Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1037: Adding information to prevent being scolded

Those who know that Daliang is related to the Destruction of the World only have a few apostles from the Shadow of Death in the game. Sergey No. 2 once invited "Daliang" to join the Shadow of Death through Daliang, but he was rejected by Daliang at that time.

Later, although Daliang joined the Shadow of Death, everyone knew that the Shadow of Death's No. 0 was Destruction and had a powerful and outrageous special profession.

Now, the vampire sword guard brought by Daliang this time has made the gaming public associate him with the destruction of the world for the first time.

But it is still difficult to guess what the relationship between Daliang and Mie Shi is. For now, let’s see the battle between him and the Sun Waiter.

In the battle on the ground, Da Liang sent out six ultimate creatures and a group of vampire sword guards who were recognized as powerful heroes. The Sun Waiter's ground swarm instantly gained the upper hand. The Archangel, the Golden Dragon, the Ancient Behemoth, and the Spider Queen fought head-on in a head-to-head melee, with Sophia and her personal maid using their dexterous movements to weave back and forth.

There are also more and more flame elves produced by the battle.

The battle between combat skills and magic, strength and skill, reached a climax on the ground.

In the battle in the air, the high-speed attack of Juliet forced the Sun Waiter to shrink his formation and raise his position to avoid the magic attack of the magic mage group.

The Sun Waiter has already seen that he is at a disadvantage on the ground, but with three ancient Behemoths supporting him, it is not easy for Da Liang to win the ground battle.

The focus of this battle is still Juliet. As long as she can be killed, then he, the sinful angel, is the highest force in this battle.

"Keep the formation and cover each other. Be careful! Don't be attacked by the enemy. This high-speed flight will not last long. As long as the opponent slows down, use magic to cover it immediately.

I'll attack their defensive barrier, forcing her to fight me, and then you'll take positions to limit her flying space. "

After the Sun Waiter gave the order, he swooped down towards the defensive barrier below, while holding the black light shield in front of him with his left arm.

It's a dive skill similar to Angel's Holy Strike.

The defensive barrier of the magic mage group could not withstand the impact of a 15th-level creature... Juliet immediately gave up the tactic of cruising around in the periphery looking for sneak attack opportunities. Instead, she accelerated towards the Sun Waiter and used her speed to attack the sun first. The waiter knocked out of the way of the blow.

"Finally, fight me." The Sun Waiter's plan succeeded.

Sin Angel's transformation has a time limit, and he cannot delay the battle until one hour later. This forces him to deal with Juliet as soon as possible. Da Liang is the weak point in the whole battle. If Juliet attacks Da Liang, she will definitely have to save her. Then she will have to face the Evil Angel, who is also at level 15, from the front.

The Sun Waiter remains a threat to the defensive barrier, making it impossible for Juliet to leave without abandoning herself. While using his black shield and technology to block Juliet's raining sword strikes, he commanded the ultimate creature to block Juliet's movement route.

Frontal positional combat is not what Juliet is good at. Sun Waiter's own fighting awareness and skills are very high. Although he was cut and lost blood rapidly, he was able to avoid being taken away by a wave without losing his position.

The ultimate creatures gathered around, and the Sun Waiter began to organize a counterattack, using various magic and combat skills to focus on Juliet. As long as Juliet wanted to get out of the battle, the Sun Waiter immediately acted like a strong attack on the defensive barrier.

"It's a bit shameless..." Da Liang could see that as long as Juliet was given time, she could kill the Sun Waiter and all these ultimate creatures. However, the Sun Waiter saw Juliet's weakness and attacked the areas where she had to save her, leaving Juliet to fight the Sun Waiter on the spot.

Juliet needs a little help.

Daliang took out the Angel Alliance and held it in his hand.

The Black Fire Leader troops in the battle all received the blessings of the Angel Alliance.

[You receive the blessing of the Angel Alliance. Within the scope of the Angel Alliance, you will receive the spell effects of master-level prayer magic: attack, defense, speed +5]

In addition, the Angel Alliance strengthens the attributes of the angels very highly, and the Hell Angels are also angels.

Therefore, when Daliang took out the League of Angels, Juliet's various attribute indicators kept rising like a shot of chicken blood. Juliet, who was at a disadvantage in the fight with the Angel of Sin, now kicked the Sun Waiter backwards.

What happened!

Can such a powerful creature explode?

Sun Waiter clearly felt that her opponent suddenly became stronger and faster, and her eyes could not keep up with her movements. What made the Sun Waiter even more bloody was that after Juliet knocked herself back, she turned to target the 14th-level ultimate creatures.

Daliang said that Juliet was efficient in killing weak creatures, and she was really efficient.

The attack frequency of the two swords is already fast. Together with Juliet whose attributes have been enhanced, killing the ultimate creature is like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

With advantages in rank and strength, even the strong black dragon was knocked into the air by Juliet.

With the support of the Angel Alliance, Juliet has completely exploded. She originally had the strength of the mid-15th level, but now she is constantly approaching the peak of the 15th level.

Those ultimate creatures that surrounded Juliet were now scattered by Juliet, losing their cooperation and cover, and turned into lambs to be slaughtered.

Juliet has fallen into a killing frenzy. Looking at the frightened prey, she laughs and chases and plays with them easily.

The Sun Waiter didn't expect that the situation would change so quickly. He obviously had the situation under control and was about to win. Why did it suddenly become like this?

Looking at Juliet who was chasing the ultimate creatures, Sun Waiter had to bear that he was no match for Juliet now.

But this explosive state will not last forever. He needs new help to help him win this death battle.

So the Sun Waiter privately spoke to Memnon: "The time has come to fulfill your duty as an ally. If I defeat you, you will be in a very passive situation. If you want to save yourself, concentrate all your strength to attack Da Liang."

He has already sent out all the combatants. Julian is just a stronger archangel and cannot stop your siege.

I'll stop Juliet, you go and kill Da Liang! "

Memnon was also startled by the sudden change of situation. Why did Juliet, who was originally surrounded, suddenly burst out and killed these many ultimate creatures without the ability to fight back?

What kind of hero is this? Is it that strong?

At this time, the message of the Sun Waiter was displayed in front of Memnon.

Memnon is very clear about the pros and cons.

If they just admit that Daliang killed Sun Waiter and leave, it will definitely increase the prestige of those grassroots players. The allies of the American Game Zone will also be very disappointed with their failure to save them. If they get angry and send the fleet back, then these big bosses of the Brazilian Game Zone will be forced to sign the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics" Formal Convention".

"Notice down, prepare to intervene in the battle, surround and kill Daliang!"

But just when Memnon was about to issue an attack order, the Radiant Territory sounded the alarm.

"A large number of unknown players are approaching our glorious territory..."

At this moment, countless players arrived outside the city wall of the Glory Territory under Ada's call to "go to the Glory Territory". These Brazilian players do not have any organization. They all wear smocks and hoods to hide their identities.

They just silently gathered outside the city wall of the Glory Territory, gathering more and more...

Daliang's live broadcast also included a scene to capture the scene of Brazilian players gathering in the Brilliant Territory. These players were afraid of retaliation, so they hid everything that revealed their identity. They didn't move around in the group, didn't say anything, and just stood quietly.


Memnon looked at the footage in the live broadcast and hesitated to give the order to attack. The protest in silence is more shocking than any words, and represents the determination of every player present. He didn't know if one of his decisions would cause the sea to move and submerge everything about him.

The Sun Waiter urged again and again, but could not get any response from Memnon.

All the bosses in the Brazilian game area stood still, and their subordinate heroes and ultimate creatures showed no signs of moving. They just looked at it...

Watching the ultimate creatures falling from the sky, watching the ancient Behemoth beheaded by the archangel, watching the Spider Queen being torn apart by the golden dragon, watching the heroes being stabbed to death by the blood-sucking sword guards.

Look... I am the only one left in the entire duel field.

The Sun Waiter flew alone in the air, and Juliet landed at the same height as him and said: "Although I was forced to let the adults provide help, fortunately, the time was controlled within an hour, and you are the last one..."

After saying that, Juliet flashed in front of the Sun Waiter.

The Sun Waiter, whose defeat was certain, had no intention of fighting. Juliet seized the opportunity to complete the breakthrough, and then output a series of killing skills.

The Evil Angel was torn back and forth by a black wind like a broken sack in the air, until a white light burst out, and the Evil Angel turned into the corpse of a fallen angel and fell on the duel field.

The Sun Waiter was killed.

At this moment, the square in front of the Lord's Mansion of the Glory Lord was quiet. The place was filled with various corpses, each of which was a high-level hero and ultimate creature pursued by players. In the battle between players, there has never been such a large-scale and dense battle between high-level heroes and ultimate creatures.

For this reason alone, this deathmatch is enough to be remembered by all players.

As the victorious side, Daliang never moved his butt from the stone bench from beginning to end.

He enjoyed the service of the maid, ate fruit snacks, drank fine wine, and watched the entire battle like all the spectators.

Just a little closer.

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