Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1067 Assassin’s Hut

Walking in the trading market, Daliang rejected several cavemen who were selling ore to him. These first-level underground creatures, which have no eyes and look like mung beans, are scumbag in terms of combat effectiveness, but their ability to dig holes and mine is very strong. Mines with cavemen as laborers will generally randomly increase production by 5%-15%.

So much so that now that players are gradually paying less attention to the first-tier arms, the trade of cavemen is still in a state of short supply, with prices rising steadily. Players in the dungeon complete city tasks every day, exchange them for a few cavemen and then sell them. After deducting a day's consumption, they can still earn a little more.

In several high-yield mining sites in Da Liang's hands, all the skeleton miners inside have been replaced by cavemen.

Walking through the free market, there are trucks filled with ore everywhere.

Minerals are really abundant and cheap in the Endless Labyrinth. Even rare resources can be seen in small amounts here. The wide variety of minerals and alchemical minerals is also the reason why the World Factory covets the endless labyrinth. No other plane can match the consumption of minerals and alchemical minerals by the World Factory.

No other plane can match the mineral output of the Endless Labyrinth.

Therefore, although the World Factory and the Endless Labyrinth are hostile planes, a large part of the minerals produced by the Endless Labyrinth have been bought by the World Factory.

Even if the two planes are at war, academic warlocks can still be seen in the obsidian city market on the edge, bringing carts of golems to purchase ore and alchemical minerals.

Among the buyers purchasing ore, Daliang also saw the figure of a dwarf.

Now the dwarves have separated from the elves and have been replaced by the Elf Sword Dancers, a third-level unit developed by the elves. In a sense, the dwarves did achieve independence, but the elves launched a large-scale siege on the territory controlled by the dwarves in the magical realm, and the battle swept the entire plane. If the Kingdom of Death were not in a state of civil war, it would be a great opportunity for the undead to invade the magical realm.

War represents the consumption of huge amounts of resources, and the dwarves in the defensive position are even more strapped for various supplies and have to purchase resources from everywhere, especially ores used to forge weapons and make war equipment.

The war turned mineral resources into a hot commodity.

In addition to ores, another pillar industry in the underground city is the slave trade.

When underground tribes dig mines and passages, they often find another underground tribe's residence. War is the simplest and most effective way to allocate resources.

The victorious party expands its own living space, while the defeated party loses everything and is demoted to slavery.

Some nomadic underground tribes would also plunder the weak mining and farming tribes and then sell these mining and farming tribes as slaves.

Some advanced creatures sometimes appear in the slave market in the dungeon. Therefore, some players will stay in these slave markets, usually making some small money by reselling slaves and relying on the price difference. When high-level creatures appear in the slave market, they will buy these high-level creatures first and then sell them to rich players at high prices.

It was precisely because of the existence of the player's slave merchant that this deeply hidden assassin's hut was discovered.

Following the directions of the address, Daliang avoided various vendors selling goods and entered what appeared to be a slave exchange but was actually an assassin's cabin.

This is a large courtyard, with very vigilant guards standing on the towering walls. The evil eye scans the inside and outside of the courtyard wall with its big-headed single eye.

As a slave exchange, entry and exit here is very free, and Daliang walked in easily.

Inside the open-air pens, slaves for sale were held. There were cavemen, harpies, and all kinds of non-mainstream underground creatures. They all stayed silent and accepted their fate.

According to the player's introduction to this slave exchange, high-end slaves will not be left randomly outside. There are cheap goods out there, and good things come through the auction process.

If you want to enter the assassin's hut, you must first go to the auction house.

The auction house is located in the innermost part of the trading center. It is a large semicircular venue dug out. From the edge of the arc inward, the layers are lowered, and the bottom is the display platform for the auction items.

As long as the buyer pays a deposit of 1,000 gold, he can enter the auction house at any time. Then find a step to sit down and participate in bidding on the auction items.

Daliang handed 1,000 gold to a tauren with a nose ring on the sidelines, and then got a number plate from his hand.

The number plate must be displayed during the auction. When the buyer leaves the auction house, he can use the number plate to pay gold coins to collect the slave and deposit. The slave exchange only recognizes the number plate but not the person...

Da Liang put away his number plate, tightened his blouse, and walked into the auction house.

At this time, five mole monsters were being auctioned on the stage below. Mole monsters are low-intelligent underground creatures, and adult individuals can reach half a meter. These creatures are smaller than cavemen, and their ability to dig holes is far greater than that of cavemen. They are good at finding minerals. Some advanced mole monsters can find valuable minerals a hundred meters away.

It is a kind of prospecting creature with the ability to see through the earth. For dungeons that make their fortune from minerals, mole monsters are very popular.

Therefore, the competition for these five mole monsters at the auction is also very fierce.

Da Liang did not participate in the bidding for these five mole monsters. Instead, he sat down at the highest point of the venue and scanned the buyers participating in the auction.

There were about 200 people participating in the slave auction at the venue. Most of them were heroes from the dungeon, and a few were creatures from the surface world. Some of them showed their appearance openly, showed off their magic equipment, and showed their wealth and strength; others, like Daliang, hid their entire bodies in their blouses.

After observing the buyers, Da Liang began to focus on the auction items.

Now...he is already inside the assassin's hut.

While this auction is selling out slaves, it is also issuing assassination missions.

The assassins were sitting in the auction, mixed in with the ordinary slave buyers, waiting for tasks to be released based on the auction items.

Daliang waited silently based on the information searched by the intelligence department of the University Alliance, until a special auction item was brought to the display stand.

A caveman, an ordinary caveman.

Green skin, rickety body, nothing special about him. There are hundreds of cavemen like this in cages outside, and they sell for ten gold coins each. In the entire slave market... there are as many as you want.

However, the octopus-like Soul Eater auctioneer reported a very astonishing starting price: "Ladies and gentlemen, here is today's auction item No. 536. One...

Cave man!

Its starting price is 10,000 gold coins.

Notice! It is 10,000 gold coins, and each increase must not be less than 100 gold coins.

Next...please start bidding. "

Sorry, sorry. I was careful when opening a new map. I was busy during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so the update was a bit late.

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