Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1051 Killing Generals

Ancient Behemoths and Behemoths ran on all fours, like moving hills. Opposite them, the intervention forces also placed the Behemoths they brought at the front of the array, and launched a countercharge against the oncoming opponents.

The magic rays formed dense lines of flying giants in the sky above the battlefield, and then were blocked by various magic defense shields when they fell, smashing out pieces of fireworks.

Arrows crisscrossed, and the alchemy bombs thrown made the ground shake.

The Behemoths on both sides collided with each other, and the huge momentum pushed them all to the ground. Then they quickly got up, and at the same time, they waved their one-meter-long claws and launched their strongest skills to attack their opponents.

Streams of blood spurted out, and flesh and blood turned outwards. The giant beasts roared in pain while continuing to attack the enemy.

The auxiliary mage group following closely behind the Behemoth immediately replenishes the status and blood of its own Behemoth, and when possible, releases status-removing magic or debuff magic on the opponent's Behemoth.

Then the subsequent armies from both sides rushed in, and the two armies began to fight around the Behemoth.

The melee personnel relied on their thick armor to stand firm on the front line; the spell-casting support personnel at the back threw spells to the most appropriate position according to their respective functions; the crossbowmen gathered in small teams, under the protection of the mages, according to the background Under the guidance of the data link, a quick and short attack is carried out against the specified coordinates.

The following magic amplifying device was pushed to the front, and the magic eye shot thick magic beams at the enemy's important positions.

Soon... artillery pieces and ballistae were also pushed forward to shoot at close range.

The air combatants who had charged once flew through the sky in groups, passed through the apertures of the buffing magic and healing magic cast one after another, and then flew to the new air combat area.

The intensity of the battle continued to heat up.

When the two opposing armies continued to fight on the front line and neither could move forward, the regional channel and the Brazilian national channel prominently displayed a swipe of the screen.

"Daliang killed the Sun Waiter! Daliang killed the Sun Waiter!"

So fast!

When Da Liang decided to attack Sun Waiter, he didn't think of teasing him slowly like he did in the Radiant Territory. He must use the fastest speed to gain an advantage on the ultimate battlefield in the air, and then cooperate with the troops on the ground to form a breakthrough.

If you delay a little longer, the enemy's rear formation will be more prepared, and you will have to pay greater losses if you want to rush through.

Therefore, Da Liang used all the strength he could use against the Sun Waiter from the very beginning.

Gale kept accelerating and quickly threw away Shu Xiao and Julian who were flying with him. Without giving the Sun Waiter any chance to react, he crashed into him with all his strength.

The Sun Waiter was knocked upside down, but he released the defensive shield in time to offset most of the damage. The defensive cover was smashed. After being knocked away, Sun Waiter tried his best to maintain balance and maintain a certain degree of maneuverability. Then, during the flip, he used his own skills to release several status magics at Da Liang and throw a series of fireballs.

Da Liang continued to chase and caught up with the Sun Waiter again. He rode the Unicorn of Doom while avoiding the magic coming from the front, while also releasing fire magic to attack.

Hayate also activated the fire magic he was good at, pulling up a sea of ​​fire where he ran, and then ran around the Sun Waiter, surrounding him in the middle.

The coaches from both sides faced off directly.

When Sun Waiter's subordinates saw Sun Waiter being knocked away, they wanted to support him. Shu Xiao and Julian ran into their array at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right.

There were also the "Mythical" priests and the high-level combat group of the Judgment Legion led by Yi Jian Guanghan, all of whom followed and dragged their opponents into the melee.

The battle between high-level players and ultimate heroes begins, including angels, demons, and various dragons.

There are also those advanced magics that ordinary players have only heard of but never seen, exploding in the air one after another.

The intensity of the battle was far more beautiful than the death battle in the Glory Leader.

Daliang rode the wind and faced Sun Waiter, forming a two-on-one situation. However, Sun Waiter did not dare to use the time-limited Sin Angel transformation because he had to beware of the attack of level 15 Juliet.

But even Da Liang puts a lot of pressure on the leader of Sun Waiter.

The Sun Waiter didn't know what kind of equipment and skills Daliang had on him. Mind-control magic was completely ineffective against him. Even if the magic hit him, there was a high chance that he would be evaded.

Although the remaining magic that hit had an effect, it was far less than the damage estimated by Sun Waiter.

What a high magic evasion rate and magic resistance this is!

On the contrary, the magic produced by Daliang was frighteningly powerful, showing that his magic power and magic amplification effect had reached a very terrifying level. After receiving a blow, the Sun Waiter must immediately make maneuvers to heal himself.

Fortunately, Sun Waiter is also very resistant to control magic, so he will not be taken away by Da Liang.

But Da Liang also has a unicorn of doom.

Its speed is really too fast, and its straight-line charging speed is faster than any ultimate creature. At the beginning, the Sun Waiter could still avoid the collision of the Unicorn of Doom by maneuvering, but when the entire sky became a sea of ​​fire pulled out by the Unicorn of Doom with its tail flames, it became difficult for the Sun Waiter to control the Unicorn of Doom in the ring of fire. location.

The magic competition was at a disadvantage, and the speed could not match it. The call for support was delayed in arriving. The helpless Sun Waiter had no choice but to transform himself into a fallen angel, preparing to use fallen angel combat skills to fight Daliang in hand-to-hand combat.

The strong wind rushed out from the burning ring of fire again. Under his horse's hooves, the sky seemed to be a pasture for him to gallop.

Da Liang saw the changes in the Sun Waiter and did not attack with magic anymore. He summoned a light shield on his left hand, covered his body with a layer of angel armor, and the sacred magic in his right hand condensed into a three-meter-long lance.

Even Gale's blood-red horse armor turned into holy white under the blessing of sacred energy.

"Terror Charge!"

Gale seemed to know what Daliang was thinking, and the speed that was originally faster than the wind accelerated again.

The Unicorn of Doom rushed towards the Sun Waiter, and Da Liang lowered the flat end of his lance and pointed it at the enemy in front. The tip of the gun at high speed seemed to have pierced the balance of magic energy, and ice cubes, sparks, stone chips, and lightning were scattered everywhere.

The Sun Waiter also responded with all his strength to this final showdown. He held the ram's horn warhammer in both hands and swung it forward. He released his killing skills, and the warhammer turned into a heavy hammer and hit the charging Daliang hard.

The two magic interpretation professions had a collision of strength and strength, and both the lance and the heavy hammer hit each other solidly...

The Unicorn of Doom also hit the Sun Waiter, this time he hit it very squarely, and the scimitar on his forehead penetrated the Sun Waiter's chest, causing damage. Then the flame magic released by the wind exploded along the horn in the Sun Waiter's body, causing a critical hit.

The Unicorn of Doom continued to run and shook its head, not giving the Sun Waiter a chance to escape from the pierced state.

The Sun Waiter just hung on the horn of the wind, constantly suffering spell damage and continuous blood loss damage, and then turned into a white light.

[Evil camp, Seven Kingdoms, Wolf Death, good camp will gain 500 camp contribution points. You kill players from the enemy camp and gain 200 camp contribution points]

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