Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1021 The Envoy of Bauhinia City

The construction of teleportation arrays in Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City represents Rio's move closer to the Five-Color Flag Alliance, threatening the interests of the magical Bauhinia City.

Of course, the elves of Bauhinia City cannot let others snatch away the fat that reaches their mouths.

As long as they knew that Rio de Janeiro City was going to build a teleportation array, they would definitely stop it.

So Memnon found a player who had access to the upper-level rulers of Bauhinia City through various connections, and then told Bauhinia City that Rio de Janeiro City was going to build a teleportation array.

Sure enough... after Bauhinia City learned the news, it immediately sent a mission and asked King Duolun to immediately abandon the construction of the teleportation array connecting Shangjiang City.

King Duolun did not expect that the matter would be leaked so quickly. Faced with the aggressive Bauhinia City mission that would go to war if they disagreed, the first thing he thought of was the Duke of Shangjiang, Daliang.

Da Liang did not expect Bauhinia City to respond so quickly. It seems that there are still capable people in the Brazilian Game Zone.

So Da Liang ended his meeting with the Brazilian game zone army commanders, took a group of guards on the unicorn car sent by King Duolun, and headed for Rio de Janeiro under the envious gazes of many army commanders waiting outside. of the royal palace.

In the main hall of the Rio Palace, King Doron sat on his throne, slightly closing his eyes to maintain the majesty of the king.

Above the main hall, the envoy of Bauhinia City stood with his head held high as a victor. After waiting for a moment, the envoy said to King Doron: "Your Majesty... Terminating the construction of the teleportation array is a matter for the city of Rio de Janeiro. I don't think there is a need to wait. Jiang's envoy. If you give the order now, I can return to Bauhinia City as soon as possible to report to the king."

King Duolun slowly opened his eyes and said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Building the teleportation array is an agreement between me and Shangjiang City. My unilateral termination will affect the diplomatic relations between the two cities. Lord Bavaria, please wait a moment and send to pick up Duke Daliang." The Elf Guards have been there for a while, they should be here."

Bavaria is a 15th-level elf envoy. He wears a druid robe similar to a ghillie suit, a deer antler crown on his head, a long-handled staff in his hand, and two pairs of dragonfly wings on his back.

Bavaria was very dissatisfied with King Doron's wording. What he conveyed was the order of King Wadsworth, the owner of Redbud City. For a human city-state king in the main world to not immediately implement it was simply a blasphemy against the majesty of King Wadsworth.

Just when Bavaria was about to denounce King Duolun, the palace guards came in and reported: "Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City is here."

King Duolun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the envoy from Bauhinia City, he was under great pressure. This was the helplessness of the defeated.

Fortunately, Duke Daliang is here, and the following is the battle between the Five Color Flag Alliance and Bauhinia City. No matter how we talk about it, no matter what the outcome is, King Duolun has no ability to intervene. is a shame that the owner of this city is not qualified to discuss the teleportation array built in Rio de Janeiro!

Daliang walked into the hall under the escort of Julian and Juliet. He first saluted King Duolun, and then asked: "I wonder what your Majesty has ordered when he summoned me?"

King Doron pointed at Bavaria and said: "This is Lord Bavaria from Bauhinia City. Bauhinia City asked us to cancel the construction of the teleportation array together with Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City."

Daliang faced Bavaria and asked: "We built teleportation arrays in Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City. What does it have to do with your Bauhinia City?"

Bavaria said angrily: "Duke, please watch your words! You are facing the envoy of Bauhinia City, the first main city in the magical realm."

"Bauhinia City? A very powerful city." Daliang said tit for tat: "Then... you are facing the Duke of Shangjiang City, one of the main allies of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

My status seems to be a little higher than yours.

Let me ask again, what does the teleportation formation we built in Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro have to do with your Bauhinia City? "

The overall strength of the Five Color Flag Alliance is not weaker than that of the Magic Realm. As one of the main alliances, Shangjiang is not far behind Bauhinia City in terms of status. In terms of strength... there are also 16th-level heroes sitting there.

Bavaria is just an envoy sent by Bauhinia City, and his status in Bauhinia City is far inferior to that of the Duke of Shangjiang City.

Being criticized again... After recognizing Daliang's identity, Bavaria finally adapted to the current status of Shangjiang City, a city-state in the main world. They understood that the plane they looked down on before now had a city that was qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

Strength can really be respected.

Bavaria restrained his anger and saluted Daliang and said: "Hello, Duke. This is a time of war, and Bauhinia City has... jurisdiction over the city of Rio de Janeiro.

If Shangjiang City wants to establish diplomatic relations with Rio de Janeiro City, it must obtain the consent of Bauhinia City.

Now, on behalf of King Wadsworth, I tell you clearly that Bauhinia City does not allow Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City to build direct teleportation arrays. "

Da Liang looked at King Duolun. King Duolun closed his eyes and rested. The Five-Color Flag Alliance had no commitment to him. It was really hard for him to publicly contradict Bauhinia Flower City on this occasion.

How to talk about it...Daliang can only rely on himself.

Daliang said to Bavaria: "Jurisdiction? Mr. Bavaria seems to have some misunderstandings of this word. King Wadsworth is the king, and King Duolun is also the king. What jurisdiction does the king have over the king?"

I think the City of Rio de Janeiro and the City of Bauhinia...are at most an independent affiliation.

If Shangjiang City wants to establish diplomatic relations with an independent city-state, it does not need the consent of Bauhinia City. "

Bavaria said angrily: "Then we will occupy this place and incorporate the city of Rio de Janeiro into the territory of Bauhinia City."

Daliang also said angrily: "Bavaria, King Doron is sitting here. What you say is really too much. At the same time, you gave me a very bad impression of Bauhinia City. It feels like an orc city."

I think there is no need to continue this discussion.

Now... I will simply tell you my attitude. Please listen.

The purpose of establishing diplomatic relations between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro is just to allow our merchant fleet to have a stable repair area in the Atlantic Ocean. There is absolutely no idea of ​​military intervention in the surrounding things here.

Neutrality is the attitude of the Five Color Flag Alliance. It does not mean that we will not use force to protect our own interests.

Now... the Purple Dragon Engineering Team is already building the teleportation array, and the fleet from Shangjiang has already arrived.

The teleportation array and the two ports leased to Shangjiang City by Rio de Janeiro City are Shangjiang City's property. I don’t care what Redbud City is planning to do in Rio de Janeiro!

As long as you dare to interfere with our teleportation array and port, there is only one solution.

It's war!

That's it...I've finished my words.

If you don't understand, please convey it to King Wadsworth.

goodbye! "

Daliang saluted King Duolun and walked out of the hall without looking back.

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