Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1015 Lord’s Mansion

Shu Xiao knew that Daliang was bold in some things, but also very principled in some things. Therefore, she did not get to the bottom of this matter, but talked about the fact that the Judgment Legion had completed preparations for war.

Daliang originally wanted to start a war between the Judgment Legion and the Charge Front Legion, transport the Judgment Legion to Rio by leapfrogging across dimensions, and then defeat the Charge Front Legion in one fell swoop with his asymmetrical strength difference.

All the helpers Tiago had found were defeated by him.

The Judgment Legion can use these battles to expand its influence in South America. When the time comes, let Yingshi Virtual Bank follow up, and an army of players who want to be on top will naturally come to your door.

As long as the British Bank can control some player guilds and legions in South America, it can intervene in the acquisition of gold coins here, then instigate wars, raise gold prices, and use various methods to attack the control of the American game area here.

However, Tiago caught Ada and disrupted Daliang's original plan.

He had to come to Rio de Janeiro in advance and show his strength to stabilize Tiago so that he would not dare to hurt Ada. At the same time, he found a way out when he was surrounded.

Daliang used his status in Shangjiang to go to Rio as an envoy and obtained the protection of King Duolun.

Now the news that Daliang is in Rio de Janeiro has spread all over the world, and everyone is staring here, especially the big guys from the Brazilian Game Zone and the American Game Zone. They can guess Da Liang's purpose and will try their best to prevent players in the Chinese game area from interfering in South America.

Daliang was originally going to launch a surprise attack, but now he placed himself in the most conspicuous position.

Now that everyone knows what he wants to do, he won't hide it. Directly mentioning the establishment of diplomatic relations between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City will muddy the water in the pond and make all interested players panic. When the time comes to bait, there will always be someone biting the hook.

In fact, before Daliang took the bait, someone couldn't wait to contact Daliang through the Judgment Corps the next day, wanting to meet and discuss with Daliang in detail.

There is a guild in the Chinese game area asking how to open up South America.

Some gold dealers asked if the Judgment Corps could escort them to collect gold in South America.

Some guilds and legions from the Brazilian game area asked Daliang about the intensity of his investment in South America this time.

A Brazilian gold mining group asked Chinese gold merchants about the amount and price of gold collected.

There are also protests, abuses and threats from the American gaming area...

Da Liang opened the curtains on the windows of his mansion, and the endless ocean and blue sky came into view...

Da Liang didn't stay here last night, and of course there was no sleeping companion service as he imagined.

After the palace banquet, Daliang returned to Shangjiang urgently and reported to Joyce about his private establishment of diplomatic relations with Rio de Janeiro.

Although Joyce had some doubts about establishing diplomatic relations with Rio de Janeiro so far away, she believed in Da Liang's vision, not to mention that Rio de Janeiro allowed Shangjiang Navy to station troops there.

This is the first overseas garrison in Shangjiang, which is of extraordinary significance.

Approval... Duke Daliang will be fully responsible for the matter.

Shangjiang agreed to establish diplomatic relations with the city of Rio de Janeiro, and Da Liang flew to the Magic Forest without stopping.

Only Zilong can handle this kind of ultra-long-distance large-scale teleportation array.

Make money... Zishan agreed to help Daliang build the teleportation array.

Then Daliang flew back to Shangjiang, found Marquis Wilson, Shangjiang's finance minister, and asked him to arrange for the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce to enter the city of Rio de Janeiro, accept gold coins from Rio's nobles, and make plans to issue Shangjiang war bonds throughout South America.

I also took the time to go to the Kingdom of Death, Eternal Night City, to see if Elder Anthony was ready to go to the City of Sighs.

Anyway, he was not idle all night long. When the sun illuminated Rio de Janeiro again, he returned to the mansion he had just acquired.

A tree courtyard built on a fifty-meter tall tree.

In the game, Daliang is afraid of being harassed, so communication is basically open to only a few players he knows. Therefore, if you want to find someone from Daliang, you can only contact the Judgment Corps first, and then have specialized personnel screen these matters, and then summarize them and submit them to Daliang for review.

Because of a video posted by Daliang yesterday, more people want to find Daliang today.

Daliang looked at the list of players who wanted to see him, and then said to the staff of the Judgment Legion: "Ask Tiago, the commander of the Charge Front Legion, to meet me at my Lord's Mansion in Rio de Janeiro."

Tiago had no sleep all night and was not in the mood to play games with monsters. He really felt the capabilities of the big boss in the game. When Daliang entered the city under the escort of the Royal Guards of Rio de Janeiro, he was not only on tenterhooks but also on tenterhooks.

It would be easy for Da Liang to destroy his charging frontline army.

Ada was in his hands, whether he was holding or holding her, and he had to ask Ada to report to Daliang that she was safe on time.

After Daliang released a video of himself attending a royal palace banquet in Rio, he knew that his fate was over. Shangjiang City wants to garrison troops in Rio de Janeiro City. As the Duke of Shangjiang, Daliang wants to create a fourth-level legion of players. He can do whatever he wants.

We must reconcile with Daliang as soon as possible. The longer this matter is delayed, the more trouble will be in the future.

So Tiago tried every means to see Daliang, and then he was the first to receive the notice of Daliang's interview.

The diameter of the big tree that built Lord Daliang's Mansion reached ten meters. The entire building relied on the trunk and crown of the tree as supports, and wooden houses were built in layers outside. Then steps and corridors were dug out from the trunk to connect the wooden houses, connecting the entire building into one.

The wooden houses built on tree trunks are mainly functional buildings such as servants' residences, utility rooms, and guard rooms. The wooden houses built on the canopy are where the owners live and move.

There are full-time gardeners in the Lord's Mansion. Their daily job is to prune the branches and leaves that affect the owner's view, take care of the health of the tree, and keep the tree house with flowers blooming at all times.

The Lord's Mansion in Daliang also has a dedicated winemaker. The elf's red wine has a completely different flavor than the red wine that Daliang usually drinks. At the end of the banquet yesterday, Daliang casually praised the taste of the elven wine, and then he had a palace winemaker.

Everything has been arranged by King Duolun, so you can move in with just your bags.

This couldn't help but remind Daliang of his mansion in Shangjiang empty house with nothing in it. He could still remember the scene where he led five gold merchants looking for a reception room.

Compared with this Lord's Mansion, the gap is really huge.

In the dining room of the mansion, the servants had prepared breakfast for Da Liang. Nuts, vegetables and a small amount of meat are very elf-like. Sophia poured a glass of elf red wine for Da Liang, Julian stood behind him, and Juliet rarely sat quietly on the windowsill, watching the sea and cracking melon seeds...


At this time, Tiago was brought to Daliang by the mansion guards.

Daliang smiled and asked Tiago: "Have you eaten?"

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