Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1072 Change of Thoughts

The atmosphere in the room became very awkward.

Margaret is about to get this new ore buyer. 100 million units of high-quality black iron ore, each unit costing 100 gold, can be easily eaten by the opponent, and there is also the intention to purchase ore in large quantities here in the future.

This is a big customer that is usually hard to meet.

The dwarves in Black Iron City are Margaret's old customers. Recently, Black Iron City has purchased a lot of ore frequently, and Margaret doesn't want to abandon this big purchaser.

However, there are only so many high-quality black iron ores. In a hurry, the entire Obsidian City may not be able to collect another 10,000 units of high-quality black iron ore in a short time. Moreover, the cost of calling from other ore exchanges will definitely increase again.

Not only will there be no profit, but you may also lose money.

what to do?

There is only so much black iron ore, how can it be divided between two customers?

At this time, Daliang said: "Ms. Margaret, I suggest you invite your dwarf friends here to talk. Maybe we can divide the black iron ore equally.

First solve our urgent production needs, and then wait for you to purchase new high-quality black iron ore and then compensate us. "

Margaret was overjoyed by Daliang's suggestion. Her solution also allowed the two companies to share the ore equally, but she didn't know how to convince the two ore buyers. Now that Daliang is willing to give in, she only needs to convince the dwarves outside.

"Let Pluto the Dwarf come in and say I want to introduce a friend to them."

"At your command, Master Margaret."

The stone goblin immediately retreated.

Margaret turned to Daliang and said: "I'm really sorry, Mr. Daliang. This batch of ore should have been yours. For your generosity, I am willing to give you more discounts in future transactions."

Daliang replied: "This reception room made me feel your attentiveness. I look forward to developing more extensive cooperation with your ore exchange."

While Da Liang was talking to Margaret, a group of dwarves were brought into the reception room by the stone goblins.

Da Liang recognized these dwarves at a glance. They were the same group of dwarves he saw in the free market yesterday. Because their equipment was very sophisticated, whether it was the heavy armor they wore or the battle axes and hammers they held in their hands, they all exuded the aura of magic. These magical effects are not produced by alchemical enchantment, but are all magical enhancements that change during the creation process.

As expected of dwarves from Black Iron City, ordinary dwarf soldiers are equipped with standard soldier weapons with magic amplification.

Moreover, these dwarves were wandering around the free market yesterday, probably looking for cheap high-quality dark iron ore. The result is self-evident... I can only come back to buy Margaret's ore.

The leading dwarf is Pluto, a dwarf hero with a long red beard.

After he came in, he said directly to Margaret: "I don't have time to make new friends now. I apologize to you for being rude yesterday. The high-quality black iron ore you have here is indeed the most abundant and cheapest.

Now I have to take away all these ores, our transportation team has been teleported from Black Iron City and is heading here..."

At this time, Margaret interrupted the dwarf Pluto and said: "Pluto...this is Mr. Da Liang of the human race. There is something I must make clear to you.

After you refused to ask for this batch of high-quality black iron ore, Mr. Daliang became very interested in this batch of black iron ore. Just before you came in, we reached an agreement on the deal for 10,000 units of black iron ore..."

After hearing Margaret's words, Pluto said angrily: "Margaret, we ordered this batch of ore from you, and Black Iron City needs this batch of high-quality black iron ore very much.

I don't care who is interested in this batch of black iron ore. I must take away these 10,000 units of black iron ore today. "

Regarding Pluto's arrogance, Margaret said equally seriously: "Pluto, pay attention to your attitude! The elves have asked me to interrupt the ore transaction with you many times...

But for the sake of our friendship, I have been providing you with the best and cheapest ore. You made it clear yesterday that you don't want this batch of ore, so I have the right to sell it to others.

This time... the generous Mr. Daliang proposed a solution. The two of you will share the 10,000 units of high-quality black iron ore equally, and I will replenish the ore I owe you as soon as possible.

What do you think of this approach?

Pluto. "

"No, no, no, no..." Pluto shook his head: "We in Black Iron City are at war. Under the threat of elves, our sources of resources are getting smaller and smaller, especially high-quality black iron ore.

Our army is smaller than that of the elves. If we want to defend the Black Iron City, we must use more sophisticated weapons than theirs.

This batch of high-quality black iron ore cannot be reduced any more. My brothers are working hard on the battlefield, and I must send this batch of ore back as soon as possible. "

Margaret persuaded with earnest words: "Pluto, I am a businessman; I am in business."

"I need these black iron ores to save my life..." Seeing that he could not convince Margaret, Pluto turned to Daliang and said: "Mr. Daliang, please forgive me for the offense just now...

I really need this batch of ore, if you are willing to give me half of your share of the ore...I am willing...

Will...will give you one gold coin per unit of Dark Iron Ore. "

Daliang said amusedly: "One gold coin?"

Pluto's face turned red: "I'm sorry, sir, our current financial situation in Black Iron City is very difficult, and we must be prepared to be besieged for a long time. If you are willing to help us this time, we can give you something after we win." Priority purchase rights for Black Iron City weapons.

You know that Black Iron City's weapons have always been in short supply. "

"What if you lose?" Daliang's venomous mouth did not leave any face to the dwarves.

But Pluto did not become angry because of this.

Although the dwarf independence movement in the Magical Realm was vigorous, the elves were determined not to let the dwarves have their own main city and devoted all their strength to attack the Black Iron City.

Even they themselves are not optimistic about whether the dwarves can hold the Black Iron City.

Like Margaret, dwarves used to be able to pay on credit... but now it's all in cash.

The dwarf Pluto didn't know how to answer Daliang's question.

Who would have thought that what Daliang said next was even more heartbreaking: "And you can't possibly win this war."

This sentence really angered Pluto, and he shouted: "You, a human businessman, know what war is! Every one of us dwarves is willing to sacrifice his life for the Black Iron City, and we will repel the elves!"

"But you don't even protect your own ore suppliers... When all your ore suppliers are killed by the elves, what do you use to fight the elves? Do you use your fists?"

Da Liang's sudden change of topic surprised Pluto and Margaret. When they saw what Da Liang was holding, the atmosphere in the room instantly turned cold.

Margaret quickly added defensive magic to herself, and Pluto held a double-edged ax and was ready to chop at Da Liang at any time.

"Who are you?"

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