Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1059 Nut Trading

The shrewd Marquis Wilson could certainly understand what King Doron meant.

Bauhinia City robbed some of Rio City's gold coins some time ago.

In order to prevent the redbud city from continuing to rob, King Duolun is willing to exchange the gold coins in the hands of himself and the nobles for Shangjiang's war bonds on a large scale. The transaction can be carried out when Holy Bella comes to Rio de Janeiro.

At that time, the city of Rio will host a large celebration as a cover for the transaction. Rio's gold coins will be disguised as nuts and transported to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce's ship. Then the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce can put these gold coins directly into the treasury of Shangjiang City through the unique space channel of the gold coins.

Shangjiang City only needs to pay the war bonds.

At the same time, King Duolun also expressed his willingness to use Shangjiang's war bonds as the settlement currency for transactions in the future.

The entire exchange process of gold coins and war bonds was carried out under the cover of Holy Bella...

At that time, Bauhinia City was probably all staring at Holy Bella and had no intention of paying attention to the transaction of these "nuts".

As for the magic power exhaustion and magic interference issues mentioned by King Duolun, he refers to whether the magic power on the war bonds will expire, whether it will be changed by other magic effects, and ultimately become irredeemable.

Marquis Wilson said: "Holy Bella will definitely like the city of Rio de Janeiro, a welcoming elf city and a beautiful coast, which will allow her to spend a very leisurely vacation here.

Regarding the nuts in Rio de Janeiro, His Majesty does not need to worry about the current backlog. Shuntong Chamber of Commerce is fully capable of eating all the nuts you plan to sell...

In addition, your Majesty can rest assured of the quality of the magic paper brought by the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce.

Shangjiang City is a main alliance in the Five Color Flag Alliance, and we have a very close relationship with the Purple Dragon Clan who are good at magic. All the magic papers we sell are enchanted in the fairy garden in the magic forest, and then the Master Shangjiang Guild performs a second solidification and blessing to ensure that the magic on them is long-lasting and effective, and the magic will not disappear within a hundred years. Any reduction.

This craft is unique, even the Shangjiang Magic Guild and the Purple Dragon Clan cannot produce it unilaterally.

This kind of magic paper is now Shangjiang City's main external sales product. We also hope to sell magic paper to city-states on this continent with Rio de Janeiro as the center.

We also need the strong support of His Majesty and the city of Rio de Janeiro to expand our trade routes. "

After hearing Marquis Wilson's answer, King Duolun was very relieved.

The magical abilities of the Purple Dragon are known to the world. The enchanted alchemy products they make will not diminish for hundreds of years... that is modesty. Then, after the second solidification and blessing by the Shangjiang City Mage Guild, neither Zilong nor Shangjiang City could unilaterally forge it, further confirming the authority of Shangjiang War Bonds.

Then you can hold and use it with confidence.

Regarding Marquis Wilson's proposal to issue war bonds extensively throughout the South American continent, centered on Rio City. This is of no harm to the city of Rio, and King Duolun has no reason to object: "Lord Holy Bella can definitely spend a pleasant holiday in my city, and facilitate all commercial activities of the Chamber of Commerce in South America. The city of Rio de Janeiro will also give its full support.

After the port is handed over to the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce and the Shangjiang Navy, I will send people to contact other city-states and strive to establish branches of the Shuntong Chamber of Commerce in major city-states as quickly as possible, and then connect them with trade routes.

Shangjiang City is the most successful commercial city in the main world. I think... everyone will be willing to do business with Shangjiang City.

I suggest... that we drink to the friendship between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro, to King Joyce, and to Lord Holy Bella. "

The elf attendant brought the elf red wine. King Doron, Daliang, Marquis Wilson and many nobles attending the meeting toasted together. A glass of red wine was also placed in front of Bavaria.

Bavaria was listening throughout the meeting.

Daliang, King Doron, and Marquis Wilson spoke of Holy Bella first, so all Bavaria's attention was focused on Holy Bella. What I was thinking about was how much influence Saint Bella would have on the interests of Bauhinia City here during her stay in Rio de Janeiro, and what measures she would need to take.

As for the transaction of nuts and magic paper mentioned by King Doron and Marquis Wilson, it was basically ignored by Bavaria.

Anyway, the money earned by the City of Rio de Janeiro belongs to the City of Bauhinia sooner or later.

So Bavaria also raised his wine glass and toasted to the Supreme Angel Holy Bella with the important personnel of the two city-states in the conference room.

In this way, the exchange of war bonds and gold coins between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City was carried out openly under the nose of Bavaria.

The subsequent detailed discussions were all negotiated in the name of nuts and magic paper, and were mixed into many business and trade negotiations. From the outside, this was just an ordinary barter transaction, with nothing worthwhile. Where to focus.

Moreover, most of Bavaria's attention is focused on the city of Rio de Janeiro's arrangements for the celebration of Saint Bella.

King Doron regards the arrival of Saint Bella as the grandest festival in Rio.

The celebration is not just a cover for the transfer of gold coins. King Duolun really hopes to get closer to the Five-Color Flag Alliance, even if it makes other cities think that Rio de Janeiro City and the Five-Color Flag Alliance are very close.

Establishing diplomatic relations with Shangjiang City is one step, and leasing the port is another step. If Saint Bella can stay in Rio City for a few more days, it will be an invisible political capital.

The attention of all the city-states in South America is on the city of Rio de Janeiro, and all the nobles are waiting for a supreme angel to come here.

The attention of all players in South America is also on the city of Rio de Janeiro. At the end of the Rio War, the "Formal Convention on Game Ethics in Brazilian Game Zones" has been signed, and its implementation will be supervised by the "Fair Game Committee" established in Rio de Janeiro.

Any Brazilian player who encounters offline threats and bullying in the game can report it to the "Fair Game Committee". The committee will immediately send people to investigate and certify. As long as offline bullying is found to exist, the player will be made public. identity, calling on all players to boycott.

At the same time, the "Committee" does not rule out using extreme means to punish.

Memnon was elected chairman of the "Brazilian Fair Game Commission" by virtue of his highly respected status and his just actions that turned the tide of the Rio War.

With Daliang's strong support, Tiago became one of the five senior members of the committee.

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