Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1073 The Elf’s Arrangement

What Daliang took out was nothing else, it was the assassination commission letter obtained from the assassin's cabin. After he killed Margaret, he unfolded the power of attorney on the body, and the assassin's hut could know that he had completed the assassination mission through the magic recorded on it.

Margaret was able to get along so well in Obsidian City, so of course she knew the assassination power of attorney.

However, Daliang took the initiative to take out the power of attorney to assassinate him, which caused Margaret to have great doubts. She did not choose to attack Daliang immediately, but first asked about his identity and the origin of the power of attorney.

Daliang harmlessly put away the assassination commission letter, and then said: "You should really reward that stone goblin. If he hadn't said something very important to me, when you walked into this room, I've already killed you.

I have to doubt whether I have this ability.

Even if you have this dwarf to help you now, I can still kill you.

Can we sit down and have a good talk? "

Margaret put away the magic she was about to release. Pluto glanced at Margaret, put away the double-edged ax, and then asked his dwarf subordinates to retreat outside.

Margaret sat back in the chair and asked Daliang still warily: "Now you can explain."

Daliang said very relaxedly: "As you can see, I am an assassin, and my task is to assassinate Margaret. Then...I suddenly decided not to kill you."

Margaret asked: "Don't kill me? How do you explain to your assassin group and assassin hut?"

"I don't have an assassin group to belong to yet. As for the assassin hut... they don't know who I am. If my mission fails, they can earn 15,000 gold and then send new assassins."

Margaret was quite familiar with the process of the assassin's hut. She said amusedly: "15,000 gold... I didn't expect that my life is so worthless in the eyes of the assassins."

Daliang corrected him: "The 15,000 gold is just the deposit I put in the assassin's hut. Their price to assassinate you is 10,000 gold... and I reduced the assassination charge to 5,000 gold and defeated all competitors."

5000 gold.

Margaret didn't expect that her life would be so cheap, and her snake hair couldn't help but squirm. At the same time, she also realized that continuing this topic would only make herself angrier. She turned to ask: "What made you give up this task? That's 15,000 gold... Do you want to get more from me?" money?"

Daliang chuckled lightly and replied: "No, no, no...I am not an assassin for money, I have enough wealth to buy Obsidian City.

The reason why I gave up this mission is because you are providing ore to Black Iron City, that's all. "

This time Pluto was puzzled. He asked: "Sir, does the war in Black Iron City have anything to do with you?"

"There are some things that are not convenient for me to say." Daliang did not say much. An ore buyer and an ore supplier were not qualified to know more information. He said to Pluto: "In short... Although I gave up This time for the assassination of Margaret, new assassins will soon arrive again. You will not have such good luck next time...

With Margaret dead, you will have one less ore supplier.

Then... fewer and fewer people are willing to sell Black Iron City supplies...

You are too focused on the war in the magical realm, but you don't realize that the elves are already attacking behind your back. Haven't you ever considered why your material suppliers are decreasing?

Just because of the threat of elves? "

Margaret understood something at this time, and she said: "Do you think the person who issued the assassination mission against me... was an elf?"

Da Liang looked at Margaret: "Who do you think wants you dead most at this time? I even think that those who attacked your ore transportation road... are not the black elves of the snake sect at all, but are all elves pretending to be.

Because, if I were attacking Black Iron City, I would do the same thing.

Cut off the dwarves' source of supplies and wait for victory to come. "

There is not much difference in appearance between elves and black elves. Joshua's investigation of Songjiang was to use his own elves to pretend to be the black elves of the Snake sect who lived alone or in small groups.

Sometimes they themselves are confused, let alone the non-elven races.

In the civil war in the magical realm, it is really difficult for the elves to attack the Black Iron City from the front. Although they eradicated most of the resource areas controlled by the dwarves outside Black Iron City, Black Iron City used to be the richest city in the entire magical realm by selling weapons. The dwarves could buy what they needed through the teleportation array inside the city. supplies.

This gave the elf a headache.

Therefore, if the elves want to quickly solve the problem of the dwarves, they turn their attention to the plane war. The best and most effective way is to cut off the external supply of Black Iron City so that the dwarves have no supplies to fight the war.

As for the independent movement of dwarves in the magical realm, for Daliang, the longer the fight, the better.

Now that Yunzhong City's attention is on hell, the chaos in the Magical Realm has given the Kingdom of Death a rare period of internal adjustment.

At this time, the Wizards Guild and the New Unsullied Holy See are negotiating, and the union of Eternal Night City and City of Sighs is almost a matter of course. At that time, the Sad Monarch who has obtained the entire cyan coalition can launch a unified war in the Kingdom of Death.

Then all the undead hugged each other.

Therefore, Da Liang cannot sit back and watch Black Iron City lose an important ore supplier. Instead, he must try his best to help the dwarves get rid of the "food" strategy currently adopted by the elves.

Pluto understood what Daliang meant. He didn’t know whether Black Iron City realized that the elves were personally cutting off their supply lines, but he knew that if Margaret died, it would definitely be a disaster for Black Iron City. Heavy blow.

There are also those elves that invade the surroundings of Obsidian City and disguise themselves as snake sect black elves. They have effectively increased the cost of ore mining in Black Iron City and reduced the supply of ore in Obsidian City.

When the truth was revealed, Pluto felt that his hands and feet were cold... If the elves had not discovered the arrangement in Obsidian City in time, the dwarves in Black Iron City might have fought the elves with their fists.

Margaret must be protected as soon as possible!

Pluto knew what the most important thing he had to do was, and at the same time he also realized that the human race in front of him had truly saved the Black Iron City.

He jumped down from the chair, bowed to Da Liang with his hands on his chest and said, "Thank you, sir, for exposing the elves' conspiracy against Black Iron City. You are the benefactor of our dwarves in the magical realm.

Now I will return to Black Iron City immediately and ask the King of the Hill to send people to protect Margaret, as well as all friends who provide supplies to our Black Iron City. "

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Pluto didn't even want the ore and left the exchange immediately.

Only Da Liang and Margaret were left in the room.

At this time, Margaret said to Daliang: "Mr. Daliang, how should I thank you?"

Daliang smiled and said: "You said you have a very good relationship with the black elf tribes around Obsidian City. I want to join a black elf assassin group. Can you introduce me to them?"

Margaret didn't expect that a big shot like Daliang would want to join the assassin group, and even named the assassin group as the Black Elves.

But she couldn't say much about the habit of such a big shot...

So she replied: "The Black Elf Assassin Group... Most of the black elves of the Snake Sect will choose to become an assassin, but the temperament of the black elves of the Snake Sect is really worrying. For the sake of your safety, I can help Your Excellency recruits several black elf assassins from the Faceless Men, and you can form your own assassin group."

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