Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1016 Potential

Big Brother Daliang actually asked him if he had eaten. Tiago felt that this meeting was a good start, and the breakfast at the Lord's Mansion today seemed to be very delicious.

The heroes who showed off their prowess above the Charge Front Corps station yesterday had their own styles here, especially the purple-haired heroine who killed two ultimate creatures by herself. The sea breeze blew her long hair through the window. How could such a quiet and elegant woman be associated with yesterday's terrifying murderer?

Seeing how approachable Daliang was, Tiago's anxious heart calmed down a little.

He replied to Daliang: "Hello, Duke, I haven't had breakfast yet. It's a great honor for me to have breakfast with the Duke."

In order to cease the war, Tiago had to assume a low profile and said that the Lord was a bit flattering.

He really didn't want this evil tiger to keep staring at him...

But Daliang said meaningfully: "Commander Tiago, I think you misunderstood me. 'Have you eaten?' In our Chinese customs, it is a greeting, and its meaning is the same as your 'good morning' almost.

I said to you, ‘Have you eaten? ’ does not mean that I want to treat you to dinner, so your answer of ‘no’ will make me very embarrassed, so my chef did not prepare your portion of breakfast.

It also means that it is difficult for us to continue this conversation.

do you understand? "

Tiago shook his head in confusion: "I don't quite understand."

Daliang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, we can do it again. If you continue to embarrass me, then there will really be nothing to talk about.

Commander Tiago... have you eaten? "

Although Tiago didn't understand why the Chinese had such a weird greeting, he also knew that answering "didn't eat" was definitely wrong. He had no choice but to answer and greet with the same greeting: "I have already eaten... Sir Duke, have you eaten?"

Da Liang picked up a vegetable leaf, put the meat and nuts on it, and replied: "I haven't eaten yet... Since you have already had breakfast, you don't mind if I talk to you while eating."

Tiago finally came to his senses now.

God TM "Have you eaten?"

The key is not this greeting. Daliang wants to kill his own prestige and increase the identity difference between the two parties in this conversation. Tiago looked around, but he didn't even have a chair ready.

This is already a huge amount of contempt.

Tiago was very angry...but he couldn't beat him. Walk? The problem cannot be solved. As long as he cannot reconcile with Da Liang, his legion will be on tight alert all day long. Business will not be able to continue, and the gang will naturally decline.

Bear with it!

Tiago took a deep breath and said: "I don't mind... Your Excellency, the purpose of my visit this time is..."

Daliang put the wrapped vegetable rolls with dipping sauce into his mouth, then took a sip of red wine. Before Tiago could finish, he interrupted: "I know the purpose of your coming. My first request is to let Ai go." Da and her brother... Tiago, there are many ways for you to let them go outside the game. Your gang is not very powerful in Rio, and I have enough money to bribe ten, two Ten gangs like yours will wipe you out.

But what I hate most is that things that are not available in the game can be obtained by means outside the game, which completely takes away the fun of playing the game.

Therefore...I hate you very much.

My second request... is that you, as the commander of the Charge Front Legion, announce your surrender to the Chinese Game Zone Judgment Legion on the Brazilian Game Zone national channel.

There are no concessions.

If you do these two things, it will be over. "

Announcing surrender on the national channel would be a huge loss of reputation for the front-line troops. However, if the opponent is Da Liang and the Judgment Legion, it will not have much impact on the Charge Front Legion. After all, the strength shown by Daliang is indeed very strong, and the Judgment Legion is the world's top legion, with the legion level reaching level 7.

It is still bearable for a fourth-level army to surrender to a seventh-level army.

But after surrendering, what Daliang would ask the frontline troops to do... was what Tiago was most worried about.

Shangjiang City wanted to open a teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro and also obtained a military port. In the future, players from the Chinese game area will definitely come to South America in large numbers for adventure and gold mining.

Will Da Liang use the frontline troops as gunmen?

At that time, those who rush to the front line will be stigmatized as traitors.

Tiago asked tentatively: "If the Charge Front Legion surrenders to the Judgment Legion, what will the Duke ask us to do?"

Da Liang put the finished wine glass aside and watched Sophia pouring wine for himself. Then he said to Tiago: "You think too highly of yourself and your small legion. What can you do with a fourth-level legion?"

There are two legions under my direct control, the Judgment Legion is at level seven and the Rampage Tauren Legion is at level six. There are at least two legions at level seven and four at level six that can be directly mobilized.

Those that can be mobilized indirectly cannot be counted.

I'm too lazy to calculate level 5. What use do I need from you for a level 4 legion?

Asking you to publicly announce your surrender is just to save my face. Otherwise, if there is no clear reconciliation, outsiders will think that your charge front and my Judgment Legion are on a par.

Don't long as you announce your surrender publicly on the Brazilian national channel and Ada and her brother get on a plane to China, you can continue to live your life of self-aggrandizement.

You make a decision as soon as possible. After dinner, I have to meet many guild leaders and army commanders in the Brazilian game area, including Mr. Memnon and other lords.

I don’t know when my next meeting will be scheduled. "

After saying that, Da Liang picked up the red wine that Sophia had just poured, took a sip, and then continued to eat.

Tiago was left alone by Daliang, and he was no longer angry at being ignored. In front of him was a giant. No matter how much he jumped, he couldn't make the giant pay attention to him.

If it weren't for Ada, he wouldn't even be qualified to stand here.

Thinking about my daily behavior, it is really ridiculous. They think they are sharks in the sea, but they are actually just crabs showing off their power in shallow waters.

Now Daliang lives in the mansion given by King Duolun and dines under the service of high-ranking heroes. And I... could only stand and watch, and had to lie that I had "eaten".

The feeling of powerlessness and envy actually made Tiago feel a little impressed.

Very dangerous feeling.

Time passed little by little, watching Daliang enjoy the elves' food and wine, Tiago immediately shook the dangerous thoughts out of his mind, and then said to Daliang: "I am willing to release Ada and her brother, and send someone to send them away." They got on the plane to China. I am also willing to declare my surrender to the Judgment Legion in the name of the commander of the Assault Front Legion on the national channel of the Brazilian game zone."

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