Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1034 Dismount

In the eyes of the Sun Waiter, the world is divided into two types of people: conquerors and defenders.

He also believes that history is written by the winning side.

As a conqueror, if you want to win, you should not have an excessively high moral bottom line. When you win the final victory, no one will comment on what means you used in the process. Everything you did was the most correct... because you won.

After the death battle with Da Liang began, it was indeed very disgraceful to buy heroes from the spectators. All the viewers watching the live broadcast booed Sun Waiter.

But so what?

As long as they win the battle, these people will say that Da Liang's B disguise has gone too far and become SB.

Sun Waiter has begun trading heroes with Memnon: 54 high-level hero units and ten level 14 ultimate creatures.

All hero units are equipped with flying mounts.

The ten ultimate creatures include: three ancient Behemoths, three black dragons, three big demons and a special 14th-level dungeon creature, the Spider Queen.

After the transfer of command, the Sun Waiter side immediately became stronger and stronger. Those flying in the sky and running on the ground had many times more lineups than Daliang.

At this time, Daliang was still protected by the magic barrier of his personal guards. He drank wine and watched the Sun Waiter arrange his troops and arrange his troops into a shock formation.

However, the Sun Waiter did not attack Daliang, but shouted: "Does Lord Daliang need to purchase some military power?"

Daliang looked around at the big guys in the Brazilian game area. He estimated that even if he wanted to buy it, they wouldn't be able to sell it to them, so he said with a smile: "Waiter of the Sun, don't be a bitch yourself and just drag others along with you to have sex.

I can't afford to lose that person!

Do you have enough soldiers? If it's not enough... I allow you to add more. "

After being bullied by Da Liang's words, Sun Waiter said without any hurry or annoyance: "I'm ready. If you don't have any questions, I'll attack."

Daliang said at this time: "NO!"

The Sun Waiter showed a sarcastic smile: Sure enough, he couldn't hold it any longer.

"Mr. Daliang, do you have any last words to say?"

"Hahaha, I'm just correcting you...if you're ready, I'm going to attack. hour."

Finally waiting for Da Liang's order, Juliet, who had been impatient for a long time, pulled out her swords, kicked her feet into the air, and then completed the transformation of her form.

The coercion instantly filled the entire duel field, making everyone feel depressed, and all attributes were reduced.

Juliet was standing in the air, her long purple hair flying in the wind, her black skirt and white long thin stockings. The vase hero who was originally just for viewing, now looked evil at this moment.

"Level 15!"

A voice rang in Sun Waiter's ears.

The speaker was a fallen angel, and he was flying next to the Sun Waiter. When Juliet's aura fully exploded, he felt the difference in strength between himself and the other party.

The Sun Waiter asked: "What level 15?"

The fallen angel said: "The opponent is a 15th-level creature. The aura on her body is more evil than the devil. Our combat effectiveness will be reduced under her pressure. Sir, I am a 14th-level fallen angel. Although my strength can reach the level of a human being, Level 15, but there is still a big difference in strength when encountering real level 15 creatures.

If you don't use the items given to you by King Lucifer, this battle will be very difficult. "

Sun Waiter knows that level 14 is not the highest level for creatures. There are creatures born at level 14 above level 14, who truly stand at the top of the biological chain.

Unexpectedly, Daliang actually possesses a level 15 creature. No wonder he is so confident.


The Sun Waiter looked down at Da Liang who was protected by the maids.

If this is his biggest trump card, then I will be the one with the last laugh today.

"Sir, the other party has entered the sub-space. She has the skills of a demon and is definitely a creature from hell. She has already come over and is very fast."

After that, the fallen angel stood in front of the Sun Waiter, and a black light shield appeared, hitting the airspace in front of him with a shield strike.

Juliet came out of the subspace, kicked the black shield, and then used the force to change direction and turn into a phantom and rushed towards the hero's team.

The fallen angel was kicked out by Juliet, and then quickly returned to the Sun Waiter.

"Sir, the opponent's speed is too fast. Under the reduction of coercion, those ordinary heroes cannot hold on for too long."

Even without the reminder of his strongest fallen angel, the Sun Waiter saw the massacre taking place among the heroes. Juliet returned to her small form after entering the community of heroes. The strength of these heroes who were promoted from ordinary creatures was even more severely reduced under the pressure.

These heroes rode their respective flying mounts and tried their best to launch skills and magic attacks on the flying Juliet, but they could not even sweep away the corners of Juliet's clothes.

She rushed up so fast that she could only see the trails of black flames flying back and forth, flying from one hero to another.

A hero is only given one sword, and even if there is residual health, he will never stop to hit the target.

Under the pressure of absolute power, Juliet showed her killing efficiency. With just a blink of an eye, several weak-blooded heroes fell from the sky.

The massacre continues.

The Sun Waiter ordered the ultimate creatures that had not yet been involved in the battle: "Attack Da Liang!"

The Sun Waiter has heard the story of "Tian Ji's Horse Racing" in the ancient Chinese fable, and knows the truth of the up horse against the middle horse, the middle horse against the dismounted horse, and the dismounted horse against the up horse.

Now the Sun Waiter thinks he has seen the reality of Daliang.

He used confusing tactics to deceive everyone, making everyone think that Juliet's status was weaker than Julian. Then Juliet came forward in all the battles, but Julian never made a move. Naturally, people have the impression that Julian is stronger than Juliet, but is this true?

Julian is just a 14th-level archangel. Like his strongest fallen angel, he is an A-level ultimate creature. Although Julian was recruited earlier and may be stronger than his fallen angel, level 14 is still level 14, and no matter how strong he is, he cannot surpass level 15.

Therefore... Da Liang is just bluffing.

He wanted me to think that Julian was stronger and wouldn't dare attack him without defeating Juliet.

But I've seen through your trick!

The strength of Daliang's side should be... Juliet is the top horse, Julian is the middle horse, and Daliang himself is the dismounted horse.

And on our side...the heroes are the weakest force, they are dismounted. They can delay Juliet for a while even if they are not good enough. I will take this time to take my ultimate creatures and kill you both the middle and lower horses.

The Sun Waiter looked at Da Liang with a victorious smile on his face, and then waved his hand: "Attack!"

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