Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1064 Cover

The Dark Dragon does not really exist in the known game world. It belongs to the mysterious power and is worshiped by underground creatures. Therefore, underground creatures are very good at mystical powers, such as divination and small and large sacrifice spells.

Based on the information provided by the seventeen nose rings and the night's investigation, Abigail was indeed sacrificing her life crazily in order to gain power from the Dark Dragon.

If Abigail succeeds, then the attack on Songjiang City may not go so smoothly.

Daliang was somewhat glad that he had asked about seventeen nose rings out of caution, and also sent Ye Sha to the Lord's Mansion of Songjiang City. After considering all the information, he said to Julian: "You and Juliet don't want to go to the Endless Labyrinth with me this time. You will stay in Songjiang City..." Daliang looked at Juliet and changed his words: "Not nearby... for the time being. Tell Monica about Abigail, and it’s okay to give her a little blow before she takes over Songjiang. If things go too smoothly, her desire for power will be excessively expanded.”

Hearing that he could not follow Da Liang to the Endless Labyrinth, Julian said worriedly: "Sir, go alone? Is it too dangerous...I...I will stay here and let Juliet accompany you to the Endless Labyrinth."

Feeling Julian's concern for him, Daliang still insisted on his arrangement: "Don't you still have the night to accompany me? The war in Songjiang City is of great importance. If Abigail really obtains the power from the Dragon of Darkness, you Being alone with Juliet may not be enough to defeat her.

You two stay here...

When the decisive battle begins, I will try my best to come back.


Daliang took out the Angel Alliance and handed it to Julian: "If the war breaks out when Holy Bella visits Rio de Janeiro, she may not be able to come back in time to support us. Therefore, my order to you is... this battle must be won. "

Julian took over the Angel Alliance from Daliang. At this time, she could feel how much Daliang valued the Battle of Songjiang. The elites of the Black Fire Territory are all here, so there really can't be any mistakes.

We have to win, and it can't be a miserable victory.

Julian knew that Daliang had entrusted the Angel Alliance and this important responsibility to him because he was his most trusted guardian angel. Julian solemnly replied: "My lord, you can rest assured that no matter what Abigail becomes, Juliet and I will defeat her."

Juliet yawned, stretched, and walked out with her waist swaying. Then she turned back to Julian and said, "I finally have some free time... Sister, tell me where we should start killing."

Juliet's smile is a little crazy...

Before Julian and Juliet were separated, Juliet did not sign an employment contract with Daliang, so her behavior was almost uncontrollable. But now... after officially signing the employment contract with Daliang, Juliet's behavior has been greatly restricted. Following Daliang... she is not allowed to kill this or that, which makes Juliet very unhappy.

What makes Juliet even more uncomfortable is that with Julian watching by her side, it is very difficult to do anything secretly.

Da Liang really followed Juliet's wishes by not letting the two sisters follow him to the endless maze.

Her swords were already thirsty and she couldn't wait to find a place to kill.

Juliet was about to lose control, and Julian quickly said to Daliang: "Sir, I will take good care of Juliet. I will not let her destroy Songjiang City..."

Da Liang knew that Juliet was a bomb. She could still be restrained by holding it in her hand at all times, but once she threw it out, she couldn't tell who it would blow up.

Julian also has to secretly take care of Monica's army, so he may not have time to look after Juliet. So Da Liang said to Seventeen Nose Rings: "During the days when Juliet was in Songjiang, your Rampage Tauren Legion organized people to lead Juliet to level up. Calculate the refresh time of several monsters, and those who want to level up will follow. Just gain experience.”


Let a level 15 hero lead the leveling!

Seventeen nose rings, I can’t believe my ears.

Juliet's killing efficiency has been proven on the battlefield in Rio de Janeiro. It has super high speed, super high attack speed, and super high damage. It kills players one by one with the same efficiency as a harvester.

If Juliet is allowed to level up, won't the experience increase be the same as making a rocket?

I’m just following a level 15 hero to gain experience. Is this salary a bit high?

"Ah what! I'm not letting you waste your experience in vain. Use the abilities of the Rampant Tauren Guild and don't let Juliet idle during this time...

do you know? Don't leave her idle, or something will happen! "

Seventeen Nose Rings Although I don’t know what could happen to Juliet if she is idle, the good thing about leveling up with a level 15 hero must not be extrapolated.

"Don't worry, boss. There aren't many players in Songjiang City right now. We can reserve any of the surrounding leveling spots to ensure that the leveled monsters are of high quality. As long as Juliet doesn't say she's tired, we will never let her rest."

"That's good..." Daliang nodded happily, and then said: "Julian and Juliet will be taken care of by you. I will go to the Endless Labyrinth from Songjiang. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"Yes! Boss... I will immediately arrange for someone to cover your journey to the plane teleportation array in Songjiang City."

Daliang wanted to go to the Endless Maze through the plane teleportation array in Songjiang City, and the members of the Rampage Niutou Guild in Songjiang City immediately took action.

Dozens of players riding flying creatures provide early warning in the air, monitoring the road conditions from the store to the plane teleportation array. More than a dozen player teams are scattered on the rooftops of the surrounding two or three blocks. As long as a black elf patrol approaches, they will cause trouble and lead the patrol in another direction.

Seventeen nose rings came out of the shop. The beefy body of the Bull-headed King stood in the middle of the street. He looked around... and after not noticing the NPC here, he said to the store: "Boss, you can come out now."

Da Liang put on a smock and a hood and walked out of the store. The night had already entered a state of invisibility.

Following Daliang, there were several similarly dressed players who came out. Everyone gathered around Daliang and walked towards the plane teleportation array together.

As Da Liang moved forward, the entire warning circle moved in the direction of the plane teleportation array simultaneously. All black elves, whether they are patrols or ordinary NPCs, have dedicated people to attract them.

Dark elves are suspicious and extremely xenophobic by nature. Many players who attracted the attention of the black elves were directly attacked by the black elves.

Small-scale battles broke out one after another, and explosions continued to ring out in this quiet city. The personnel of the Rampage Niutou mobilized to prevent a black elf from approaching the route that Da Liang was going to take.

Many players were killed like this.

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