Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1063 Investigating Songjiang

If outside players cannot come in, the player trading market in Songjiang will not be active, and the things in the hands of Songjiang players will not be sold. Not only can't it be sold, but the black elves block the roads and plunder wantonly, making it impossible to transport the things in your hands.

How many local players can there be in Songjiang City? Add in the departures, and there won’t be much left.

However, Songjiang is the home base of the Rampant Niutou Guild. Seventeen nose rings can't give up the industry here, so they can only use the income from Shangjiang to subsidize Songjiang's losses.

If they could kill Abigail and Black Elf, Seventeen Nose Rings would have done it...but Naihe couldn't defeat them.

Now Shangjiang wants to fight Songjiang and get rid of the cancer of the black elf. Seventeen nose rings really support him with both hands.

Upon hearing Daliang's inquiry, Seventeen Nose Rings immediately said: "Songjiang City is now under military control, and commercial activities are basically zero. All the black elves' consumption is obtained by robbery from deep underground.

The city defense system is still the same as before, and some war equipment has not been replaced if it breaks.

The main reason is that the black elves themselves have no craftsmen in this field, and the craftsmen who can repair war equipment are dying and running away. Moreover, the Black Elves' tactical thinking is to raid quickly and do not pay attention to urban offensive and defensive battles. Therefore, Songjiang City Defense has been declining. When Shangjiang's army attacked the city, they could not bring out many defensive equipment.

However, the dark cavalry of the black elves are still very strong, as well as the tauren who were demoted as slaves by the black elves...

I think in terms of ground impact ability, no race can be stronger than the Black Elves.

And Abigail also attaches great importance to the use of dark cavalry. When she annexed other black elf tribes, the first thing she did was to merge the dark cavalry from these black elf tribes into the army directly under her own jurisdiction.

Therefore, there are a lot of dark cavalry in Songjiang City... If there is no way to deal with so many dark cavalry, it will be very difficult to attack Songjiang, and you may even be eaten by these dark cavalry if you are not careful. "

The main force of the Black Fire Leader's Copper Cavalry is the Dark Cavalry that Daliang purchased from Abigail during the honeymoon period between the Black Fire Leader and Songjiang City. He is very familiar with the combat effectiveness of the Dark Cavalry.

The mounts of the Dark Cavalry are underground lizards. These velociraptor-like mounts can run, jump, and bite enemies around them. They are very difficult to deal with.

As an intermediate unit of the black elf race, the dark cavalry has a high output and can easily form a large scale. Moreover, these intermediate arms actually have the charge skills of the high-level arms, the human knights. Therefore, when the Dark Cavalry charges in a group, it is really terrifying.

When Daliang attacked Songjiang City, he was also thinking about this very practical cavalry. Since falling out with Abigail, his copper cavalry has not added a single dark cavalry.

Daliang said to the seventeen nose rings: "This war is not about the superior conquering the inferior...the main city Shangjiang attacks the secondary city Songjiang. It is a battle launched in the name of fighting for the mistress. We will support an Abigail tribe. A dark miko in there participated in the fight for the mistress, and then divided the black elves in Songjiang City.

By then, Abigail will have far fewer troops to command.

In short... Songjiang can no longer let Abigail do whatever she wants. When Abigail is defeated and Songjiang City changes its owner. You, the Rampant Niutou Guild, will take this opportunity to completely control Songjiang City and make this the center of development..."

Hearing this, Seventeen Nose Ring noticed something, and whispered: "Boss... you are the Duke of Shangjiang, do you have any inside information? For example, Shangjiang wants to develop Songjiang with all its strength... or something. "

What is inside information? After Songjiang is captured, this city will belong to you and me... Shouldn't you develop your own territory with all your strength?

"Hmm... we can't say this kind of thing clearly. In the future, Songjiang's policy will be absolutely open, and then we will rely on Shangjiang's trade capabilities to fully develop the market underground. You are a player in Songjiang, and you should know how many good things are underground, but the roads are not accessible. come out.

After Songjiang was integrated into Shangjiang's trade system, it must build roads first. When the time comes, I will use some connections to give you more of the road construction project. "

The seventeen nose rings now have only one mood, that is, after all the hardships, happiness comes. Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally looking forward to the arrival of the People's Liberation Army.

After overthrowing Abigail's reactionary rule, Songjiang will usher in a period of great development with policy support.

With the financial backing of Shangjiang, Songjiang will definitely be able to spend money on development without spending any time. Build cities, build roads... just buy whatever resources you need.

Seventeen Nose Rings are really glad that they have defended the mines they previously occupied. Regardless of whether they are transported out or not, they will arrange workers to carry out minimum mining (mines that have not been mined for a long time will be abandoned and occupied by wild monsters, and it is also possible that Preempted by System City). The backlog of minerals and resources now will soon turn into cash.

Yes... We need to buy or occupy as many mineral points as possible that have been abandoned by other guilds before the news of Shangjiang's attack on Songjiang spreads.

All mines are under full operation, preparing to keep up with the development trend of Songjiang.

Ha ha ha ha……

While the seventeen nose rings were happy, they were also more concerned about the war against Songjiang. They must not let the siege army be defeated by Abigail.

Thinking of the strange phenomenon in Songjiang City, Seventeen Nose Rings said to Daliang: "When the black elves were robbing underground, they would transport many slaves to Songjiang along with the goods. Except for a small number of these slaves, they were all sent to work as laborers. Entered the city lord's mansion. The strange thing is... I can only get in and out, and no one comes out alive.

After total calculation, Ling Ling found that the number of underground creatures that disappeared into the City Lord's Mansion was already a very terrifying number.

And Abigail has never left the city lord's mansion. What must she be doing with these disappeared slaves? I have also sent people to inquire about this matter, but the mission cannot go into the city lord's mansion at all. All I know is...Abigail seems to be sacrificing her life to gain strength..."

Obtain power by sacrificing your life!

Da Liang frowned, Abigail's strength should be at the middle level of level 15.

And judging by the seventeen nose rings... Abigail has already sacrificed a lot of lives.

What about gaining strength again?

At this time, Daliang suddenly said: "Yesha, what did you find?"


who is it?

Seventeen Nose Rings were very puzzled by the name Daliang suddenly said. There were themselves, Daliang, Julian, and Juliet in this room. And because Daliang is here, the Rampage Niutou Guild has specially strengthened the defense here. More than a hundred senior players from the guild came, and there were layers of detection magic.

What kind of person could break through so many defenses to get here?

Seventeen Nose Rings immediately scanned the room, and then saw a black figure gradually becoming clearer from nowhere.

It is a creature suspended in the air with sword-shaped limbs.

Hearing Daliang's call, he revealed his figure in the night that had just come in, and then replied: "Sir, I conducted an investigation on the Songjiang City Lord's Mansion according to your instructions. I found that there is a place in the underground space of the City Lord's Mansion that is shrouded by divine power. I can't Enter.

According to the conversation between the black elves in the city lord's palace, Abigail was indeed using some method of sacrificing life in an attempt to gain power from the Dark Dragon. "

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