Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1040 Goodbye Tiago

Daliang went to the Brazilian Game Zone to talk about the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention". In the final analysis, it was Tiago who caused it. If he hadn't provoked Da Liang and kidnapped Ada. Even if Daliang wanted to intervene in South American affairs, he would not be able to do so smoothly.

The vigorous and resolute progress made everyone unable to react, and they were all led by Daliang.

Moreover, Tiago publicly surrendered to Daliang on the Brazilian national channel, which further fueled Daliang's arrogance and pushed all the small and medium player groups in the Brazilian game area that were originally waiting to be on the side of Daliang.

Now Da Liang's momentum has been built up in the Brazilian game area, forcing the big guys in the Brazilian game area to a desperate fight. Of course, these big guys hold a grudge against Tiago.

At the same time, because of Daliang's high-profile involvement in offline violence in the Brazilian gaming area, the kidnapping of Ada became a typical example of gaming bullying. Now Ada is a rising film and television star that is highly praised by the China Game Zone College Alliance, and she has almost no blind spots in publicity in Brazil. The more famous Ada is, the more famous Tiago is naturally.

However, such fame did not bring any benefits to Tiago. He originally thought that after escaping from Da Liang's clutches, he could continue to run his own frontline assault legion, but as a result, the game environment he was in became even worse.

At this juncture, who dares to interact casually with the charging frontline army?

The development of the legion is at a standstill, and in order to win over people's hearts, expenditures are increasing.

Tiago didn't know how long he could hold on. When he couldn't hold on any longer and the hozens scattered, his former enemies would come.

The Charge Legion and Tiago are really in dire straits, and the only one in the world who can help him is Daliang, and only Daliang. Except for Da Liang, who in the entire Brazilian gaming area dares to get close to him...

So Tiago had to submit an application to meet Daliang again.

At this time, Da Liang no longer casually meets with players in the Brazilian game area, because the momentum has been built, and the outcome will depend on who wins the battle against the American intervention forces. There is no point in meeting the minds of these players now, and they will not make any promises before the decisive battle.

Da Liang just did some time-consuming tasks, paid attention to the negotiations between the Wizards Guild and the Unsullied Holy See, and went to the Bone Split Territory again with Ada.

After being confirmed by the night, the church in the crack in the ground was the Cathedral of Eternal Night.

Yunzhong City deployed heavy troops around the Eternal Night Cathedral. A supreme angel led a legion of angels to be stationed inside the cathedral. While upgrading the church, they were studying how to destroy the obelisk inside.

Ye Xie's intrusion aroused the vigilance of the Supreme Angel. Da Liang was afraid that Yunzhong City would move Yong Ye Cathedral, so he immediately stopped the investigation and withdrew Ye Xie.

Now that the location of the Eternal Night Cathedral has been found, all that remains is to wait for the Wizards Guild and the New Unsullied Church to complete their merger.

The Wizards Guild may not know the true purpose of Cloud City occupying the Cathedral of Eternal Night, but they definitely know that the Cathedral of Eternal Night is here. When the Wizards Guild and Yunzhong City become hostile, they will definitely recycle the Eternal Night Cathedral.

At that time, a war was inevitable, and Da Liang could profit from it.

Just wait.

While Daliang was watching the movements of the interventionist forces in the American Game Zone and looking for things to do, Tiago's request for permission was sent to Daliang.

Being idle is also idle. you.

Also in the Lord's Palace in Rio de Janeiro, Daliang once again received Tiago. The difference was that this time Tiago got a seat.

The experiences of the past few days have really smoothed all the edges of Tiago. He is not afraid that someone will come looking for trouble, but he is afraid that no one will pay attention to him.

I have no place to use my strength, and I don’t even dare to speak loudly for fear of scaring my subordinates to quit.

"Mr. Daliang, I need your help..."

Da Liang looked at Tiago. The skeleton mage couldn't tell much about his expression, but just from his sitting posture, he could feel that he was in a very bad state and was in an extremely low mood.

"Tiago, I told you very clearly last time. I have no interest in you or your legion, and after you did what I asked you to do, I didn't make things difficult for you anymore. Likewise... I have no obligation to help you, and I have no intention of helping you.”

Tiago raised his head and said: "But the fact that you agreed to see me means that I am still useful to you. My current situation is very bad, and I know that I am to blame for it, but I can still hope to get your help. Now too Only you can save me and the Storm Front Legion, and I'm willing to pay any price for that.

My gang could collapse at any moment, and there was nothing I could do about it. "

During the meeting with Tiago, Daliang obtained the current situation of the charge to the front line from the college alliance intelligence network.

There are now four of the fourteen leveling points originally controlled, only one of the eight important mining areas is still in control, and all the field soldier recruitment points have been lost.

The land and sea caravans have ceased operations due to frequent robberies.

The scavenger team was completely poached.

All industries are severely shrinking, and the front lines are really running out of gas. It is estimated that if Daliang rejected Tiago today, he might be sunk into the sea tomorrow...

Outside the game.

When Daliang was reading the intelligence information on the assault front, the room was silent. Tiago just sat like this, not knowing what kind of answer he could get from Daliang.

He said that he was useful to Daliang, but he was just exaggerating. He didn't know what a fourth-level legion that was about to collapse would do to a predator like Daliang. His seventh-level legion was about to be teleported over... there were still several of them. Seventh level legion.

Time passed bit by bit, Tiago was sitting on pins and needles, and the seconds seemed like years.

Da Liang finally finished reading the information about Tiago and the Charge Front, and then slowly said: "You used to be a typical thug and violent supremacist, and there were some such people around you. guys It is true that you have obtained something through the methods that you yourself admire.

But it is also destined to be something short-lived and easily lost.

Because you will grow old and have families, and you will not dare to work so hard. At that time, a new 'Tiago' and a new 'Charging Front' will appear and take away what you have now.

I'm not very interested in gangs like you that only have a short life span. Short-term investment may yield huge returns, but if you make long-term investment, you will probably lose it all.

I don't have the energy to make short-term investments in a level 4 legion that is about to collapse. I am also very disgusted with your profiteering businesses and I don't want to dirty my hands and leave future troubles.

Want my help?


Show your sincerity and give up all previous outside gaming industry, whether legal or illegal. Only retain the necessary self-protection power, and then charge to the front line and turn them all into professional gamers...

Publicly sign the ‘Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone’.

Express to all Brazilian players your determination to repent and offer me your loyalty. "

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