Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1027 Attending the meeting

After a meeting with Xu Man and Boss Jin, the Northern Lords Alliance finally set the tone for this strategy for South America. Daliang also received the full support of the entire northern interest group in the Chinese gaming area.

After the meeting, Daliang waited for Shu Xiao to wake up and then returned to his residence together. During this period, Shu Xiao seemed to have forgotten what she had said before going to bed. She put out all her energy and prepared to have a good battle with the Americans in the Brazilian game area.

At the same time, the Northern Lords Alliance was also operating quickly. Xu Man first expressed to the Southern Lords Alliance the goals of the Northern Lords Alliance in South America, asking them to put pressure on the American game area in the Oceania waters, so that American players would not dare to be too involved. to the battles in South America.

Xu Man also responded to Japan and South Korea and put forward a proposal to jointly form an East Asia alliance. That is, the Northern Lords Alliance of China is the boss, and he plays with the two younger brothers from Japan and South Korea.

Tokugawa Nobunaga was very unwilling to be a younger brother. However, an East Asian naval battle did not control the development of the Chinese game zone. After entering the big sea, the Chinese game zone began to exert its strength. Before the Japan and South Korea alliance could react, it overtook them and left them behind.

Now the Chinese Game Zone and the American Game Zone are competing against each other. Tokugawa Nobunaga still wants to take advantage of the situation and rise again after the Chinese Game Zone is defeated. However, Tokugawa Nobunaga was a little scared when Da Liang stabbed him in the back of the American game area in South America.

If the American game zone wins the battle for the Pacific, then they must rely on the Japan-South Korea alliance to suppress the Chinese game zone, so Tokugawa Nobunaga can become the regional hegemon.

If the Chinese Game Zone wins in the Pacific, they will immediately solve the Japanese and Korean alliances around them. At that time, the Japanese and Korean alliances will not have any resistance.

Therefore, Tokugawa Nobunaga never had a clear position. The American game zone was in such good shape, so he could just wait for the Chinese game zone to defeat and take over East Asia. seems less clear now who wins and who loses.

At first, in order to appease the Japan-Korea Alliance, the Northern China Lords Alliance only asked Tokugawa Nobunaga not to cause trouble. Now that Daliang is in South America and flying sand and stones are in Oceania, they are distracting the attention of the American game area, allowing Xu Man to see the opportunity to solve the problem of Japan and South Korea.

East Asia Alliance... After joining, everyone will be allies; if you don't join, there will be nothing to talk about.

Tokugawa Nobunaga felt threatened and he had to make a choice... So Tokugawa Nobunaga went to seek help from the Shadow of Death in the Kingdom of Death.

Zero replied to him: "The members of the Shadow of Death are located all over the world, so we do not participate in or comment on the national war. We only fight plane confrontation. I warn you... don't involve the City of Sighs, we will not Bear any losses you suffer.”

Although Number Zero said that the Shadow of Death would not participate in national wars, Tokugawa Nobunaga could tell that Number Zero was very unfavorable about itself, the Japan-South Korea alliance.

It’s really hard to handle!

While Xu Man was liaising with various parties for the South American strategy, Boss Jin got on a plane to the United States. He was going to give a speech on virtual finance on Wall Street and meet the financial bigwigs in the American game area.

The war machine began to operate, and Da Liang entered the game and returned to the city of Rio de Janeiro.

At this time, Ada had completed deleting and rebuilding her account, and a human female knight appeared in a small town under Shangjiang City. Daliang and Ada became friends with each other, and then arranged for the staff of Rampage Niutou to take Ada to level up. At the same time, let the personnel of the Publicity Department of the University Alliance formulate an endorsement plan for Aida.

After everything was settled, Daliang suspended the interviews with the commanders of the small and medium-sized legions, and instead asked the Adjudication Leader to convey Daliang's request for a visit to the Brilliance Leader.

Daliang is coming to the Glory Leader.

Memnon thought he had made a mistake when he received the news.

It is impossible for Daliang not to know at this time that from the time he proposed the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention", he was on the opposite side of the Brazilian Grand Guild and the Grand Legion. As the Lord of the Radiant Lords, Memnon is the representative of these great guilds and legions.

They are enemies!

Memnon told the Sun Waiter that Daliang wanted to visit, and asked: "Why is he coming to the Radiance Territory at this time? Aren't you afraid that we will kill him and weaken his strength and reputation?"

The Sun Waiter said: "He should be here to force me to marry him. The whole process was broadcast live to all Brazilian players, asking you if you would sign his 'Game Ethics Convention'."

He thought that in front of so many Brazilian players, you couldn't do anything to him, and you couldn't say not to sign the contract.

In this case, he will be at the top of his moral standing, and things will go very smoothly when the contract is officially signed. By that time my intervention army had arrived, and it would be of no use. "

Memnon asked, "What should I do? Not see him?"

"Meet... why not? He left the protection of Rio de Janeiro. This is the best opportunity to kill him. When he was doing the live broadcast, we killed him in front of all the viewers. The signing of the moral convention was definitely a one-time A big blow.”

"Kill Daliang? In what name?"

Sun Waiter said: "American players need a name to kill Chinese players, right? And... Memnon...

This time our Intervention Legion comes to fight in the Brazilian game area, not only for us, but also for you. You won't just watch from the sidelines, right? "

Of course Memnon wanted to stand aside and watch, but the Sun Waiter obviously didn't want him to watch. Memnon had no choice but to say: "Okay, I'll summon all the army commanders and let's kill Liang here together!"

Daliang, who was in Rio de Janeiro, received an invitation from the Glory Leader.

Daliang knew that the Sun Waiter was in the Glory Territory, and he also knew that it would be very dangerous to go to the Glory Territory this time.

But this time his opponent was a group of lions, and he was leading a group of sheep. He could feel that the fear of big guilds and big legions was deep-rooted in the hearts of ordinary Brazilian players. If you want them to stand up bravely, you must eliminate their fear of these large groups.

This matter cannot be delayed until the U.S. Game Zone Intervention Force arrives. The decisive battle is when these lions are at their most ferocious. The morale of ordinary players must be raised in advance to let them know that those who drink their blood are "just like that" and "will be cowardly".

That's why Daliang chose to go to the Glory Territory at this time. He wanted to live broadcast the process of meeting Memnon to all Brazilian players, so that everyone could see the fear of these big guys towards him.

As for Sun Waiter?

If he dares to show up, he will kill people. Do Chinese players need a reason to kill an American player at this time?

No need?

Daliang set off for the Glory Territory and started a live broadcast of the visit.

Then an announcement was made on the Brazilian Gaming Zone national channel:

I am Daliang from the Chinese Game Zone and a friend of all Brazilian players. I am now leaving for the Glory Territory to meet with Mr. Memnon. If he is willing to take the lead in signing the "Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Gaming Zone", then the gaming environment we expect will soon be realized.

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