Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1028 Entering the Glory Territory

The Radiant Territory is an orc territory located northwest of Rio de Janeiro. It is the most developed player private territory in South America.

The lord is Memnon.

Daliang was riding a golden dragon, and Julian, Juliet, and Sophia were flying with the archangels and other golden dragons. In this way, he flew out of Rio de Janeiro with the most luxurious lineup in the game and entered the wilderness on the outskirts of the city.

All the players who were doing tasks and spawning monsters in the northwest direction of Rio de Janeiro looked up to the sky at this moment.

The golden dragon showed off its mighty body under the sunlight. The sunlight reflected by its golden scales made a dragon roar resound across the sky and the earth from time to time.

The archangels in their complete form spread out their white and sacred wings, showing off their vigorous figures. Angel Ji Julian, who was very popular at the beginning of the game, was easily recognized. Her wings are obviously much larger than other angels, and she has much less armor on her body. She is even more beautiful than the previous heavily armored image. Square things.

And Daliang, who was closely followed and protected by Julian, was also envied by countless people.

Daliang started live broadcasting from the moment he left Rio de Janeiro, broadcasting the entire process of his visit to the Glory Territory for free to the outside world.

In the gaming world, anyone who is well-informed and flexible will know where the biggest resistance to Daliang’s plan to implement the “Game Ethics Convention” comes from in the Brazilian gaming area. Chinese players are taking advantage of the Brazilian Big Player Group and American players. As the leader of the Brazilian Big Player Group, Memnon can be said to be the person who hates Daliang the most in the game.

Now the intervention forces in the American Game Zone are moving south, heading towards the Brazilian Game Zone.

The Brazilian big players group under the leadership of Memnon is also gearing up. Not only do they secretly threaten the small and medium-sized legions not to sign the convention, but they also continue to summon their own troops to expand their strength and prepare for war.

A war surrounding the "Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone" is inevitable.

The Brilliant Territory was like a dragon's den and a tiger's den to Daliang at this moment, where the top players in the entire Brazilian gaming area gathered. And as we all know, Sun Waiter's Landing Territory has ultra-distance positioning and teleportation capabilities, and the top forces in the American game area can also appear in the Glory Territory at any time.

But Da Liang went to the meeting alone. His ultimate creature lineup was indeed very luxurious, but in the face of the elites from the entire Brazilian game area and the ready support from the American game area, he looked like a moth flying into the flame.

What a mistake!

Almost everyone thought that Daliang's visit to the Radiant Territory was a losing move. He was too wishful thinking that Memnon did not dare to do it himself at this special time in front of all the Brazilian players.

What these Brazilian game zones are afraid of are the grassroots players who sign up for groups, and the current grassroots players in Brazil are far from being able to form groups. Don't think that just because the commanders of small and medium-sized corps signed a statement, it means they dare to sign a formal convention. Those grassroots players are shouting so fiercely and the public opinion is so hot, but in fact they are still waiting and watching.

Da Liang must have been dazzled by the fiery emotions in the Brazilian game area at this time, and mistakenly believed that he could force Memnon to have a baby, so that Memnon had to sign the "Pact of Public Morality" to achieve his immortal achievements.

But Daliang did not consider the consequences if Memnon did not sign and killed himself.

In front of all Brazilian players, killing the proposer and organizer of this "Practice of Public Morality" will definitely shut up those who are calling Zhenghuan.

To offend the public? Only when people unite can they become a crowd, otherwise it will be nothing but scattered sand.

Who can support Daliang, who has been demoted from the altar, in the Brazilian gaming area? The intervention forces in the American game area can return home directly.

Alas... one wrong move and the game is over. He clearly had a great situation in hand, so why did Daliang take the initiative to hit the sharp edge that the Glory Leader had sharpened?

pity! What a shame! sad!

But it seemed that Da Liang didn't understand what he was doing. He had already entered the scope of the Glory Territory.

The overhead view of the live video shows a very vast city.

Roughness and wildness are the characteristics of all orc territories. The city wall built with rough white stones has various bumps and protrusions, and the undulating lines of the wall are far from being as straight as the human city wall.

Most of the buildings in the city are made of logs and stones...

Orcs are indeed inferior to other races in terms of hands-on ability. What they are good at is herding and engaging in various manual labor. For example, orcs' lumber camps and quarries require fewer laborers than other races.

Seeing Daliang's team approaching, the glorious leader who had been prepared immediately opened the city gate.

A group of elite hungry wolf fighters rushed out from the city gate and formed a review queue on both sides of the city gate. Then there are the orc ax throwers, the ogre chiefs...

Finally, three ancient Behemoths and six Behemoths bent down and squeezed out of the city gate.

Behemoth and ancient Behemoth are the ultimate creatures of the orc tribe. They are nearly ten meters tall and extremely strong. Although they cannot fly, their claws have armor-piercing properties and have strong melee capabilities.

In one-on-one combat, Angel is no match for Beamon.

Memnon showed off three ancient Behemoths and six Behemoths this time, which can be said to be a very strong family.

During the live broadcast now, neither Memnon nor Daliang had any intention of fighting at the entrance of the Glory Territory. Out of etiquette, Daliang brought his team down from the sky. After seeing Memnon greeting him at the city gate, Daliang immediately laughed and said: "Mr. Memnon, I'm so sorry. I'm really busy these days. I haven’t had time to meet you. This time I came to the Glory Territory specifically to make amends to Mr. Memnon.”

Memnon is more powerful than Daliang. Although everything has been arranged to surround and kill Daliang in his territory, at this time, he gave Daliang a warm hug as if he were meeting an old friend: "When Mr. Daliang came to our Brazilian game area, It caused many misunderstandings, and we almost got into a fight. Fortunately, everything is clear now. Mr. Daliang is now the most popular guest in our Brazilian game area. I am really happy to come to my glorious collar.

Let's go to the city together. I have prepared a banquet in my lord's mansion. I want to discuss the plane war and future game situations with Mr. Daliang. "

Memnon invited Da Liang to enter the Kingdom of Glory. The moment the door to the Kingdom of Glory closed, the hearts of all Brazilian players watching the live broadcast were lifted.

The camera follows Da Liang closely.

Today he was wearing a very high-end priest's robe, and he was holding a priest's staff that looked like a high-end product in his hand. Julian returned to his human form, folded his wings and followed closely behind Da Liang. She tried her best to restrain her breath to make herself look like a high-end priest. A high-ranking archangel. The purple-haired Juliet had two swords slung at her waist and followed with her hands behind her back as harmlessly as a little girl.

Sophia, who was wearing a windbreaker, held her sword with one hand and looked at everything around her with vigilant eyes.

The other archangels and golden dragons followed behind in their large forms, suppressing the Behemoth and Ancient Behemoth next to them in terms of momentum.

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