Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1053 Breakthrough in the middle

Allowing the intensive magic and skills to hit his shield, Julian used the shortest time to increase his speed to the maximum, and then launched the "Holy Strike".

The sacred energy emanated vigorously, dragging a long light trail behind her, like a comet streaking across the sky.

Seeing Julian launching a countercharge, Shu Xiao immediately summoned the team that was being repaired to follow.

The angels followed Shu Xiao to launch the "Holy Strike". The other ultimate dragons also used their own collision skills, and the remaining personnel followed suit. The original cone formation was stretched into a spearhead, and as the spearhead's blade, Julian ran headlong into the enemy group that also used the collision skill to charge from the front.

The charging formations of both sides collided.

No one could block the holy strike from the Holy Angel. Julian charged forward in a straight line. All enemies hit, whether they were players or ultimate creatures, were all knocked backwards.

A gap was opened in the enemy formation, and Shu Xiao led the angels and dragons who followed and rushed forward again. Before the knocked-out enemy could stabilize his body, magic and skill attacks focused on fire followed.

In this way, the ultimate fighters and heroes of the expeditionary force, led by Julian, completed the penetration of the enemy's formation before the enemy divided and surrounded them.

Simple, violent, effective, and seemingly unsolvable.

The two sides changed positions and resumed the previous situation.

Then count the results...

One player of the Expeditionary Force died, while five players and three ultimate creatures of the Intervention Force died in this collision.

The Sun Waiter finally knew why his own personnel on the ultimate battlefield did not dare to take the initiative just now. Julian's cavalry is as powerful as a thousand. As long as she cannot suppress her impact, the intervention army can still defend for a while. Once it moves, it will be easily penetrated by the opponent.

If you want to stop Julian, you must have the same power as her.

The Angel of Sin must be used!


Sun Waiter suddenly realized that he seemed to have overlooked something, or that something was missing on this battlefield.

Where is Juliet, another level 15 creature from Da Liang?

Thinking of this, Sun Waiter couldn't help but cursed. This guy Daliang actually has two 15th-level creatures... If he doesn't kill one or two here, he will only be pulled further and further away from him in the future.

Then there will be more trouble in the Pacific.

"Relocate some ultimate creatures from the two wing battlefields to the central battlefield. I will kill you all even with heavy losses." The Sun Waiter took off from the battleship again and ordered: "All personnel pay attention to Juliet's position. Especially the fleet in the sea. After discovering Juliet, immediately stand firm and wait for help, and are not allowed to attack."

However, just after the Sun Waiter gave the order, someone reported back: "Juliet appeared in the rear of our center army, and she was attacking our war equipment and alchemy equipment.

War machine losses are very high and our long-range heavy fire support to the front is weakening. "

"General Commander, the front of our center route army has been breached, and the enemy is breaking through the gap. We need heavy firepower to cover the gap and reorganize the defensive line."

"Commander-in-Chief, Juliet is attacking from our rear. We are unable to organize a new line of defense...request support to contain Julian."

"Commander-in-Chief, Brazil's small and medium-sized armies are moving rapidly towards the gap. Please immediately carry out large-scale magic coverage of the gap position, otherwise our middle route army may be scattered by the enemy's follow-up troops..."

The Sun Waiter flew towards the battle line as fast as possible, receiving more and more urgent military information along the way.

When he passed by his own rear line, he saw a mess.

Daliang's words couldn't help but echo in his heart: "Juliet is more efficient in dealing with weak creatures."

Yes, so efficient...

The catapults, ballistas, and artillery in the heavy firepower group were all destroyed in a short period of time. Now our rear formation is still in a state of chaos, with a high-speed moving shadow shuttled across the battlefield, bringing with it the white light emitted by the death of players.

One after another, the alchemical magic support equipment fell apart.

Should we stop Juliet here, besiege Julian on the ultimate battlefield, or go to the frontal battlefield to stop Da Liang's army from breaking through?

The Sun Waiter doesn't know what he should do at this moment?

Facing the expeditionary force in full swing, the Sun Waiter first ordered: "Order the two wings to converge on the middle battlefield. Now that the expeditionary force has gotten in, we will surround them and slowly grind them to death."

The defeat on the small battlefield cannot change the interventionist army's grand strategic advantage.

All American players participating in the war have planted their legion flags on ships in the sea. If they have no ships or only a small number of ships, they have no way to threaten their own flag-planting points.

Therefore, the American interventionist players who died in the front can quickly return to the battlefield after being resurrected. As for the Chinese Expeditionary Force that broke out, it would be very troublesome for them to return to the battlefield after they died, because they were surrounded by Brazilian players.

Therefore, the main force in Daliang's hands will only become less and less. He only needs to withstand his sharp edge for a while and then counterattack.

So the Sun Waiters did not go to the three places, but arranged the armies on both sides to squeeze into the middle.

At this time, according to the plan before the war... after killing the Sun Waiter, Daliang did not intervene in the ultimate battlefield, but devoted himself to the breakthrough on the ground.

As the ultimate creatures with the strongest ground combat effectiveness among the eight major races, both the expeditionary army and the intervention army chose ancient Beamon and Beamon as their assault vanguards.

Then a series of tactical arrangements will be made around the Behemoths.

In the battle on the ground front, the battle remained stalemate because both sides showed extremely high tactical literacy. No one can kill the opponent's Behemoth in a short time, and there is no way to form a breakthrough under the leadership of one's own Behemoth.

When the bright light reaches the ground from the sky, this deadlock is broken.

Daliang descended from the sky with the residual power of killing the Sun Waiter, and made a small circle in his own military formation. A group of high-level heavily armored knight players gathered behind him.

Then Da Liang ignored the various attack magic, arrows and falling rocks falling from his head and rushed towards the enemy formation.

The cavalry was charging, and from time to time someone died and turned into a white light under the intensive attack, but Da Liang was at the forefront, and the fiery red unicorn of doom was like a large ball of rolling fire, guiding the direction of the charge. No one backed down at this moment. Even when faced with the magic earth wall standing in front of them, these knights still crashed into it, smashing everything in their way and continued to move forward.

Just like that... Daliang led a group of high-level knights and launched a charge against the intervention army's mage group that provided magical support for Beamon.

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