Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1035 Magical Mage Group

The three ancient Behemoths let out ear-splitting roars. They shook their hill-like bodies and charged at Da Liang. The size of the Spider Queen reaches six meters. Her body is that of a spider and her upper body is that of a naked woman. After receiving the attack command, the spider queen raised its abdomen and shot out the spider silk at Da Liang.

Others flying in the sky...fallen angels, big demons, black dragons and sun waiters swooped down towards the location of Da Liang. All kinds of magic and skills poured down like rain...

Then he hit the defensive barrier released by the maid.

The collision of magic and magic... At the collision point of the barrier, the magic energy burst out with dazzling light, and the scattered magic jumped along the outer wall of the barrier, creating circles of ripples.

After all, the heroes promoted from the Vampire Sword Guard are no match for the same number of ultimate creatures, and there is a gap in the power level of the magic energy. Soon the defensive barrier they jointly released began to show cracks, and a small amount of magic penetrated.

"After all, the Vampire Sword Guards are not professional spell-casting heroes. Magical confrontation on the spot is not what they are good at." Daliang felt that he had allowed the personal guards to organize magic defense. After all, the Sun Waiter could have such a high status in the game. , must have some ability. So he found Vincent through the lord channel: "Bring your magic mage group to me..."

The Sun Waiter is leading his ultimate creatures to launch the most violent attack on the defensive barrier, with magic constantly bombarding him. The ancient Behemoths have also rushed forward. They waved their fat giant claws and struck hard at the barrier. The barrier deformed and shook with every slap.

The maids had reached the limit of their endurance, and the impact of magic kept pushing them back.

The barrier is about to collapse!

However, just when Sun Waiter was about to organize a mass fire to completely break the barrier, a group of mage units wearing blue and white robes with purple edges came out from the dark red hell portal next to Da Liang.

The leading mage got the staff and sword in his hand. He came to the center of the barrier and inserted the staff and sword into the ground. With him as the center, the magic lines and runes lit up layer by layer on the ground, and soon formed a A magic circle.

The other mages walked to the magic nodes of the magic circle, then faced outward and stuck their staffs on the ground, stretched out one hand and released a magic aperture.


The barrier released by the personal guard maids was broken by the Sun Waiter at this moment. The barrier was shattered and dissipated quickly, and the barrier of the magic mage group began to operate at this moment.

The defensive barrier set up by Vincent is not only for pure defense. Vincent's specialty is flame control (the effect of fire magic is increased by 20%), immunity to fire magic, and the resistance of the commanded army to fire magic is increased by 20 %, summon the flame elves: the summoning time is related to intelligence, and the number of summons is related to knowledge).

The enchantment released by the magic mage group is flowing with a stream of fire. Any attack on the enchantment will cause the fire elements to gather and produce flame elves.

Flame Elf: (Hell 12th level creature)

Attack: 16

Defense: 14

Kills: 160-240

HP: 900

Specialties: Flying, immunity to fire magic, fire shield, mortal enemy of gods and monsters.

Flame elves are high-level creatures in the hell tribe. Although facing the ultimate creature, they do not have enough combat power to match, but their own fire shield has the effect of rebounding damage, so it is also very difficult to deal with. A direct physical attack against the Flame Elves will kill one thousand enemies and damage eight hundred. The best way is to keep a distance and use magic and skills to kill them.

The defensive barrier that protects Daliang is even harder. When attacked, a flaming spirit will be produced, even if it is hit or not.

Sun Waiter was very annoyed by the endless stream of special heroes in Da Liang. He could see that these heroes wearing blue and white robes were all professional spell-casting heroes, and they had matching magic arrays to enhance the enchantment effect.

This is a professional magic confrontation team. If they want to defend, it will not be easy to attack.

At this time... half of the heroes bought by the Sun Waiter had been killed by Juliet in a short period of time. Now she had abandoned the remaining heroes and rushed towards the ultimate creatures besieging the barrier.

The Sun Waiter glanced at Daliang, who was toasting him with a wine glass, and then ordered to his subordinates: "This defensive barrier is too difficult. Let's concentrate on killing Juliet first. Bikkelson, get ready..."

"Yes, sir!" the strongest fallen angel replied.

The Sun Waiter asked the ancient Behemoth and Spider Queen who could not fly to continue attacking the defensive barrier, and then ordered other ultimate creatures to counterattack the rushing Juliet.

In Shi Fei's previous life, Sun Waiter was the world's first lord. The first lord reward he received at that time was not the "magic mage" obtained by Daliang, but the "fallen angel" who directly obtained the fallen angel bloodline.

In this life, the Sun Waiter was tricked by Shi Fei. He fell from the first place to the third place, and the rewards he received were naturally not as good as those of Daliang and Shi Fei. But some things are yours, even if you miss them this time, you will meet them again next time.

When Sun Waiter was on a mission in Hell's Furnace City, he was appreciated by Lucifer, who then gave him the blood of a fallen angel.

Specialties of Fallen Angels: Obtaining the blood of fallen angels, you can learn fallen energy, you can learn fallen angel combat skills, curse magic effects are increased by 30%, all magic effects are increased by 10%, all resistances are increased by 20%, and there is a command bonus for subordinate fallen angels. become.

A very strong specialty.

Then, the Sun Waiter obtained another prop through the mission.

Fallen Coincidence Rune: Combine two fallen angels to temporarily become a level 15 sinful angel (validity: one hour).

This is the ultimate trick that the Sun Waiter relies on to not take Daliang seriously. He himself has fallen angel blood, and Bikkelsen is an A-level fallen angel. After they merged as fallen angels, the overflowing power made Sun Waiter feel like he could split the sky.


Let us fight level 15, wait until I kill this Juliet, and then slowly break your turtle shell.

The Fallen Coincidence Rune is activated.

The ultimate creatures in front have blocked Juliet, and the Sun Waiter behind him took out a rune and activated the skills inside. The black aura of corruption emerged from his body, and soon formed the form of a seven-meter-tall angel. Then the fallen angel Bikkelsen rushed into the black energy, and the black energy condensed instantly...

The Sinful Angel appeared in the air, and everyone felt that their attributes had dropped again when they were hit by a breath.

What are these things, and why are their attributes lowered as soon as they come out before they are beaten?

The Sun Waiter looked at his new body, feeling the power and magic energy contained in it, and laughed to the sky.

Da Liang was stunned on the spot while holding the wine glass: This girl can also transform, Juliet is going to encounter a tough problem this time.

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