Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1052 The Solid Stone on the Battlefield

In the world of heroes, Daliang is a phenomenal figure, and his reputation belongs to the kind of emperor, superstar, and idol warrior. But Daliang's personal combat prowess has always been a mystery, because he rarely fights in person. To be precise... he rarely appears in public, and every time he appears, it means a big event has happened.

The same is true this time.

I'm afraid that when people saw Daliang blocking the front-line airspace in Rio, no one expected that he would just cause a storm in the Brazilian game area.

After letting the players know that he has very strong military talents, they once again saw his political skills.

I also saw what level of strength this player who was the first to be singled out by the Eye of Insight had reached.

In the Glory Territory, Daliang showed off his powerful hero team, showing off the world-leading 15th-level hero Juliet; on this battlefield with millions of players, Daliang performed another "Beheading in the midst of thousands of troops" "death level" force.

At the beginning of the war, Da Liang killed the Sun Waiter, the commander of the intervention army, and then galloped through the air...

He ran from the left wing to the right wing of the battle line with his lance in hand, and then from the right wing to the left wing. Wherever he passed, there was a roar of cheers.

When Da Liang returned to the center again, he rode his horse and dived down to join the anxious battle on the ground front.

The Sunserver was resurrected from King's Landing in the American game area, and returned to the fleet flagship on the eastern coast of Rio de Janeiro through the use of the Legion's muster flag.

Just after returning, the Sun Waiter asked the logistics dispatcher angrily: "Why didn't I get any support when I fought with Daliang? Are you all idiots? Just let me be killed by Daliang riding the Unicorn of Doom, you guys Do you know what impact this mistake will have on the battle situation?"

The scolded logistics staff immediately explained: "'s not that we don't mobilize manpower to support you, it's that all our personnel and ultimate creatures who are capable of supporting you have been restrained. And...the battle between you and Da Liang The area is full of fire, and it is difficult for us to grasp the specific situation of your battle.

And there’s…”

The logistics staff did not continue, but the Sun Waiter could also guess what they wanted to express.

I was defeated too quickly... I could have fought for a while longer, but I was pierced by the Unicorn of Doom. However, this ultimate creature was very fast, so it ran on top of me, and its horn was still curved, making me It's hard to get out of the penetration state.

The result was that he was beaten to death.

It was a very frustrating death... I can only blame it on my bad luck. If I used the Evil Angel to transform, Daliang would definitely not be my opponent.

Thinking of the Sinful Angel, the Sun Waiter immediately asked: "You said that our top combat power has been contained. Did Daliang send Juliet? Let the people in front be careful. As long as they are not alone, Juliet can still use their numerical advantage to deal with it. of.

Let them hold on, I will immediately go to the front line to organize the siege and kill Juliet. "

Just when the Sun Waiter was about to fly away from the battleship and head to the front line, the logistics staff hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief is not Juliet, but Julian. She is really very strong! She has killed four of our ultimate creatures and five senior combatants. .

We have evaluated the combat data of Julian's performance. She is no longer an archangel, but a 15th-level holy angel! "

"What!" Sun Waiter was so startled that he almost fell into the sea as soon as he took off: "A 15th-level holy angel! How is this possible? How can there be two 15th-level creatures in Da Liang?

Have you made a mistake? "

"We also hope we are mistaken, but...Julian's battle video has been sent, please take a look at it yourself, Commander-in-Chief."

The Sun Waiter stabilized his body and landed on the deck again, then clicked on the video sent by the backstage staff.

Inside is the battle scene of the ultimate battlefield.

When Sun Waiter arranged his troops, although there were fewer people in the middle, the ultimate creatures concentrated one-third of the number of ultimate creatures in the entire intervention army.

Therefore, on the ultimate battlefield, the intervention army invested much more ultimate creatures than the expeditionary army.

However, there are so many ultimate creatures but they do not gain much advantage on the scene.

The reason is Julian's existence.

As the strongest hero under Da Liang, the sacred angel Julian who shoulders the important task no longer hides her strength. She fights on the front line of the ultimate battlefield. With her powerful positional offensive and defensive capabilities, she serves as the strongest barrier for her companions.

Players and heroes participating in the ultimate battlefield of the expeditionary force can regard the airspace behind Julian as their own safe zone. Julian, the attacker, launched the first wave of offensive, and other personnel followed the trend to attack; Julian, the defender, held down the position, blocked the pursuit, and covered the personnel's retreat to a safe area.

She wanted to outflank, but Julian's mobility was very strong. If she was not careful, she would make a surprise attack and eat some of the people who went to outflank him.

In short... Julian can't pass this level, so the Intervention Force has no good way to use the ultimate combat power of the Expeditionary Force.

What the Sun Waiter saw at this time was such an embarrassing situation.

The players and heroes of the expeditionary force formed a conical formation in the airspace behind her with Julian as the vertex. They used magic defense and dense formation to prevent the interfering forces from rushing into the formation and preventing the battle from turning into a melee.

Julian flew ahead. She returned to her angelic form, and her divine ability caused the light shield she held up to glow with golden light, raising a solid directional defense barrier.

The magic and skills shot from the front hit this defensive shield intensively, unable to shake it at all.

Fifty meters behind Julian, Broken Moon led the players and heroes to cover alternately, supplementing each other's status and restoring their health.

No players or heroes from the Intervention Army interfered with the entire process...

"Charge! Why don't you charge!" Sun Waiter shouted angrily: "Are you just going to watch the enemy finish their health in front of you? Charge over, break up their formation, and pull them into the melee. First rely on the numerical advantage Eliminate the other personnel, and then all besiege Julian.

No matter how powerful the 15th level holy angel is, he can still be surrounded. "

The Sun Waiter's order was passed to the ultimate battlefield. Although these combatants had not rushed over, since the commander-in-chief asked them to rush...

Then rush again.

The players of the intervention army and the ultimate creatures were quickly divided into three attack layers: upper, middle and lower in the air, and then launched charges from three directions towards the ultimate combatants of the expeditionary force who were increasing their status.

The Sun Waiter was paying attention to the ultimate battlefield that was about to heat up, and then he saw... Faced with an impact group composed of hundreds of high-level players and ultimate creatures, Julian actually counterattacked.

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