Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1036 Maid Team

Julian asked Daliang in a worried voice: "Sir, would you like me to help Juliet?"

Daliang regained his composure and said: "Let's see... we can't scare American players away from coming to Rio de Janeiro. Vincent..."

Vincent, who was in charge of the defensive barrier, responded: "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Provide Juliet with auxiliary magic support and don't let her be cursed or controlled."

"Yes! Sir."

The Sun Waiter turned around and besieged Juliet with the flying ultimate creature, which reduced Vincent's defensive pressure a lot. He made some changes to the structure of the magic circle. Circles of light lit up from the ground one by one. The four magic mage heroes switched from maintaining defensive barriers to auxiliary magic release.

One after another, high-level auxiliary magics were launched into the air, exploding magic springs in the sky. Juliet relied on her speed to get rid of the enemy's entanglement, and rushed through these magic springs.

Advanced Curse Resistance

Advanced body care stone skin

Advanced toughness

Advanced Anti-Magic Technique

Advanced Firebending Magic

Juliet, who was supported by the Magic Mage Group, was even more powerful. She maintained the highest flying speed to draw a circle in the air, and then dived in a snake-like trajectory. Her swords swept back to accumulate power, and suddenly entered the sub-space and suddenly appeared again, her figure erratic. , you will lose her trace if you are not careful.


Juliet avoided the Sun Waiter and stared at a big demon. When passing by the big demon, she turned sharply and slashed the big devil four times with her sword in an instant.

Hell Angel has a damage bonus to angels and demons. After being hit by her, the big demon let out a scream and its health dropped sharply. The surrounding ultimate creatures immediately began to treat the attacked demon, surrounded Juliet, and released various control magics at the same time.

At this time, after the magicians on the ground completed the magic blessing for Juliet, they turned to release debuff magic on the hostile ultimate creatures in the air.

For a time, all kinds of magic flew in the air, lighting up the sky like gorgeous fireworks.

Juliet, who was protected by magic, rushed to the big devil's side again after completing many changes while flying.

Juliet controls the rhythm of the battle. Although the Sun Waiter has turned into a 15th-level sinful angel and has so many ultimate creatures to command, it is difficult to limit Juliet's speed due to the interference of the ground magic mage group.

After a while, the big demon who was stared at by Juliet and attacked continuously was killed and fell from the sky.

Realizing that the battle was not going as smoothly as he had imagined, the Sun Waiter immediately reorganized his formation and did not give Juliet a chance to kill alone. At the same time, he ordered the remaining heroes who had arrived to join the attack on the defensive barrier and prevent the mages inside. Then provide magic support to Juliet.

More than twenty heroes were divided into two teams. The heroes of the physical profession stood outside the defensive barrier and attacked the barrier. The heroes of the spellcasting profession were responsible for destroying the flame elves generated by the barrier.

Coupled with the attacks of the three ancient Behemoths and the Spider Queen, the barrier's endurance is gradually approaching the critical point.

"Sophia, go out with your bodyguards, archangels, and golden dragons. Kill the creature knocking on the door and return immediately."

After receiving Da Liang's order to fight, Sophia drew her sword. At the same time, all the maids here also drew their swords and neatly pulled out their swords from their scabbards.

"The Guards attack!"

After giving the order, Sophia transformed into a bat and rushed out of the barrier. The other maids also transformed into bats and rushed out gracefully. The archangel and the golden dragon transformed back into their large forms and soared into the sky, then rushed down towards the enemies attacking the barrier below.

The battle on the ground started instantly, with three archangels and three golden dragons facing off against three ancient Behemoths and a Spider Queen.

Sophia led her personal maids to attack the Sun Waiter's heroic team.

As the ancestor of the Vampire Sword Guard heroes, Sophia has a very broad space for growth. Of course, Da Liang will not keep her with him like a vase all the time.

Sophia is one of the heroes of the Black Fire Leader trained by Daliang.

When Sophia is not needed by his side, Daliang will let her go to snowfields and magical realms to practice. He will also let Sophia take the guards to gain experience in large and small wars launched by the Black Fire Leader.

Moreover, as Daliang's personal maid, Sophia has often competed with Julian and Juliet recently. Although these battles cannot improve the level and attributes, they add combat skills that cannot be displayed through attributes.

No matter how powerful the attack is, no damage will be caused if it misses.

Therefore, Sophia is also a very powerful hero in the hands of Da Liang, and her superficial strength alone has reached a level of 14th level. If you include the ancestor's invisibility bonus, ordinary 14th-level creatures are no match for her.

The vampire sword guards who can become Da Liang's personal guards are all carefully selected heroines with high potential and good looks, and then go to the private leveling point in batches for training.

After another screening, Daliang selected 12 personal maids for himself.

Most of these 12 personal guard maids are the previous batches of vampire sword guards who have completed the blood sacrifice. The initial group of the initial race will focus on a group of high-potential tribesmen who will become the backbone of the race. It would be difficult for these high-potential personal guard maids to appear among the vampire sword guards who would complete the blood sacrifice in the future.

Unless like the Poison Dragon Clan, when they face the threat of annihilation.

Anyway, this is the first time that Daliang's maid team has appeared in front of players. Their uniform maid outfits have made many otakus jealous to death. The key is that they are not only good-looking but also violent enough. Just when they formed the defensive barrier, they showed that they have good magical abilities. Now they draw their swords and they can kill people in close combat without hesitation, which makes the world howl at the same time.

Boss Daliang is indeed a boss, he just knows how to play better than others.

But after some high-level players in the game saw that these maids could transform into bats, a name rang out in their hearts: Destruction.

When these maids had not transformed just now, everyone regarded them as heroes of the human race. After all, although the vampire sword guards were transformed from vampires, their appearance was closer to that of humans.

But when these maids simultaneously pulled out the Vampire Guards' iconic swords and transformed into bats to attack, some people recognized their race.

Vampire Sword Guard - the standard hero of the faction confrontation team Death Shadow Apostles. All players who have seen the Vampire Sword Guard hero are impressed by this all-round combat hero.

Everybody wants one.

But this kind of hero seems to be exclusive to the Shadow of Death. To be precise, it is a hero unique to the most powerful person in the world.

Vampire Sword Guard heroes are only available for internal purchase in the Shadow of Death. Most of the Vampire Sword Guard heroes that appear in the game are concentrated in the hands of the apostles. Even if other players obtain the Vampire Sword Guard, they are indirectly obtained from the apostles through the relationship with Death Shadow. of.

Why does Daliang have so many vampire sword guards?

Did he get it from Destruction? Or is it like Mie Shi, who knows how to recruit vampire sword guards?

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