Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1068 Auction

For the previously sold auction items, in order to obtain a higher price, the auctioneer would vigorously introduce the various advantages of the slave to encourage buyers to actively bid.

But after the caveman was brought to the stage, the auctioneer simply said, "This is a caveman," and then made an astonishing offer of 10,000 gold.

The buyers who participated in the auction were in an uproar...

Look at this caveman, cowering in fear on the stage, with unknown liquid dripping down his legs. It's obvious that he's not even a hero, and he certainly doesn't have any rare specialties. Moreover, he is already very old and will die at any time even if he buys it back.

Such a thing actually costs 10,000 gold!

Who will buy it?

However, at this time, someone raised his number plate. It was a hero covered in a blouse. He shouted in a slightly hoarse business voice: "10,100 gold..."

No way... Is anyone really going to buy this caveman who might die on stage?

The five mole monsters we just packed together only fetched 600 gold, but someone actually bought this ordinary caveman?

The auction house does not call for random bids. If the buyer does not pay and take the slave away when leaving the auction house, not only will the 1,000 gold deposit not be paid, but he may also be subject to other punishments at the auction house.

Therefore... defaults rarely occur at auctions.

But then, buyers who didn't know the truth finally found out how popular a caveman worth 10,000 gold was.

"10200 gold"

"10300 gold"

"10500 gold"

Each higher price was shouted out by the buyers who participated in the auction. Without exception, these bidders all used blouses to hide their appearance, appearing extremely mysterious.

Looking at the rising prices, buyers who did not know the truth became very anxious.

There are so many people bidding on this cave man, which means that this cave man is worth more money...

Does he know the location of a treasure somewhere? Or know of a rare, undiscovered vein somewhere?

But the auctioneer allowed the bidders to shout higher and higher prices while remaining silent and not disclosing any information.

Let those who are itching to produce needle felt, but dare not casually take 10,000 to try whether the caveman is worth the price.

At this time, the price quoted for the caveman has reached 12,000 gold...

Some people have given up bidding, but others are insisting on quoting higher prices.

The bidding became more intense, and some people kept withdrawing from the competition.

It soon reached 13,200 gold!

Most of the people who started to participate in the auction have given up bidding, and only three people are still insisting on raising the price by hundreds of gold and hundreds of gold.

"14,000 gold..."

When the bidding reached 13,600 gold, a loud voice directly raised the offer to a new level.

Everyone looked in the direction where the quotation sound came from...

There was a new bidder, he was sitting at the very back of the auction room, huddled up in his fat blouse, holding a number plate in his hand.


The new price was announced, and there was a brief silence in the auction room.

The other three competitors became hesitant, obviously the price was already unbearable for them... The auctioneer began to count down...



"14,100 gold!"

Just as the auctioneer's hammer was about to fall, a bidder finally quoted a higher price.

Daliang sat in his seat and looked at the person holding up the number plate. The hand that seemed ready to retract at any time showed how much struggle and hesitation he was feeling in his heart.

At this time, everyone looked over again.

Daliang took out his number plate, which read "5280". He was the one who made the quotation of 14,000 gold.

"15,000 gold!"

900 gold was directly added to the 14,100 gold. Such a large sum attracted a low exclamation and also cut off all expectations of the other bidder.

This time the auctioneer did not count down anymore and made the final decision: "Congratulations to customer No. 5280 for bidding on auction item No. 536. The slave you bought will be sent to the auction reception. If you have no other auction items that you are interested in, please do so now. You can go and take away auction item No. 536."

Daliang's purpose of coming to this auction had been achieved. After seeing that the caveman slave had been taken down to the transaction reception area, he stood up from his position and left the auction venue.

The auction continued, and a group of mudstone people was rushed to the display stand. The auctioneer immediately introduced the advantages of these mudstone people in the most enthusiastic terms and what kind of profits they could bring.

But... none of this has anything to do with Daliang. He is going to take over the caveman he bought for 15,000 gold.

As for whether this caveman is worth so many gold coins?

Daliang's not worth it!

This is a very ordinary caveman, old and frail. He has no value other than advancing the Skeleton Transformation Field to become a Skeleton Soldier.

So many people are bidding on this cave man, but they are not interested in the value of the cave man itself.

The caveman only represents the release of an assassination mission. Even if it is not a caveman, the auction will replace it with other low-level creatures to prevent unidentified buyers from participating in the bidding for this assassination mission.

In the intelligence provided by the College Alliance, there are details of the release of the entire assassination mission.

After the Assassin Group has verified their identity, they can get a brief copy of the assassination mission to be released in the near future in advance at the auction house. Inside is a brief description of the assassination target given by the thieves sent by the Assassin's Hut, as well as an estimate of the difficulty of the assassination.

The Assassin Group can choose to complete tasks and achieve their own goals, and then wait until the task release time arrives.

Next, the assassination mission will be auctioned in the auction house, with many assassin groups bidding.

The highest bidder can obtain detailed information about the assassination mission, such as the identity, name, personal strength of the assassination target, etc. All the information that the assassin hut has investigated in advance.

After the mission is completed, the Assassin Group can collect the corresponding rewards at the Assassin's Hut.

The starting price for this caveman is 10,000 gold, which means that 10,000 gold is the basic reward for the assassination mission. When the Assassin Group bids, every additional 100 gold means that they can reduce the price by 100 gold to accept the mission.

Therefore, after Daliang finally called out the price of 15,000 gold, it meant that he only charged 5,000 gold for the original assassination mission of 10,000 gold.

This income-expenditure ratio is unbearable for all assassin groups.

Only wealthy people like Daliang, who don't care about making money at all, are willing to take on this task.

Now that Daliang has successfully obtained the first process of taking on this task, the next step is to go through the next test and truly get this task.

When Daliang walked to the exit of the auction venue, the tauren with a nose ring who was guarding the door stopped him: "Please show me your number plate."

Da Liang reached out and showed the number plate.

After confirming that the number plate was correct, the tauren opened a portal next to the entrance, then bowed his head and saluted: "Sir, the slave you photographed is already in the reception room. Please prepare your gold coins to take your slave with you. Walk."

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