Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1066 Obsidian City

The Endless Labyrinth is an underground world plane with countless underground caves inhabited by all kinds of underground creatures. It also has the richest mineral resources in the entire plane.

The dark underground environment, complex passages, and underground monsters that have survived for countless years all hinder people from exploring the endless maze.

Even the caves controlled by the seven underground main cities of the Endless Maze are only a small part of the entire Endless Maze.

This place is really huge and rich in resources. As long as the requirements for living standards are not too high, there are plenty of unowned caves for living here. Some tribes that could not survive in other planes migrated to the Endless Labyrinth. Then during their long underground life, they completely adapted to the underground environment and became a new underground race.

The black elves are one of the races that entered the underground from the surface and successfully integrated into the underground world.

The ancestors of the black elves are elves from the magical realm. During a large-scale elven civil strife, these elves were forced to migrate to the underground world and converted to the Dark Dragon to become a new underground race.

Because of their reputation as the Dark Dragon, these underground elves are scornfully called black elves by the elves in the magical realm, so that people who are not familiar with black elves think that their skin color is black. But in fact, there is not much difference in appearance between black elves and elves, and because they cannot see sunlight underground, the skin color of black elves is whiter than that of elves.

Elves have long lifespans, are agile and most have magical talents, and are also good at communicating with animals. The underground environment allowed the black elves to give full play to their specialties. They did not become weaker and weaker underground like some foreign races. Instead, they continued to strengthen and established their own unit system.

The black elves have become an emerging force in the Endless Labyrinth. When their strength reaches a certain level, they are no longer satisfied with life in the edge area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth. They began to move towards the core area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth, occupied some underground cities, and changed the recruitment buildings in the cities into the black elf army system.

More and more dungeons are occupied by black elves. Their power is once again powerful and their ambitions are even greater...

The seven kings who rule the core area of ​​the Endless Labyrinth have realized that the black elves are threatening their indigenous rule over the Endless Labyrinth. Some important cities have begun to ban the entry of black elves and increase military strength at the borders to restrict the continued expansion of black elves.

After all, the black elves are an alien race. No matter how strong they are, they cannot be stronger than the original forces that rule the endless maze. Just like that... the black elves were blocked from the core area of ​​the endless maze by a fortified city guarding key border areas.

However, at this time, the plane war broke out.

The hostile plane of the Endless Labyrinth is the world factory occupied by the academic school. The golem puppets created by the academic warlocks through the alchemy factory have very strong environmental adaptability and can maintain good performance even in complex underground terrains. combat effectiveness.

Hell... Lucifer and Satan haven't decided the winner yet, and the leader of the evil camp doesn't know who can carry it up. The kingdom of death fell into division again and had no time to take care of itself.

The evil camp was extremely weak at this moment, and World Factory invaded the Endless Labyrinth at this time.

The academic warlocks led their army of golems and puppets and opened up one war zone after another in the endless maze. The seven kings of the dungeon could only mobilize their troops to prevent the warlocks from occupying more land.

The border guards gradually weakened, and the dormant black elves began to move again.

Obsidian City is a fortress city on the border of the Iron Shoe Kingdom.

This is a level 13 city. The cave it is located in connects the lower cave and the upper cave. The upper level is the control area of ​​the Iron Heel Kingdom, and the lower level is the disorderly land outside the kingdom. This is the boundary between underground civilization and barbarians, blocking the nomadic tribes in the lower caves from entering the prosperous areas of the kingdom.

Obsidian City was built in the middle of a huge underground cave with an area of ​​​​100,000 hectares. The walls and ground of the cave are full of passages connecting other caves. As a border city, Obsidian City also serves as the link between the upper cave and the lower cave. Caravans traveling through the underground world gathered here and formed a very large free trading market in the west of the city.

The reason why the Free Trade Market was established in the west of the city is because it is adjacent to a torch tower.

The Torch Tower is a unique building in the underground world. The stone pillars, which are tens of meters in diameter, are up to a hundred feet high. The top of the tower shoots out a flame that never goes out. It is an important light source in the underground world.

Moreover, the area around the Torch Tower is warm and dry, so although underground creatures all have low-light vision, they also like to gather around the Torch Tower.

Da Liang's level 50 main quest involved the Torch Tower, so he placed his first stop in the endless maze in Obsidian City.

[Task 1: Although black elves are underground creatures, they originate from the elves and like to stay in places with light. Many black elves can be seen in the city illuminated by underground torch towers. The Black Elves mainly operate around assassin huts in underground cities. Many of their heroes are excellent assassins and are good at assassinations and stealing intelligence.

Your mission is... to find a dungeon illuminated by a torch tower in the endless maze and join a group of assassins. 】

The main mission is related to Daliang's promotion of advanced fire magic, and whether he can use law-level fire magic under the leadership of the flames.

Therefore, Daliang is very fond of this main mission. Even though his family business is now big and he has many things to do, he still tries his best to find time to do this main mission.

Now that the dungeon illuminated by the Torch Tower has been found, all that's left is to join an assassin group and complete the first step of the main quest chain.

Da Liang wore a baggy black smock and shuttled through this free market... Although there was light from the torch tower, the light underground was far less bright than the surface. Fortunately, Da Liang already has dark vision, and his vision is no longer punished by the weakening of light. He can see everything clearly when moving in the underground world.

Assassins are a more shady profession than thieves, so the thieves' guild can blatantly set up their own offices in the city, but the assassin's hut has always been hidden in the most secretive place, and then uses other businesses as a cover for its appearance.

Whenever an assassin's hut finds itself in danger of being exposed, it immediately changes location.

However, the player's ability to explore maps makes it impossible to hide the assassin's hut in Obsidian City.

The intelligence officers of the College Alliance found the address of the assassin's cabin in Obsidian City. It was hidden in the free trading market, a slave auction house.

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