Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1026 Determining Strategy

The meeting with Ada and Tommy ended in a pleasant atmosphere. Daliang had his two Brazilian siblings sent to their residence, and then he and Shu Xiao got in the car and headed to the university alliance headquarters.

Shu Xiao, who had drunk a lot of wine, had a red blush on his cheeks, and said to Daliang with a teasing smile: "Isn't it beautiful to be so enthusiastically liked by a Latin beauty?"

Daliang was testing the edge of the trap: "The beauty in my heart is certain, which means that your Daliang and I are attractive. But... my heart still hasn't wavered, even when you said those things... I had no intention of giving it to you. Ada any chance. said those words...did you do it to coax Ada? "

Shu Xiao leaned her body in Da Liang's arms, slowly closed her eyes, and murmured: "Four years of college plus graduate school... Even if Ada had not been pursued by other boys, we would have gotten married and had children long ago. "

Da Liang felt even more terrifying.

Is this forcing a marriage?

Just when Daliang was racking his brains to think of how to reply, he found that a drunk Shu Xiao had fallen asleep in his arms.

Sigh... Despite Shu Xiao's usual open-mindedness and carelessness, I guess she also has her own worries, right?

Daliang touched Shu Xiao's hair and felt that there was some responsibility... that he had to shoulder.

When the car arrived at the University Alliance headquarters building, Daliang took the sleepy Shu Xiao and opened a temporary dormitory in the dormitory area inside the headquarters. After putting Shu Xiao to bed, Daliang kissed her forehead and gently closed the door.

When Daliang arrived at Xu Man's office, he found that Boss Jin had already arrived.

Seeing Da Liang, Boss Jin's eyes were shining and he praised: "You are a capable man, he can do more things than that Monkey Sun. In just a few days, South America has been turned upside down, and now the entire Brazilian game area is in chaos. , all information about Hero World is the 'Brazilian Game Zone Official Convention on Game Ethics'.

It's really like a snake being beaten seven inches apart.

How did you come up with this convention? It hit the key points of every gaming area in South America. A series of stratagems involving cutting and beating, making every move possible, has completely obscured the entire game world.

Now the American gaming area is completely panicked. The price of gold has risen by ten percentage points and is still rising!

If the Brazilian Game Zone really signs this convention, we will have won half the battle in the Pacific. "

Xu Man knew that the news of the great changes in South America was actually not much earlier than others. Daliang's progress in the Brazilian game area was too fast. He had just received a new message, and before he understood it, there was another one coming over there.

Now Xu Man is also eager to know Daliang's plan in South America and what stage he has reached in the Brazilian game area.

"Yes! Daliang made a scene in the Brazilian game area, which caught our northern lords alliance off guard. The lords and guild leaders asked me what happened, and I didn't know how to answer at all.

Now the Southern Lords Alliance is constantly asking about our specific strategy in South America. The Southern Lords fleet is ready to press eastward in Oceania to cooperate with our financial war against the American game zone in South America.

Tokugawa Nobunaga also asked us many times about the intensity of our intervention in South America. The Japan-South Korea alliance is probably also scared...

Daliang, you must make it clear to me and Boss Jin this time...

Otherwise, even if we want to cooperate, we won’t know how to use our strength and when to act. "

Da Liang found a sofa to sit down in the office, and then told Xu Man and Boss Jin in detail about his actions in the Brazilian game area in the past few days.

"The last time I met Uncle Jin, I was discussing how to stimulate conflicts among players in the Brazilian game area. I originally planned to proceed step by step, targeting the front lines first, and then slowly and steadily intervene in the Brazilian game area. However, an unexpected incident occurred. In order to save Ada I can only quickly go to Rio de Janeiro to save people.

Fortunately... I am somewhat lucky. Although things are progressing quickly, they are still developing towards the goal we expected.

Now I have obtained the declaration of more than 50 fourth-level legions and the declaration of more than 100 third-level legions in the Brazilian game. After I go back online, I will continue to meet with the middle and lower-level Brazilian corps commanders to ensure that there are no mistakes in the formal signing ceremony of the convention.

The goal I set for this South America strategy is: our Chinese game area and the American game area are equally divided in terms of territory and financial control in South America. In any case, it is unrealistic to drive American gold merchants out of South America, and we cannot sink too deep in South America. After all, the main battlefield is in the Pacific, and the corner battles can achieve the goal. .

Therefore, we still need to say hello and establish a dialogue channel with the US game area, fight where necessary, and discuss where necessary. Don't throw money around in South America. In the end, neither of us will benefit. "

Boss Jin nodded and said: "Brother Daliang's thinking is still very clear, and he doesn't get carried away with his success. There is no point in using money to compete in the South American and American game areas. In the end, both sides will lose, and other game areas will get an advantage.

If the goal is just to get the US game zone to recognize our interests in South America, this time South America Raiders Yingshi Virtual Bank can fully support it.

Just leave the communication with the American Game Zone to me. "

Xu Man also recognized Daliang’s plan: “The cost of supporting the South American battlefield is much higher than that of the Pacific War. If the goal is to win one or two decisive wars, the Northern Lords Alliance can also send all its troops to support it.

Now the intervention corps sent by the American Game Zone is on its way to Brazil. The size of the intervention army... We are still trying to find ways to obtain intelligence, but what is certain is that the commander of this intervention army, the Sun Waiter, has arrived in Rio de Janeiro, just inside Memnon's Territory of Radiance.

In addition to the Judgment Legion, you also need the support of those legions. I asked them to prepare in advance to teleport to Rio de Janeiro City to join the battle. "

With the full support of the Yingshi Virtual Bank and the Northern Lords Alliance, Daliang has the confidence to fight the Sun Waiter in Brazil.

He said: "The cost of cross-continental operations is too high. This time to fight in the Brazilian game area, the legions sent there are more expensive than the more expensive ones. The Judgment Legion, Yunxiao Legion, and Jiuding Legion each mobilized their main forces to form an expeditionary force of 10,000 people. .”

Xu Man said: "Isn't 10,000 people a little less? If there is a stalemate with the US intervention forces, Memnon is likely to lead the Brazilian Game Zone's big player group to join the war."

Daliang thought about his own combat effectiveness and said: "Ten thousand people should be enough. We still have to encourage Brazilian players to join the war. And our purpose is to trigger an internal war in the Brazilian game area. As long as we can stand firm in the early stage, the main thing in the later stage is Hold down the battle and watch the battle. As long as the fire is lit, nothing will happen to us."

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