Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1062 Seeing Seventeen Nose Rings

Attacking Matsue Castle and overthrowing Abigail to become the mistress greatly stimulated Monica's desire for power.

And when Daliang proposed that the next stage of development of the Black Fire Territory was the endless maze, Monica was restless, wishing to capture Songjiang City now, and then send her troops into the endless maze to capture more dungeon sites.

Therefore, Da Liang would like to give Monica a lesson at this time: Don't think about the endless maze and mess up Songjiang's good cards.

After hearing what Daliang said, Monica immediately calmed down and assured Daliang: "Don't worry, sir, I will take down Songjiang City safely."

A military meeting decided on a plan to attack Songjiang.

Monica is good at defensive warfare, but has a very flamboyant temperament; Kuka is good at offensive warfare, but has an extremely stable temperament.

With these two generals who could be relied on and had complementary characteristics stationed in Songjiang, Daliang felt relieved and left the garrison cave and headed for Songjiang.

Songjiang is an underground city. There is a plane teleportation array in the city that can lead to the endless maze of the underground biological base camp. Da Liang plans to reach the endless maze through Songjiang's plane teleportation array, and then go to a dungeon illuminated by a torch tower to start his level 50 main quest.

It's just that now Songjiang has closed the city under Abigail's order, and no one is allowed in or out except for players who are new to the city.

The originally lively basement now became deserted, and even the players in Songjiang were unwilling to do tasks in Songjiang City under the high-pressure rule of the black elves.

There are very few players... At this point, Songjiang is quite like a city on the base camp plane.

The closed gates of Songjiang City did not prevent Daliang from entering the city.

The Rampage Tauren Legion under the Judgment is the local legion of Songjiang. Although the Rampage Taurus Guild has shifted its focus of development to Shangjiang City, they have not abandoned their hometown. Rampage Niutou retains a group of left-behind personnel in Songjiang to guard the resources and mining areas occupied by the guild here.

After Songjiang locked up the city, the Rampage Niutou Guild dug several tunnels connecting the inside and outside of the city in order to enter and exit the city under special circumstances.

Daliang entered Songjiang City through a tunnel.

Upon hearing that Daliang had come to Songjiang, Seventeen Nose Ring, the guild president of the Rampage Niu Tou and the commander of the Rampage Niu Tou Legion, immediately returned to Songjiang to meet his current boss.

In a store with no customers, when seventeen nose rings come in, the player acting as the clerk closes the door of the store and takes the seventeen nose rings to the back room.

The race chosen by the seventeen nose rings is the tauren in the dungeon, and the profession is the tauren with very strong melee capabilities.

Since bringing the guild and legion to join the Judgment Territory, the development of Seventeen Nose Rings in the game has begun to grow explosively. Among the legions under the Judgment Leader, the Rampant Tauren Legion has priority only after the Judgment Legion. The Judgment Legion is responsible for foreign wars, and the Rampant Tauren Legion is responsible for guarding the Judgment Territory and its property.

Therefore, Seventeen Nose Rings now needs people and resources. It has a sixth-level legion and is also a well-known role in the hero world.

Seventeen nose rings know how everything they have came to be. The war in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had just ended, and Daliang came to Songjiang. There must be something important. Therefore, Seventeen Nose Rings learned that Daliang had entered Songjiang City, so they rushed over as quickly as possible.

At the same time, he ordered the Rampant Tauren Guild to set up a cordon around the store, "If there is a black elf patrol coming this way, attack them directly... and lure them away."

Then, Seventeen Nose Rings saw Da Liang in the back room of the shop.

There are also Julian and Juliet standing behind Daliang...

Julian shines again on the battlefield in Rio de Janeiro. Under her leadership, the expeditionary force's ultimate creatures and high-level heroes faced the intervention army's ultimate creatures and high-level heroes that were several times their own. They not only went on the offensive, but also achieved a very large exchange ratio. That kind of domination on the battlefield like a needle in the sea became the biggest highlight of this war.

Afterwards, Insight Eye updated Julian's information. The 15th-level creature, Holy Angel Julian, continues to rank first in the hero rankings and creature rankings with undisputed hard data.

The second one is naturally Juliet, who was the first to make a public appearance when the Radiant Leader fought against the Sun Waiter.

Everyone's impression of Juliet is her lightning speed and violent murderous temperament. Once she catches the opportunity, no matter how strong the hero is, she will kill him in a short time.

In the battle of the Radiant Territory, Juliet single-handedly killed more than ten ultimate creatures, including the Sun Waiter who had turned into an angel of sin.

The battle in Rio de Janeiro showed this killing machine to its fullest. Wherever Juliet flies, the white light of the player's death will shine. According to the description of the player who was killed by Juliet: He didn't know what happened at that time. He only knew that something was coming to kill him, and then his body was hit hard and uncontrollably, and he died without any reaction.

So fast... I didn't even see who was killed.

The combination of beauty and violence, the extremely temperamental bloody queen Juliet, has attracted countless fans in a short period of time. Therefore, the Insight ranked Juliet behind Julian, causing a debate in the game world.

Many players believe that Juliet should be stronger than Julian in terms of personal combat power.

However, the Eye of Insight insists on this ranking, because Daliang said when he visited the Glory Territory: Juliet is not as good as Julian in terms of personal combat power.

But no matter how they are ranked...the first and second heroes on the rankings are both bright and level 15 creatures.

Now, the two top heroes owned by players in the game are standing in this small room.

Being able to see Julian and Juliet so close, Seventeen Nose Rings was very excited. After taking pictures continuously, he remembered the purpose of his visit.

"Boss... Is there anything important you need to do when you come to Songjiang this time? As long as our Rampage Niutou Guild can be used, our guild is willing to fully assist."

Daliang invited Seventeen Nose Rings to sit down, and then said: "The undead, humans, and elves organized an army to attack Songjiang City. Now this army has gone underground. My first purpose of coming to Songjiang City this time is to go on a rampage through you." Niutou Guild needs to know about the situation in Songjiang City..."

Undead, humans, and elves are the main components of the Black Fire Army's army attacking Songjiang City this time. But after listening to the ears of Seventeen Nose Rings, it turned out that Jiading City, Shangjiang City, and Chongming City jointly sent troops to attack Songjiang.

After hearing the news, Seventeen Nose Rings was very happy.

Abigail's city-locking policy really screwed up these local Songjiang players.

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