Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1025 Our family is in great danger

Daliang met Ada, a Latin girl from Brazil.

South America should be the most mixed-race region in the world, with Europeans, Africans, Native Americans, and more and more Asian immigrants. The whole of South America is flooded with beauties, with Brazil being the most typical.

Although Ada is not very beautiful now, she is a potential stock. The pressure of life made her focus all her time on making money and studying, and she naturally neglected her own grooming and maintenance. But she is still young, knowledge will increase her temperament, and a stable life will change her spirit and physique, and she will eventually become an excellent and beautiful girl.

However, Ada's straightforward enthusiasm made Daliang a little bit intolerable. The dreadlocks tied together showed her unconventional character. She stared at Da Liang with fiery eyes and expressed "I like you" very clearly.

Daliang smiled and gave Tommy the football in his hand, and then introduced to the two siblings: "Hello, Ada, Tommy, I am Daliang, and this is my girlfriend - Shu Xiao.

Let's sit down first and let's chat while we eat. I still have some things I need your help with, Ada. "

All four of them wore translation headphones, so even though they didn't understand each other, they could all understand what the other person was saying.

Tommy was very happy to take over the football. After being warned by Ada's eyes, he didn't try his ball skills on the spot.

The four of them sat down and the waiter began to serve the food.

Daliang stopped Ada who wanted to express his thanks: "It goes without saying that you are grateful... What happened to you was because of me. If I had not killed Tiago in the game, what happened next would not have happened. So save You are my responsibility, and I owe you an apology.

If I hadn't been impulsive and didn't consider the impact on you, you wouldn't have left your hometown and come so far to China.

I'm so sorry. "

Ada quickly said: "No, no, no, it's not your fault, sir. It was me who got carried away by the 1,000 gold. Knowing that there was a material stall nearby on the front line, I ran directly there. I should hide my identity. Go see you, and then I can happily earn 1,000 gold coins.

Of course...I can't sit here anymore...

...I am the one who caused you trouble. I'm sorry, Mr. Daliang. "

Shu Xiao looked on and couldn't stand it: "The originally happy atmosphere was completely ruined by letting you apologize to each other. You two did nothing wrong in the whole thing. It was Tiago who was charging at the front line who was wrong. He should apologize. That's right.

The best thing is that Ada and Tommy are fine now. You don't have to worry about anything in China. You can just go to school and study with peace of mind.

And... Ada, do you like our family's bright light? "

Daliang suddenly regretted bringing Shu Xiao here because he was planning to cause trouble.

As a result, before Daliang could change the topic, Ada responded very quickly: "I like it, he is my hero!"

This is killing my brother!

But Shu Xiao did not become angry as Daliang imagined. Instead, she said with a proud face: "Our Daliang is not matched by just any woman. At least she must be beautiful and well-educated. Sister, I But as a graduate student in architectural engineering, if you want to defeat me, you have to work hard..."

"Yes, Sister Shu Xiao, I will definitely become a woman worthy of Mr. Daliang."

What a good wife indeed!

Daliang didn't expect Shu Xiao to be so open-minded and actually take the initiative to help him find a harem. Thinking about how I walk on thin ice on weekdays, not daring to step out of my way, am I worthy of this cheerful Hongqi Zonggong at home?

Hahahaha...spring is coming...

But let’s get down to business first. Daliang said to Ada, who had already ignited a strong fighting spirit: “I’m inviting you to dinner this time. One is to meet you, and the other is to invite you to be the leader of our Judgment Legion facing the Brazilian game area. Spokesperson."

"Image spokesperson?" Ada didn't understand what image she had to represent the Judgment Legion. She said with some inferiority: "I... I'm just a scavenger, and your Judgment Legion... is the strongest in the game world. Legion, won’t letting me speak for you ruin your image?”

"It is one of the strongest legions..." Daliang corrected Ada, and then explained: "You may not understand the current situation in the game world. Now our Chinese game area is about to have a large-scale war with the American game area. conflict, so we first attack the gold mine in the American game area, which is South America.

In Brazil, American gold dealers use the Brazilian Grand Guild and the Grand Legion to collect gold coins from you people at the bottom at low prices. Therefore, if you want to attack the American game area, you must first break the order they have established.

During the period when you were not in the game, I have made some achievements. As long as the Brazilian gold coin market can no longer be controlled and monopolized, the gold coins in the Brazilian game area can enter the international free gold coin trading market, and all Brazilian gold miners can make more money.

I invite you to be the spokesperson for Judgment Legion facing the Brazilian game zone because you are Brazilian and you are also a victim of gold coin exploitation. At the same time you are my friend, a friend of our Adjudication Legion. Having you as my spokesperson can bring my legion closer to the Brazilian players.

We are about to fight the intervention forces from the American Game Zone in Rio de Janeiro, and I need the help of more Brazilian friends. "

Ada said cheerfully: "Okay, I did it. As long as it helps you, Mr. Daliang, I am willing to do anything."

Daliang laughed and said: "I won't let you help me for free. After you go back, the Judgment Corps will come up with a formal endorsement contract, and the compensation will be enough for you to comfortably complete your studies."

in addition……"

Ada was even more happy to make money. She quickly asked: "Do you need me to do anything else?"

"Delete your current account, and then create a new character with a real appearance. The race...academic, human, or elf is all acceptable. In this case, your reputation in the game will have an impact on your career outside the game in the future. It helps a lot.

Just like Shu Xiao, she is very famous in the game, but no one knows her outside the game, which is very embarrassing. "

Shu Xiao knocked Daliang's hand with chopsticks and said in a feint of anger: "Is it interesting to be famous outside the game? Who pulled you out of the mouth of the she-wolf pack last time.

Be careful if I don't save you next time, let's see what they can do to you. "

How can this be called a waste? But Daliang didn't dare to say it.

After teaching Daliang a lesson, Shu Xiao said to Ada: "If you choose a race again, choose a human knight. My uncle is going to make a fantasy-themed movie recently and wants me to play a supporting role. How can I have time? I will introduce you to it. Try..."

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