Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1058 Seized

From the time when Daliang first appeared in the Brazilian Game Zone, after experiencing the assault on the Frontline Legion station, persuading Rio de Janeiro City to establish a teleportation connection to Shangjiang City, proposing the "Brazilian Game Zone Game Ethics Convention", and entering the Shining Territory alone to inspire the fighting spirit of Brazilian players to resist, to The final showdown on the east coast of Rio.

The whole journey lasted 23 days.

After seeing that there was no hope of victory, the interventionist naval fleet forced its way through the interception of the Glorious Fleet and withdrew to the north. The gunfire stopped, the smoke cleared, and the water was covered with shipwrecks.

On land... after a day of fighting, after nightfall... all the intervention troops from the American Game Zone were wiped out.

When the entire battlefield was filled with people who supported the "Game Ethics Convention"... the entire Brazilian gaming area burst into cheers.


When all outsiders were not optimistic about them, they defeated the most powerful player army in the entire game world. They created a miracle and won a war that can be remembered forever. Every Brazilian player participating in the war released their excitement, and every Brazilian player watching the war danced and sang to their heart's content.

People quit the game, and they all rushed to the streets to have a carnival in the unique way of Latin Americans.

Today is a day for all ordinary Brazilian players!

The Brazilian game area has ushered in a new era from now on. Brazilian players in the carnival are shouting Daliang's name like a Brazilian football superstar.

In the hearts of Brazilian players, Daliang is a hero.

In the game, all Brazilian players who participated in this war started celebrating directly on the battlefield. Magic exploded into brilliant fireworks in the night sky, countless bonfires were lit, and music sounded throughout the battlefield. Beside the broken wall and around the crater, players of all races were twisting and venting their joy of victory.

And Daliang did not join the celebration of the Brazilian friendly forces participating in the war.

The spoils of this war were too great. The Sun Waiters have stocked up on a large amount of war supplies in the landing area, some of which they brought from the American game area and some of which were supported by former Allied forces. As a result, the battle was fought too quickly. The intervention army only consumed a small part of the total supplies, and most of the rest fell into the hands of Da Liang.

In the end, the interventionist fleet was eager to retreat and did not bombard the landing point. Therefore, most of these seized materials are kept intact and stored in vehicles in bulk for easy transportation.

Heavy catapults, heavy ballistae, magic suppression devices, magic amplification devices...

Grain, fodder, various tools and transportation vehicles...

Alchemical raw materials and rare resources used for casting spells...

There are also countless common resources used to build fortifications, such as wood and stones.

These supplies are piled up like mountains on the coast. The expeditionary force alone cannot transport them away at all. They can only guard them on the spot to prevent greedy people from stealing some of them.

Daliang decided to go to the royal palace in Rio de Janeiro first to see if King Duolun was willing to open some of the material storage functions of the two ports leased to Shangjiang City in advance.

Ordering the Judgment Legion, Yunxiao Legion, and Jiuding Legion to take turns to rest and guard supplies, Daliang immediately went to the royal palace in Rio de Janeiro.

In addition...the opening of the teleportation array from Rio de Janeiro City to Shangjiang City means that Shangjiang War Bonds will officially land in the South American city-state. As the source of war bond issuance in South America, Daliang also needs to cooperate with Shangjiang Finance to lay a solid foundation in Rio de Janeiro.

Marquis Wilson, the Finance Minister of Shangjiang, should have arrived at the Rio Palace.

In fact, Marquis Wilson had indeed arrived in Rio de Janeiro and was received by King Doron as soon as possible. However, Bauhinia City stationed an army near the teleportation array, so Bauhinia City's special envoy, Bavaria, immediately learned about the size of the Shangjiang envoy group, and his vigilance made him guess that Shangjiang City and Rio City were conspiring. What……

Therefore, he requested that all diplomatic meetings between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro be attended and observed.

And King Duolun and Marquis Wilson are going to discuss how to transfer Rio's wealth to Shangjiang. How can Bauhinia City know about such an important matter?

But King Doron could not refuse Bavaria's request.

So during the meeting, representatives from Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City introduced each other to the customs and customs of the two cities, as well as their prospects for future business cooperation between the two parties, but they did not dare to bring up the topic of gold coins and war bonds. lead.

The meeting turned into an awkward conversation.

It was at this time that Da Liang entered the conference room.

When he saw Bavaria, he knew why the atmosphere in the conference room was so abnormal.

Bavaria, who was wearing a druid robe, just sat there, closing his eyes and paying no attention, as if he was asleep. But when he noticed Daliang coming in, he immediately opened his eyes and stared at Daliang with vigilant eyes.

Daliang glanced at Bavaria with contempt, and after sitting down in his seat, he said to King Duolun: "Your Majesty, the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's fleet and the Shangjiang escort fleet are now in the Caribbean Sea and are sailing south along the continental shelf. , will arrive in Rio in a few days.

The Supreme Angel Holy Bella has promised that when the two ports are officially handed over to Shangjiang City for use, she will come to participate in the celebration ceremony.

The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce will also hold the first large-scale trade fair after our two cities officially established diplomatic relations at the celebration. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce brought our unique magic paper to Shangjiang. At the same time, we are very touched by the nuts of Rio de Janeiro. Interesting, the tropical climate gives the nuts here a very rich aroma, and even their shells are golden in color... just like gold coins. "

After hearing Daliang's last description, the eyes of King Doron and Marquis Wilson lit up at the same time.

Aren’t the golden nuts the gold coins that the city of Rio de Janeiro is preparing to transfer? And the magic paper... definitely refers to the war bonds issued by Shangjiang. In order to prevent forgery, these bonds are all blessed with magic. The magic paper used to make magic scrolls is very appropriate.

In this way...

King Doron laughed and said: "I am really happy that Lord Holy Bella can come to Rio de Janeiro. The elves in Rio will also be excited about the arrival of a supreme angel. We will definitely prepare a grand celebration. , to welcome the arrival of Lord Holy Bella.

Let Lord Holy Bella feel our enthusiasm.

As for the large-scale trade fair held by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce, the nobles and businessmen in Rio will fully support it.

This year, all the estates within my city limits have a bumper crop of nuts. But some hamsters are also very rampant. They have stolen some of our nuts, so we are also worried about how to sell these nuts. Otherwise, the hamster will eat all the fruits of my labor.

If the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is willing to purchase, we can openly supply these nuts to you.

I guarantee they are the plumpest, most golden nuts.

In addition, I am also very interested in the magic paper you brought to the river. Hamsters will not eat magic paper. We can store it for a long time and use it when we need to use it.

Speaking of long-term storage... I want to know whether the magic paper like Shangjiang will have magic power failure in a short period of time, and will it be changed and destroyed by other magic powers? "

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