Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1014 Establishing Diplomatic Relations

King Duolun suddenly became very embarrassed. I originally thought about giving some money and soldiers, and signing a few unequal treaties that made me uncomfortable, but what happened...

Going to Jiangcheng is a scene, and talking to Duke Daliang is comfortable.

I want to give others some benefits, but they end up giving me a lot of benefits. They also built teleportation arrays and sent chambers of commerce to drive trade in South America.

What a good person!

In particular, the Duke of Daliang agreed to invite Saint Bella to come to Rio de Janeiro to participate in the sailing ceremony of the Shangjiang Military Port in Rio... The arrival of a supreme angel was definitely a supreme honor.

King Duolun knew that this cooperation would also bring a lot of benefits to Shangjiang City, but compared with the gains in Rio de Janeiro, Shangjiang City suffered a lot.

So in order to consolidate the cooperative relationship with Shangjiang City and bring the two cities closer, King Duolun said to Daliang: "Thank you very much, Duke, for bringing everything to Rio City, allowing us to find new hope in the constant decline. On the road to glory.

The city of Rio de Janeiro and the city of Shangjiang will always be brotherly city-states.

In addition... I would like to enthrone the Duke as an honorary lord of the city of Rio de Janeiro. You will get a mansion in Rio de Janeiro, which I hope will become the Duke's second home. "

Lords are low-ranking nobles in the aristocratic system, and honorary lords are the highest honor a city can bestow on outsiders. They can enjoy the treatment of nobles in a city, but do not need to fulfill the obligations of a noble.

King Duolun saw this opportunity to cooperate with Shangjiang City. Shangjiang City's gentle attitude towards Rio de Janeiro City made King Duolun want to have a closer relationship with Shangjiang City.

Daliang was the Duke of Shangjiang and served as the imperial prime minister. He held a high and powerful position. There are three more level 15 creatures as followers, and they are equally strong.

Winning over Daliang is equivalent to winning over Shangjiang City.

Daliang did not refuse King Duolun's proposal to be canonized. For players, the more city achievements, the better.

"Thank you very much for the honor bestowed upon me by Your Majesty. In fact, when I first saw the city of Rio de Janeiro, I fell in love with it. Like Shangjiang, the sun in Rio also rises from the eastern sea. There is a A feeling of coming home.

I also hope that the friendship between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro will be forever connected like the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. "

In King Duolun's study, the two leaders of Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City reached an agreement on the direction of cooperation between the two cities. Specific implementation will require the completion of the two city teleportation arrays, and negotiators will continue to discuss the details.

In short... both people got what they wanted, and King Duolun and Daliang toasted again to celebrate.

After drinking a glass of elven wine, King Duolun asked tentatively: "Does the Five Color Flag Alliance have any plans to recruit new allies in the near future?"

For the city of Rio de Janeiro, exchanging gold coins for war bonds cannot stop the Redbud City from plundering itself. In order for the city to grow and maintain its army, the city must retain a certain amount of gold coins.

Although these gold coins are not many, to Bauhinia Flower City, mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat. Moreover, the resources controlled by Rio de Janeiro City will also become the target of blackmail by Bauhinia City.

Cooperating with Shangjiang can only reduce the losses of Rio de Janeiro City, but it cannot escape the fate of being deceived.

If you can join the Five-Color Flag Alliance, Rio de Janeiro City will be truly safe, and you don't really need to look at the face of Bauhinia City.

Daliang did not refuse directly, but said: "Now is not the time for the Five Color Flag Alliance to accept more allies. It is not in line with the expansion of its own strength and will not bring any benefits. Instead, it will throw away what we have."

King Duolun was convinced of Daliang's answer.

This is during the war. If you want to survive in the crack between the good camp and the evil camp, there are some red lines that cannot be crossed without the opportunity. The city of Rio de Janeiro has already gained a lot of benefits. If Longwangshu brings a crisis to the Five-Color Flag Alliance, everything Rio has gained now will disappear.

"I understand..." King Duolun nodded: "When the Five Color Flag Alliance begins to recruit allies, Rio City will definitely be the first to join, and we will face all dangers together.'s time to attend the party.

Such a young Duke will definitely attract the love of elf girls. "

King Duolun and Daliang returned to the banquet hall.

The smile that filled King Duolun's face made all the elven nobles know that the diplomatic relations between Rio de Janeiro City and Shangjiang City had entered a new chapter.

At the same time, King Duolun announced the canonization of Daliang as the Honorary Lord of Rio de Janeiro, once again pushing the banquet to a new height.

The nobles came forward one after another, wanting to make friends with the Duke of Shangjiang, the new rich man in Rio de Janeiro. The elf girls also invited Daliang to dance with him one after another, just as King Duolun said.

Da Liang welcomes all comers, takes videos while dancing, and then publishes them all on the official website of the Judgment Legion.

And accompanied by literature.

“Shangjiang City ushered in a major diplomatic breakthrough in South America!

I have just been sent as the Duke of Shangjiang City and the former Prime Minister of Shangjiang City to the city of Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian Game Zone. Shangjiang and Rio have officially established diplomatic relations.

As sister cities, Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City will build a direct teleportation array. Friends who want to enjoy the passion of Samba can fly directly to Rio through Shangjiang City, where there are large areas of unexplored maps.

In addition, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in Jiading City, Shangjiang will also establish a branch in Rio de Janeiro City. King Duolun of Rio City has agreed to lease a commercial port and a military port to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

The Shangjiang Navy will send a fleet to the military port. I will also try my best to urge the Shangjiang Navy to build a service area around the military port specifically for players in the Chinese game area. I will do my best to protect the players in the Chinese game area in the Brazilian game area. Safety.

I am Daliang. I have been awarded the honorary title of Rio de Janeiro by King Doron and received a sea view mansion.

The elves in Rio are so enthusiastic. "

As the world's top legion, the official website of the Judgment Legion receives a very high number of visits every day. Therefore, once this video was released, it was immediately forwarded by countless people.

At the banquet venue, the elegant elven nobles actually caroused like humans. Everyone formed two circles, divided into men and women, and danced in circles to the cheerful waltz music.

Even King Duolun, who was wearing a crown, joined in the passionate dance regardless of his status.

The circle turned again, and Da Liang kept changing dance partners. The close dancing of elven beauties with different styles made Daliang feel so beautiful!

However, Shu Xiao's message suddenly popped up: "Have we arranged a sleeping companion service for you tonight?"

Daliang immediately replied: " can such a good thing happen? The elves' view of love is very noble."

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