Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1065 Breaking into the formation

The team protecting Daliang continues to move forward...

The chaos happening all over Songjiang City aroused the vigilance of the black elf army guarding the plane teleportation array.

This powerful black elf army has formed an array around the plane teleportation array. The dark cavalry are divided into four impact arrays and aimed in four directions. The lances were held in the hands of the black elf knights. The underground lizard paved the ground with its feet angrily, and mucus slowly dripped from the corners of its mouth.

When they entered the combat readiness position, they found a group of adventurers walking quickly along the street.

A black elf hero rode an underground lizard that was stronger than its kind and walked to the front of the formation. The aura of the high-level hero exuded, driving the combat power of the dark cavalry under his command to increase. He closed the visor of his full-coverage helmet and shouted at the approaching adventurers: "Who are you? Stop approaching your identity, otherwise we will attack!"

Seventeen nose rings led the player team to continue approaching. Of course, he knew that the rush formation on the Songjiang plane was heavily guarded by black elves. But if Daliang wants to enter the endless maze from here, no matter what price he pays, he must send people there.

The warning went unanswered, and the hostility was already very apparent. The black elf hero pointed his lance upward, and all the dark cavalry leveled their lances together, with the lance points pointed forward.

"The first column...charge!"

The underground lizard moved its two powerful hind legs, accelerated and ran along the road in five steps, and the ground shook slightly.

Facing the attack of the black elf army, Seventeen Nose Rings took the lead and rushed over, holding a double-edged battle ax in his hand. Behind him were a group of tauren players.

The two most powerful melee creatures in the underground world collided heavily on this narrow street.

The combat skills cut cracks on the ground, the black elf knight was knocked into the air, and the underground lizard fell down with a whine...

Seventeen Nose Rings and the most elite close combat personnel of the Rampage Bull Head relied on their strong bodies to withstand the frontal charge of the Dark Cavalry, and then chopped them to the ground.

"Rush, the black elf reinforcements will arrive soon. We have to rush to the plane teleportation array quickly and then retreat." Seventeen Nose Rings pulled out the battle ax from a black elf, and then used defensive skills to block the black elf. The hero made an attack, and then led his men to counterattack towards the plane teleportation array.

By this time the second wave of dark cavalry had arrived.

Another hard-to-hard impact.

Da Liang marched slowly behind the attacking team...

Actually, if you want to go to the Endless Maze... there are many ways. In the main world, not only Songjiang has a teleportation array that connects to the endless maze, but every dungeon in the system has a teleportation array that leads to the endless maze. There are also plane teleportation arrays that can be borrowed in the private areas of dungeon players.

Da Liang chose to go to Songjiang just to test the Seventeen Nose Rings and the Rampant Niutou Guild.

This local player guild in Songjiang has great power in Songjiang City, and the development of Songjiang cannot bypass the Rampage Niutou Guild. However, the Rampage Niutou Guild does not belong to the university alliance and is not a direct descendant of Daliang. The Rampage Niutou has its own system.

Daliang tested seventeen nose rings not because he had any doubts about him. The Judgment Territory and the Sifang Chamber of Commerce have allowed the Rampage Tauren Legion and the Judgment Legion to form a community of interests. Otherwise, Da Liang would not have safely handed over the guarding work of the Judgment Territory to Seventeen Nose Rings.

Just because of Da Liang's main mission, the development direction of the Black Fire Territory shifted to the endless maze. In the future, Songjiang City will become the rear base for the Black Fire Leader's Endless Labyrinth Strategy. Of course, Da Liang hopes that there will be a tacit understanding and capable ally stationed in this city.

After Monica takes over Songjiang, the underground world here will be reopened, and the underground wealth will make the place prosperous again. And Daliang needs seventeen nose rings in Songjiang to manage the players who come to the underground world to make profits.

Don't let others retreat from behind.

It is precisely because Daliang is interested in the role of seventeen nose rings in Songjiang that he is willing to let the rampant Niutou ride on the development of Songjiang. As for whether the Seventeen Nose Rings and the Rampant Bull Head can shoulder this important responsibility, we need to see their organizational and execution capabilities through actual combat.

Regarding Daliang's intention to enter the Endless Labyrinth from Songjiang, Seventeen Nose Rings did not ask or have any doubts, and directly began to make arrangements within the legion.

When Daliang walked out of the shop, all the personnel covering him to reach the plane teleportation array were in place.

Then the whole body advances towards the plane teleportation array.

During this period, he was attacked by black elves. He was beaten at will, and no one complained about his death.

The quality of the personnel of Rampage Niutou is still very high.

In this way, seventeen nose rings led the rampaging bullheads one after another, and amidst the attacks of the black elf tide, they created a safe passage directly to the plane teleportation array.

Corpses covered the ground in a short period of time. The players in the dungeon used their bodies to block the black elves on both sides and make way for the passage in the middle.

Da Liang walked all the way to the plane teleportation array without any hindrance, and then slowly disappeared into the teleportation array. At the same time, a sentence came out along with his disappearing figure.

"Night, cover their evacuation, and then follow them."

There were really too many defenders in the plane teleportation array. When the momentum of the rampaging bullheads began to weaken, the black elves who came back began to press back, making it impossible for the players to escape from the battlefield.

In the distance...the black elves who came to support after learning that the plane teleportation array was attacked are approaching. If the rampaging bull-headed elites are really surrounded here, the losses to the entire guild and legion will be huge.

At this time, as Da Liang's order was issued, the night appeared from above the plane teleportation array.

The black body with ceramic texture makes the night look like a work of art. But when she stretched out the four swords, they immediately turned into a terrifying weapon.

In terms of attack frequency and explosive power, Four Swords of Night is better than Two Swords of Juliet.

At first, the Dark Knights did not pay much attention to this creature that suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and they had no good way to deal with the flying creature. Therefore, the dark knights were still attacking the rampaging bull head. Only a black elf with flying skills rushed up and tried to fight Ye Xie in a duel.

Then... Ye Xue used "Shadow Dragon Assault" and "Time Reverse Flow" to pull the black elf hero, and a set of combos tore him to pieces.

So strong!

Seventeen Nose Rings saw Ye Shi's entire attack. To be honest, he had always thought that the night was a very special reconnaissance unit. Such units generally did not have strong combat effectiveness. Once they were caught out of stealth, they were basically dead.

But the night was clearly beyond common sense.

After Ye Xie killed a black elf hero, he showed off his combat prowess that he had never shown before. She rushed into the group of dark cavalry like a black whirlwind, and the edge of the wind was a sharp blade.

The blade storm raged, and the dark cavalry were killed by the sudden attack. There was no hero who could stop the carnage in the night.

The pressure on the rampaging Niutou suddenly decreased, and Seventeen Nose Rings immediately took the opportunity to command the personnel to gradually break away from the battle and retreat into the city with complex terrain.

Players who were familiar with the terrain quickly disappeared into the block, the fighting slowly stopped, and the chaos in other places also disappeared.

The players who protected Da Liang from entering the plane teleportation array retreated safely, and Ye Xi also ran into the teleportation array and disappeared inside.

At this time, none of the black elves entered the teleportation array to pursue them. The gap in combat power was too great, and chasing them would be a futile effort.

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