Start with an Archangel

Chapter 106 Counterattack

Daliang rode a royal griffon and descended from the sky. After curing Shu Xiao with magic, he used a "magic arrow" to drive back the Silver Pegasus knight hero who wanted to kill Shu Xiao.

Behind Da Liang, six griffins in good condition quickly rushed into the air to fight. Their addition made up for the defensive holes caused by the loss, and at the same time allowed those griffons that had been flying to fight to retreat slightly and recover their strength.

At this time, the "Black Fire" has sailed to the starboard side of the "Skeleton Soldier", which is the periphery of the artillery battle. The tall hull of the "Skeleton Soldier" provides cover for the merchant ship with slightly weak defense, so that it does not have to worry. Baptized by shells.

Five magic mages stood on the top floor of the stern of the "Blackfire" ship, throwing magic one by one at the Pegasus knights in the air.

A round of magic attacks killed two more Pegasus knights.

The addition of new forces drove the Pegasus knights out of the sky above the "Skeleton Soldier", and the battle reduced the number of Pegasus knights to thirteen. They dragged their tired bodies towards their own warships. The continuous flying and high-intensity fighting were too much for these Pegasus. They urgently needed to rest and regain their strength. The next battle would be difficult to fight.

Now the comparison of the number of air units on both sides has changed.

The number of gryphons in the Black Fire Fleet is eighteen, and with the addition of two royal gryphon knights, Daliang and Shu Xiao, the air power of the Black Fire Fleet faintly exceeds that of the troop transport escort fleet. It is temporarily impossible for the Pegasus Knights to continue attacking the Blackfire Fleet's sails. Instead, they have to think about how to resist the Griffin's attack on their own warships.

Now that the sail of the "Skeleton Soldier" was damaged, it would take some time to raise the topsail again, and the troop transport escort fleet was squeezing in at full speed. A collision would be a disaster for the Blackfire Fleet, and if you want to block the approach of the escort fleet, destroying the sails of their flagship is the best way.

The ship-to-ship artillery battle continued, and the sides of both sides were riddled with holes.

On the open deck of the "Skeleton Soldier", five sailors climbed up along the net ladder connected to the top of the top mast. They wanted to raise the top sail as quickly as possible to allow the battleship to drive at the speed it should have. In addition, some sailors carried out baskets of sea fish from the cabin. They picked up the fish and threw them into the air one by one. Before the fish began to fall, the hungry griffon flew up to catch them in the air and swallowed them in one gulp.

The griffins began to eat, and Daliang and Shu Xiao landed on the stern platform of the "Skeleton Soldier", looking at the approaching escort fleet while firing their cannons.

Further out on the sea, two troop transport ships were approaching at full speed.

Daliang said to Shu Xiao: "The troop transport is slow. As long as it is not tied up by the opponent's warships, even if the 'Skeleton Soldier' ​​has less top sail, they will not be able to catch up. The brig is at a disadvantage in terms of size and height. Collision with the 'Skeleton Soldier' ​​at close range will only scatter them. Only their flagship three-masted battleship is a big threat. The difficulty now is how to slow down the ship. If the griffon is used to attack, the opponent will There are Pegasus knights and elf archers, and even if we all die, we may not be able to achieve our goal.”

Shu Xiao said: "This is not easy. Use fire magic to directly burn their sails. Do you know the fire attack magic?"

Daliang himself did not learn the fire attack magic, but his new staff came with the magic "fireball". However, he shook his head and said: "Destroying the sail is not as simple as you think. I heard Sidney say, The sails and hulls of all ships have been treated with magic resistance, and it is difficult for fire magic to cause damage to them. Only natural fire can effectively ignite the sails."

"Such a high resistance to fire magic?"

"Of course. If the ship's resistance to fire magic was not strong, the elves' troop transport fleet would have set fire to our ship long ago."

"This is not going to be easy." Shu Xiao looked at the enemy warship and fell into deep thought, thinking quickly about how to "assassinate" the enemy ship's sail under heavy protection. An excellent bodyguard needs to have very good reverse thinking skills. They need to often stand in the perspective of a killer to examine whether there are any loopholes in their security measures.

After a while, Shu Xiao said: "For us, the 'Skeleton Soldier' ​​is a key point. If the 'Skeleton Soldier' ​​is in trouble, our battle will be very passive like this. But for the enemy fleet, Said, their key point is actually the two troop carriers. I see that there are a large number of unicorns on those two troop carriers. This is the reason why the enemy is eager to engage in a boarding battle with us. If we do not attack their warships , but attack their troop transport?"

Daliang followed Shu Xiao's thoughts and said: "If I attack their troop transport ship from the air, these elves will definitely feel very uncomfortable, and their Pegasus knights must go to the rescue. These Pegasus knights will lose their ability to fly over the sea for a period of time. The protection of the elven archers on the ship, if we eliminate their Pegasus knights..."

Shu Xiao said excitedly: "Yes! Eliminate their Pegasus knights. This is the real weakness of the enemy fleet. As long as we have absolute air superiority, we can fight this battle however we want. But... that Silver Pegasus knight The hero is very powerful, can the two of us defeat him? And we can't let the gryphon die with them."

Daliang said: "It depends on manpower. Anyway, we have no better way to break the situation. Leave all the griffins to your command. I will go back to the Black Fire to block their troop transport first. You can follow after the griffins are full." .”

"Understood!" Shu Xiao replied, looking at the griffons competing for food in flight.

Daliang rode the royal griffon back to the "Blackfire". The three-masted merchant ship slowed down and waited for the two fleets that were fighting to pass by. Then it turned its bow towards the two troop carriers.

Jumping off the Royal Griffin, Da Liang entered the command position on the bridge.

"All guns in position!"

The three-masted merchant ship has a total of 20 guns on a three-layer artillery deck, with ten guns on the left and right sides, concentrated in the belly of the ship. Since the "Black Fire" had to deal with two troop carriers this time, Daliang knew that he had no experience in naval battles, so he directly asked all the artillery to load the shells. Fortunately, during the firefight, he could randomly use the naval guns on both sides.

All the guns of the "Black Fire" entered the firing position, and the twenty cannons on both sides stretched out the gun ports, which looked a bit ferocious from a distance.

After the gunners reported that the artillery was in position, Da Liang raised his head and said to the magic mages on the poop: "Vincent, look for the enemy's Pegasus knights. Once they enter your range, immediately use status magic to attack them." .”

"Yes, sir!"

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