Start with an Archangel

Chapter 105 Support

The Blackfire First Fleet has already started an artillery battle at sea with the Elf escort fleet. The warships of both sides fired at each other at a distance of less than 400 meters. The artillery roared, the fired shells hit the solid ship walls, gunpowder smoke filled the sky, and wood chips and debris filled the sea.

Some shells penetrated the ship's armor and rushed into the cabin. They knocked away the ship's guns and bounced away everything in their way. Debris flew everywhere, and the gunners fell down screaming. After the shells finally stopped, the additional gunners who came in quickly cleaned the cabin, straightened the crooked naval gun, and then plunged into the fierce artillery battle.

Flames and roars became the main theme of this sea area, and the bright "Black Fire" came belatedly from behind.

The reason why big bright ships run slowly is mainly because the design concept of merchant ships is to be able to carry multiple loads. The rounded hull increases the resistance of the sea water, making the base speed of merchant ships much lower than that of warships. Therefore, even though Daliang had learned "primary navigation skills" and was under the influence of tailwind, he still waited until the naval battle was already in full swing before he rushed to the battlefield.

On the central battlefield, even if Da Liang was not very familiar with naval warfare, seeing that Sidney's First Fleet was in a semi-encircling formation and that the troop transport fleet was unable to form its formation, one could guess that Sidney really planned his plan. became a fact. A few lines on the map turned the originally evenly matched naval battle into one side beating the other side.

The "Blackfire" continued to approach the battlefield. Suddenly, an enemy's already scarred two-masted battleship was fired upon by the First Fleet, and continuous explosions occurred on the deck. The fire quickly spread across the hull and burned along the mast cables to the sails above.

There was another huge explosion, and the entire bow of the brigantine was blown down in half. The panicked sailors on the battleship were unable to extinguish the fire on the ship. They jumped off the ship one after another and called for help to the troop transport ship not far away.

Two troop carriers were hiding in the waters south of the battlefield. The obviously unfavorable battle situation made the sailors on the troop carriers stand on the upper deck and look anxiously toward the center of the battlefield.

The destruction of one of our own two-masted battleships made the originally unfavorable battle even more difficult. The captain of the troopship knew that if they did nothing, sinking would surely await them.

So the two troop carriers began to move towards the center of the battlefield, the hatches opened, and a large number of unicorns walked onto the deck.

The escort fleet that originally used naval guns to bombard the First Fleet of Blackfire changed their tactics. They no longer took into account the damage caused to themselves by close-range gunfire, and kept squeezing towards the battleships of the First Fleet. They want to engage in a boarding battle. As long as the warships of both sides are tied together and the unicorns in the supporting troop carriers come up, they can destroy all enemies.

The Pegasus knights who had been fighting with the griffons in the air received a death order from Lucius: "Destroy the sails of the enemy's flagship at all costs!"

at all costs……

The fleet is already on the verge of destruction, and there is nothing left that cannot be sacrificed.

After receiving the order, the Pegasus knights launched a desperate attack. Led by the elf hero riding the silver Pegasus, they formed an awl formation.

With body-protecting aegis, body-protecting stone skin, and bloodthirsty thaumaturgy, the Silver Pegasus hero applied all the blessing magic he knew to himself, and then led the Pegasus knights behind him toward the middle mast of the "Skeleton Soldier" The large square sail on the ship rushed over.

Shu Xiao, who had a keen sense, noticed that the enemy's charge this time was not as spare as the previous ones, but that he really wanted to trade his life for his life. She immediately used up her little mana, blessed herself with all the auxiliary magic she knew, and then led all the griffins under her command to rush towards the Pegasus Knight.

This was the first head-to-head collision between Pegasus knights and griffons. In the narrow airspace on the deck of the "Skeleton Soldier", dozens of flying units were fighting in melee. The white feathers of Pegasus and the golden feathers of griffons were flying all over the sky. From time to time a body fell from the sky, hit the deck directly, or fell into the sea.

The archers on the stern and bow of the ship struggled to shoot their arrows at the Pegasus knights who were fighting with the griffons in the sky. A cannonball that bounced off the ship's armor fell from top to bottom and landed on the bow of the ship. Among the group of archers, four archers lost their lives in an instant.

The battle in the air has reached unprecedented intensity. The Pegasus knights seize every opportunity to use their scimitars to look at every rope they encounter. Although Shu Xiao had led the griffins to intercept them, she did not have enough griffins in her hands due to the entanglement and fighting of the enemy heroes. It was impossible to take care of every enemy that needed to be defended. In the end, one of the cables was cut off. .

The topsail of the three square sails on the topmast fell down and hung on the middle square sail.

The speed of the "Skeleton Soldier" suddenly slowed down.

The enemy ships continued to approach, looking for opportunities to collide with each other.

Sidney stood on the bridge. He swung his sword and cut down a Pegasus knight passing by with one sword strike, and then killed him with another strike.

"Bosun, hoist the topsail quickly!"

"Knight of the Broken Moon, don't let the enemy destroy the sails again!"

"Every artillery position... fire! Fire! Don't stop."

The fighting in the air was still fierce, and the roar of naval guns never stopped. Although the Blackfire First Fleet firmly occupies a favorable position and has a hit rate far exceeding that of the enemy warships, except for the powder keg of a brig warship, it has not yet dealt a decisive blow to other enemy ships.

"Damn, there must be tree spirits on the elves' warships. These creatures can make the elves' warships stronger."

The slowed-down "Skeleton Soldier" began to slow down the First Fleet, and the troop transport escort fleet continued to approach and block the First Fleet's route, hoping to take the opportunity to seize the position and change from passive to active, and the two transport fleets The warship slowly accelerated and drove over.

In the short battle, the Pegasus Knights, after suffering heavy losses, destroyed a sail and killed ten griffins, reducing the number of griffins to thirteen and the Pegasus Knights to eighteen. The cooperation of the griffins and archers caused significant damage to the Pegasus knight.

Shu Xiao's battle with the enemy hero was very difficult. It was obvious that the opponent's level was much higher than hers, and his offensive and defensive attributes were both superior to hers. During the battle, Shu Xiao had been on the defensive and could only rely on the complex upper environment of the warship and the support of archers to barely cope.

The Silver Pegasus hero relied on his speed and strength to hit Shu Xiao frequently. He knew that this was a very powerful air combat commander. As long as she is killed, the remaining griffons will turn into mindless beasts, and their Pegasus knights can easily annihilate them. At that time, the sky here will be free for them to fly.

And just when the Silver Pegasus hero was preparing to kill Shu Xiao with the final blow, several magic beams flew over from a distance.

Shu Xiao was hit by a magic spell, and his blood volume quickly recovered. The other five magic spells killed two Pegasus knights in an instant.

What a powerful long-range magic unit.

Next week will be a strong recommendation, and it will be available on August 1st. In the future, chapters updated every day will be released together. Please remember to vote for recommendations.

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