Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1022 Continue to Cultivation

Daliang just walked out of the palace hall. Bavaria's face was livid with anger. He pointed at Daliang's back and said to King Duolun: "It's really rude!"

King Duolun maintained a smile and said: "Yes, it is very rude. But the Five Color Flag Alliance has the ability to be rude, just like Lord Bavaria is rude to me, Rio de Janeiro.

Things have become very clear.

The city of Rio de Janeiro only wants to do business with Shangjiang City. Now the teleportation array is being built, and Shangjiang City's fleet is heading here. My city does not have the strength to stop them. If you want to stop something, please solve it yourself.

If there is going to be a war, please notify me in advance and let me move the residents near the battlefield out of the war zone.

Well... I'm getting older and my energy is not as strong as before, so I don't chat with adults anymore.

Just as the Duke of Daliang said, if you can't make the decision, please convey his wishes to King Wadsworth.

Farewell! "

After saying that, King Duolun also stood up from the throne and left the hall through the side door.

All the palace attendants also left, leaving Bavaria and his envoys standing alone in the hall.

This is a naked demonstration!

But it is not Bavaria's decision to start a war in Rio de Janeiro and Shangjiang.

He said to the envoys: "Let's return to Bauhinia City first and report the situation here to our king."

In a magical realm, the only world tree covers dozens of kilometers of land. The elves built a city wall around the World Tree and built a city on top of the tree, which is the first main city in the magical realm - Bauhinia City.

The Elf King Wadsworth is the master of Redbud City.

When the news that Rio de Janeiro City was going to build a teleportation array to connect to Shangjiang City reached Bauhinia City, it did not attract much attention from King Wadsworth. Rio de Janeiro City was just a main city in the main world, and he captured it without any effort last time. That city then brought a lot of wealth and resources to Redbud City.

This time to prevent the construction of teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro, King Wadsworth did not mobilize troops, but sent an envoy. He believed that King Duolun of Rio de Janeiro would know the stakes and knew that the Five Color Flag Alliance in Shangjiang could not protect him.

The Five Color Flag Alliance... is indeed strong, but compared to the good camp and the evil camp, it is very weak.

If the Five Color Flag Alliance really wants to break its promise of neutrality and shows signs of getting involved in the war, it will definitely lead to a siege.

They will give up.

However, things did not develop as King Wadsworth imagined. Bavaria came back with an envoy. His trip to Rio de Janeiro did not bring any results this time.

King Wadsworth is sitting on the throne. His palace has no walls or domes, surrounded by branches and leaves of the World Tree. In front of him, he can overlook the clouds below and the mountains and forests in the gaps between the clouds.

After hearing the details of Bavaria's mission, King Wadsworth asked: "What is the attitude of King Doron?"

Bavaria answered truthfully: "King Duolun neither wants to offend us nor Shangjiang City. But his attitude is to continue building the teleportation array."

"Do you think Shangjiang City built the teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro City for military expansion, or... as the Duke of Shangjiang said, is it just for the convenience of trade."

Bavaria thought for a moment and replied: "Shangjiang only needs a teleportation array and a port. It seems to be for the convenience of trade, but it does not rule out the possibility of annexing the city of Rio de Janeiro.

If we occupy Rio de Janeiro City now, Shangjiang City will never go to war with us as long as we don't move the teleportation array and the leased port. "

"Occupy the city of Rio de Janeiro?" King Wadsworth considered the consequences of this war, and then said: "We occupy the city of Rio de Janeiro. Shangjiang City can rely on the teleportation array and the leased port to protect the royal family and nobles of Rio. .

Without the royal family and nobles, we would not be able to run the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the city would not be able to provide us with funds and resources for a long time.

Instead, we have to leave a large number of troops to defend the city of Rio de Janeiro and prevent King Doron from counterattacking. "

Bavaria asked: "What if we start a war with Shangjiang City? The Five Color Flag Alliance may not necessarily help Shangjiang City and expand the war into a war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and the Magic Realm. As long as the scale of the war is controlled between Shangjiang City and our Bauhinia City, We can still win.”

King Wadsworth said: "What's the point of defeating Shangjiang City in Rio de Janeiro? They can still protect the Rio royal family and nobles from going to Shangjiang, and the Five Color Flag Alliance will not watch us attack Shangjiang City. There is no such thing in the Magical Realm. The spirit is to start a war with the Five-Colored Flag Alliance. Those dwarves are making too much noise now...

In the end we only gained one ruin after paying heavy losses. This is not in our interests..."

Bavaria asked anxiously: "Are we just going to watch Shangjiang build the teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro and encroach on Rio bit by bit?"

"Of course not!" King Wadsworth will never let anyone touch his cake: "I want to send an army to be permanently stationed in Rio de Janeiro City, stationed around the teleportation array to help me keep an eye on Shangjiang City and Duolun City. king.

We are not willing to fight with Shangjiang City, and Shangjiang City is even less willing to fight with us. This is why they put their bottom line on the teleportation array and the port.

Bavaria, this task is left to you.

Keep an eye on Shangjiang City in Rio de Janeiro City and let them know that the teleportation array and port are also my bottom line. If they dare to cross the line...

Then there is really only war. "

"Yes! Your Majesty."

After Daliang left the Rio Palace, he returned to his mansion and continued to meet with the army commanders who were waiting for him.

There is no need to waste time on a Bauhinia City envoy. This is a dialogue between the strengths of Bauhinia City and Shangjiang City. Daliang has already stated Shangjiang City's purpose in Rio de Janeiro and marked his bottom line.

Now Bauhinia City is facing the dwarf independence movement, and its strength is greatly restricted. There must be consistent interests to start a war in Rio de Janeiro in order to stimulate King Wadsworth to mobilize troops.

Going to war with Shangjiang City for a teleportation array and two ports... is obviously not worth the gain.

Anyway, the plan of the big guys in the Brazilian Game Zone to prevent Rio de Janeiro City from building a teleportation array through Bauhinia City failed. They cannot personally fight against the general trend of the entire game area, so the only way left is to borrow external forces.

The American Game Zone is absolutely unwilling to see Chinese players set foot in South America. They will do everything they can to prevent the Chinese Game Zone from expanding their influence here.

In the game world, war is the best solution.

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