Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1023 The Sun Waiter Arrives

Just as Daliang guessed, the intelligence network of the Northern Lords Alliance in the Chinese Game Zone has confirmed that a fleet of American players has set off from the east coast of the American Game Zone and headed south, and its destination is the Brazilian Game Zone.

This time the leader of the intervention force in the American Game Zone is the Sun Waiter.

In the rankings of the Eye of Insight, Sun Waiter is the third player in the game to obtain a territory. His territory is Hell City, ranking second in the world and first in the US game area.

The Sun Waiter is a human priest with the same profession as Daliang. His status in the game is also the same as Daliang. He is singled out by the Eye of Insight.

The Sun Waiter is a legendary figure for players in the American game area. He closely follows the footsteps of the first person to fly, and is known as the person closest to flying sand.

Many players believe that this confrontation between the American Game Zone and the Chinese Game Zone on the Pacific Ocean will be a battle for the Sun Waiter to kill the flying sand and move the rocks and become the first player in the game.

The geographical advantages of the American game area are really obvious. Unlike the Chinese game area where there are obstacles on the way to the sea, after two naval battles, you can safely enter the Pacific Ocean. American players have no strong enemies in the region from the beginning of the game and can gallop on the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans to gain early development advantages.

After the opening of financial barriers and the successful harvest of the South American gold mining area, its strength has skyrocketed.

Sun Waiter is confident that with its strong gold coin potential, it can bring down the Chinese game area in a long war of attrition. As long as the warship construction speed in the Chinese game area cannot keep up with the consumption ahead, the Japanese and Korean game areas and the Southeast Asian game area will in turn block Chinese players on the East Asian continental shelf.

At that time, the ocean was free to roam.

In order to prepare for this battle, Sun Waiter expanded his fleet to strengthen his maritime power, and at the same time actively participated in the battle of Hell's Furnace City to increase his personal strength. His territory belongs to the fallen angels. As long as he can help Lucifer successfully defeat Satan, his status in hell will definitely rise to a big level.

It's just that the Sun Waiter commanded his own hell army, and when the hell war was in full swing, he was informed that there was a fire in the backyard.

Da Liang from the Chinese Game Zone appeared in Rio de Janeiro City, and soon announced that Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City would establish diplomatic relations and build a teleportation array.

This means that Chinese players will officially intervene in the interests of South America.

When Sun Waiter first got the news, he wasn't too worried. Although Daliang's strategy is very good and he knows that South America is a key point in the American game area, it is not that simple to cause trouble in South America.

The U.S. gaming zone's control over South America is not just through finance within the gaming zone. Their relationship with large South American groups outside the game is another important hub.

American players use various means to purchase low-price gold from these large groups, and then these large groups can make the grassroots players in South America obedient and collect their gold coins at a lower price.

This is a very strong interest network. If the Chinese Game Zone wants to get involved, it will not be able to achieve results in a short time. If you are not familiar with the place, no one would dare to sell it to you even if you charge a high price. When the Chinese players clear their minds and start to really raise the price of gold... even if the battle in the Pacific is not over, it is already at its end.

However, when Memnon sent a request for help and said that Daliang was organizing players in the Brazilian game area to sign the "Game Ethics Convention", the Sun Waiter was so frightened that he quickly returned to the main plane from hell.

This is the real bottom line.

If the big groups in South America lose control of the bottom players, the dam that originally kept the gold coins flowing will burst.

The flow of gold coins is chaotic. Of course, whoever has the ability to scoop it out will get it.

At that time, not to mention gold merchants in the Chinese gaming area, gold merchants all over the world would go to South America. The interests of all parties conflict and the price of gold rises. The native groups in South America that have lost their restraints will definitely fight in order to obtain more gold resources and make money.

Once the situation in South America becomes chaotic, gold prices will not be able to stop the car.

This convention must not be allowed to be signed.

After receiving the news, Sun Waiter immediately invited the major guilds in the American game area to send elite forces to jointly form an army of players to go to South America for armed intervention.

As long as he can defeat Da Liang, he will not dare to challenge him. Without this organizer, no one would dare to take the lead in signing the convention.

The American Intervention Force is sailing south, while the Sunbearers have used the Hell Portal to reach Rio de Janeiro and meet Memnon in the Land of Radiance.

"Is there any progress in Rio de Janeiro? Have they stopped the construction of the teleportation array?"

The Sun Waiter knew that Memnon had tipped off the Bauhinia City, and as long as the construction of the teleportation array was stopped, he might be able to resolve this crisis without bloodshed.

Now the place where the teleportation array is built and the Rio Palace are monitored 24 hours a day by people from Memnon.

The news of the feedback made Memnon extremely disappointed. He replied: "Bauhinia City sent an envoy, and Da Liang was also urgently summoned by King Duolun. However, Da Liang came out of the palace quickly, and then continued to meet with the commanders of the middle and lower-sized legions. .

The envoys from Bauhinia Flower City also left the palace, but the construction of the teleportation array did not stop.

This strategy of ours may have failed. "

The Sun Waiter wore a priest's robe, with a hood covering his face, and a fallen angel stood behind him. After listening to Memnon's words, he nodded regretfully: "Behind Daliang is the Five-Color Flag Alliance. Now Bauhinia City is troubled by the dwarf independence movement, and it is difficult for them to make effective intervention.

Daliang chose this moment very well, and it seemed that this battle was inevitable.

I heard that when Daliang just arrived in Rio, he attacked a fourth-level legion station. He killed the entire legion with only one hero and did not dare to take off? "

Memnon said: "Yes, it only took one hero to kill an archangel and a bone dragon from the frontline army. The most powerful angel Julian did not take action at all, and Julian's appearance also changed a lot. It seems stronger.

If the leader of the Sunserver Corps does not have a hero who can match Julian, this battle will be very difficult. "

Big bright...

The Sun Waiter couldn't help but think of the scene on the Sea of ​​Japan. On the Black Pearl, a sorceress hero suddenly broke out and wiped out his team with a single spell.

Looking back now I still feel scared, it was too strong.

However, the Black Pearl was never seen again after the Battle of Japan, which made everyone think that the incredibly powerful air and space battleship should be a super prop with a time limit.

Now the Sun Waiter also brings a time-limited super item.

He confidently said to Memnon: "Show me the video of the battle at that time, and I will plan how to kill Da Liang and his heroes."

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