use of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Shangjiang City is a city-state built entirely on commerce. We have to bear the expenses of the entire Five-Color Flag Alliance, so we must restore the main world's trade market as soon as possible. This is also the main purpose of our issuance of war bonds.

We also value the trade potential and undiscovered resources of the South Atlantic coast. "

After Daliang's explanation, King Duolun suddenly became enlightened.

It turns out that this is the purpose of Shangjiang's issuance of war bonds...

That's right... Shangjiang has a narrow area and poor products. Being able to become the main city is entirely dependent on business. Now that the plane war breaks out and the main plane trade shrinks, the impact on Shangjiang is very big.

If Shangjiang wants to maintain the safety of the city, he must reactivate the main world's economy to make money. Issuing war bonds instead of gold coins is the best solution.

The doubts in King Duolun's heart disappeared, and the last concern about buying war bonds disappeared.

As for the opening of the teleportation array connecting Shangjiang to Rio de Janeiro... this is a good thing. Anything that can bring Shangjiang closer is a good thing. The teleportation fee of 1,000 gold is nothing. If the Supreme Angel can be invited to visit Rio de Janeiro City, Bauhinia City will have more concerns. This 1,000 gold is definitely worth it.

Moreover, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has set up a branch in Rio, which King Duolun also thinks is a good thing.

Drive all surrounding city-states to use war bonds. Once the bonds are circulated, the economy of the entire South America will be alive. Only with taxes and income can we develop the city, expand the army, and have the opportunity to keep out the Redbud army.

Da Liang slowly drank the elf's wine.

Asking for things directly... is so outdated! Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City are so far apart. Even if they ask for a lot of preferential policies and fail to implement them, there is no good way to deal with them.

Establish a teleportation array so that if there is an emergency in Rio, Shangjiang City can step in at any time.

By establishing a Shuntong Chamber of Commerce branch, you can slowly control the economies of South American city-states through trade routes and the issuance of war bonds.

For King Doron, the city of Rio de Janeiro will become the economic center of South America because of this teleportation array and war bonds. This is a win-win situation, and he has no reason not to support it.

Shangjiang's interests in South America have been growing steadily and continuously, which is far more long-term than signing unequal treaties and getting some benefits for free...

In addition, Shangjiang's forces have established a foothold in South America, which also means that Daliang has officially begun to develop the South Atlantic.

The Hero World has two resource treasure troves, one is South America and the other is Africa.

These two continents are vast and sparsely populated, and most of them are unexplored dark areas, where there are dangerous high-level monsters and undiscovered wealth.

However, these two continents are very far away from the Chinese gaming area.

The coastal road is bumpy to the west, and blocked by the American Game Zone to the east.

The game landscape seems to be moving towards the American game area to eat up South America, and many European games are developing in the opposite direction of Africa. If these two continents are really eaten by them, with these two great tonic pills, it will be difficult for players in the Chinese game area to continue to be rampant in the future.

But if a direct train from Shangjiang City to Rio de Janeiro is opened, players in the Chinese game area can bypass the Pacific Ocean and go directly to South America.

Of course, with the teleportation cost of 1,000 gold plus the profits of the two cities, the teleportation fee is not affordable for ordinary people, but it is a good start after all, and you can plan here in advance.

While Daliang was thinking about what changes this teleportation array would bring to the game situation, King Duolun could no longer hold back his excitement about future changes.

"I am willing to bear all the costs of building the teleportation array from Shangjiang City to Rio de Janeiro; I will also allow the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to set up a branch in my city. You can use all the idle ports in Rio, whichever one you like...

No, I'll rent it to you two! One is for commercial use and the other is for military use. I allow Shangjiang to send a navy to protect your commercial interests. Rio City can provide you with all the supplies you need. This is what you deserve.

I only have one request, that is, when the military port is officially opened, Lord Holy Bella can attend the sailing ceremony in person. "

A military port was an unexpected bonus.

Originally, Daliang planned to park a group of warships here in Rio under the pretext of convoy escort. Now, excuses are eliminated, and Shangjiang's navy can obtain a supply point in the South Atlantic openly.

You must know that Daliang is the admiral of the Shuntong escort fleet and is subordinate to the Shangjiang Navy. If the fleet of players in the Chinese game area wants to obtain free supplies and repair warships in Rio de Janeiro City. All you need to do is say hello to Daliang and temporarily join the Shuntong escort fleet.

That is if they can get here.

This location is so good. It looks at South America and Africa at the same time. It is also protected by the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is guaranteed to make players in the American game zone uncomfortable.

Daliang really wants to build a direct teleportation array to the Yangtze River all over the world, but he can only think about it.

Shangjiang's issuance of war bonds has offended all the base camp planes. The construction of the teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro City this time is a direct violation of the interests of Bauhinia City. It's just that Bauhinia City has to deal with the dwarves independently, and even if they are angry, they don't have the strength to cause trouble in Jiangcheng.

But if Shangjiang really builds teleportation arrays everywhere, breaks his promise of neutrality, and openly intervenes in the war, it will definitely arouse the anger of the good and evil camp bosses.

Let’s fix one first.

Regarding King Duolun's request, Daliang fully agreed: "There is no problem. When the military port is officially used, Lord Holy Bella will definitely come to Rio City."

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