Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1041 Signature

Tiago now stands at a fork in the road in his life.

There are two roads before him. He should keep walking along the original route and try his best to survive this extraordinary period. Wait until the influence of this incident subsides before making a comeback.

The other way is to completely surrender to Daliang, clear out all illegal industries outside the game, cut off all escape routes, and follow Daliang's path to darkness. If Da Liang can persevere in the game, he can continue to be prosperous, provided that he can survive this dangerous period.

But can Daliang remain evergreen in the game?

Although he won a complete victory in the battle against the Sun Waiter, the fleet of the American Game Zone Intervention Force did not stop at all. Now they have entered the territorial waters of the Brazilian game zone and will soon land in Rio de Janeiro.

The guild leaders and army leaders of the Brazilian Game Zone did not seem to be frightened by Da Liang. They are actively preparing for war and constantly issuing warnings to all small and medium-sized player groups. They are not allowed to participate in the upcoming war and are not allowed to sign the "Game Ethics Convention".

This is a huge interest group, and fully committing to Daliang means standing on the opposite side of them, which is extremely dangerous.

If you sign the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention" now, you will be in danger of having your home confiscated. Memnon and the others will never allow the first signer to live a good life. They will kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and intimidate those who have illusions about the "Game Ethics Convention".

Tiago smiled helplessly: "Mr. Daliang, you are asking me to commit suicide."

Daliang said seriously: "This is a big gamble! I need the first person to sign the 'Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention', and you...

If you die during this event, that's what you deserve. If you can survive, I can build the Charge Frontline into the strongest legion in the Brazilian game area and even in South America.

Of course, I won't let you take the risk alone. After all, if you really die, it will have a great impact on my promotion of the "Game Ethics Convention".

I won't provide you with any help outside the game. It's up to you to avoid being chased. In the game, I will do my best to deter those who want to kill you and reduce your stress. "

Daliang's words made Tiago fall into silence.

This is indeed a big gamble. Signing the first "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention" means that he and Daliang are completely trapped together.

If Daliang's strategy in Brazil fails, Tiago will naturally die without a burial place.

But if it succeeds, he is alive again...

Chinese players will enter South America strongly, and they need an agent in South America. What Daliang said about fully supporting the charging front line was definitely not empty talk!

At that time, Thiago will suddenly become one of the highest-status players in South America, able to keep pace with Memnon.

Tiago thought for a long time before asking Daliang: "Mr. Daliang, in the war against the American intervention forces...can you win?"

Daliang felt that it was time to give Tiago a shot of cardiotonic. He took out the Angel League and handed it into Julian's hand, and then Juliet put it in front of Tiago.

Tiago touches the Angel League and sees the properties above.

For a moment, his mind went blank, with only a loud voice echoing in his ears: "The reason why the American intervention forces arrived in Rio de Janeiro safely is because I want them to come. They have only two endings on the battlefield in Rio: being killed by me Destroyed and destroyed by Brazilian players.

It is very easy to destroy an army, but it is difficult to destroy people's fear.

The ending I hope for is the second one. Killing the American interventionist forces with your own hands will allow your Brazilian game area to truly get rid of control.

Are you willing to take up this flag? "

Looking at the attributes of the Angel Alliance and the forbidden spell skills carried at the back, Tiago really wanted to snatch this artifact and make it his own. But this sword is only for viewing now. If you want to get it, you must defeat the angel Ji Julian who holds it, as well as Juliet, Sophia... Da Liang.

Julian takes back the Angel League and returns it to Da Liang.

"Have you made your decision now?"

Tiago said: "Mr. Daliang... what I have experienced in the past few days has shown me that even without Ada's incident, the current situation is what I will definitely face in the future.

I'm glad it came early, when I still have the age and ability to make choices.

You were right when you said I was a thug. I am willing to take a chance on a comfortable life in the future while the violence in me has not dissipated.

I am willing to be the first to sign the ‘Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention’.

I am willing to give up the industry in the gaming area and draw a clear line with my former self.

I am willing to dedicate all my strength to your strategy in South America. "

Well, finally there is someone willing to be the first to eat the crab.

Daliang entered the game's contract system, brought out the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Formal Convention" that had been drawn up, and showed it in front of Tiago.

"Sign it!"

Determined, Tiago signed his name on the "Convention" without any hesitation.

When the first name was signed, Daliang confirmed that the contract came into effect.

At this moment, on the national channel of the Brazilian Game Zone, the system began to read out the contents of the "Formal Convention on Game Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone".

After the battle with the Brilliant Leader, the Brazilian game area was once again completely silent.

Everyone listened carefully to the contents of this convention...

It is an indictment of the widespread offline bullying; it is an advocacy of game ethics; it is an expectation and imagination for the future game order.

At the end of the convention, there is a message clearly written by the makers of the convention.

"Game ethics and fairness are the most basic order in the game world. Only under this order can we experience the fun that games bring to us.

However, public ethics cannot be supervised and implemented by the game system. The binding force of this convention requires the active maintenance of every signatory of the convention.

I hope more and more people sign it and abide by it.

But I hope that one day we will not need it, and even without the constraints of these terms, we can still enjoy a fair gaming environment.

——Da Liang"

Just when everyone was wondering why Daliang released the "Brazilian Game Zone Official Convention on Game Ethics" so suddenly, the column box under the signatories of the convention was not blank.


A character who suddenly became famous in the Brazilian game area. Although this reputation is not a good one, it can be said that it has reached the point where everyone screams for beating a rat crossing the street. But no one knows about it, and its recent topic frequency is much higher than that of big names like Memnon.

This time, Tiago once again brushed up his sense of presence.

The first Brazilian player to sign the "Formal Convention on Gaming Ethics in the Brazilian Game Zone", Tiago is really going to play big this time.

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