Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1077 Don’t move

Letter of attorney for assassination?

Of course Da Liang cannot take it out.

Because he did not kill Margaret, the power of attorney for the assassination naturally did not record the information about Margaret's death.

As soon as I took it out, everything was revealed.

Daliang pretended to think for a while and said: "What you said seems to make sense... But in your assassin group, what position can I hold? What kind of benefits and rights can I enjoy? Can I get every mission? How much is the share?

Are there any holidays?

Is there paid annual leave?

Are there any publicly funded tours?

Will the Assassin Group give me a room or a car? How much bonus can be paid at the end of the year? Can you solve the problem of being single? "

Although the game system has the function of converting the player's non-game language into game language, these words still made Hauge confused when he heard them.

Nowadays, dungeons are full of assassins, and the most indispensable thing is this kind of hero who has no special skills and only trades his life for money.

Therefore, the Assassin's Guild exploited the Assassin's Hut, the Assassin's Hut exploited the Assassin's Group, and the Assassin's Group finally deducted the assassin's bounty. Peeling off the skin layer by layer, which assassin group would provide such good benefits to their own assassins.

I don’t even have holidays as the boss of an assassin’s hut… How dare you, a newcomer, ask for so much!

Do you think of yourself too much as a part-time job?

Hauge suppressed his anger and said to Daliang: "I think you lack too many necessary qualities to become an excellent assassin. Too much enjoyment will make your reaction slow. Assassins often need to lurk in the worst environments. How to hide them? To take good care of yourself, you need to maintain a good habit...

You are still young and capable.

As long as you can withstand my training, you will definitely become an assassin who will make everyone fear you.

I understand, if you want to become an assassin, you must have the consciousness of an assassin. Luxurious life is the biggest poison that destroys willpower!

Now we hand over the assassination mission in your hands, and then join my assassin team.

I'll take you to the top!

At that time, don’t talk about joining a black elf assassin group. You can form your own assassin group. Did you hear that...

Only by having your own assassin group can you be a successful assassin, and before that all you need is training! "

Seeing the tentacles dancing wildly and being extremely fanatical, it was Daliang's turn to be stunned this time.

It's true that you meet an opponent and a good talent. Since Brother Xiang made his debut, he has never met an opponent in terms of speaking skills. He didn't expect to meet such a master of speaking skills in this dungeon.

Great, great...

Daliang's fighting spirit was completely ignited at this moment, and he regrouped and counterattacked: "That's right! Luxurious life is the biggest poison that destroys willpower.

This is absolutely the most true truth I have ever heard in my life.

Thinking back on the request I just mentioned, I feel very ashamed. In this cruel competition, every day we rest, our enemies train one more day, and the accumulation day by day is a generation difference.

Now, the war has spread across the world, and the war is about to burn here. What reason do we have to enjoy life?

The pursuit of wealth is the root of depravity. Only by struggling in a hard life can one survive.

Sir... you have taught me a lot. You are like an underground torch tower, allowing me to find light and direction when I am confused in the dark.

Sir, a great kindness cannot be repaid, and I have decided to repay you with my whole life..."

A high mage, a hero who could easily kill Margaret from the front, wanted to surrender to him!

Hauge has fallen into happiness and cannot extricate himself...

He stretched out two tentacles towards Da Liang like a human, and said excitedly: "Child, the light is here, let us create a future together..."

Daliang tightly grasped the tentacles stretched out by Haug, and said equally excitedly: "No! Sir... I have made a decision to give you the hope of 'life'. You put your assassin's hut, slave exchange Just give me your wealth and wealth, and I am willing to spend my whole life bearing this pain on your behalf, and continue to fall."

The scene in the room was frozen at this moment, with Daliang and Hauge holding hands and looking at each other.

A bit stuck...

After a while, Haug said: "Let's talk about the assassination mission, shall we? Give me the assassination power of attorney..."

Hauge wanted to retract his tentacles, but Daliang's grip was very tight, and his hands began to burst into flames. The fire attribute damage directly attacked Hauge's body, and the smell of grilled squid filled the room.

Haug, who was attacked, reacted very quickly. He held the dagger on the table with another tentacle, and cut off the two tentacles held by Da Liang in a flash of light.

Then Haug quickly retreated and opened a portal behind him to escape from here.

But when Hauge was about to get into the portal, the portal he opened closed at this time.

Space interference!

Haug couldn't imagine that space interference would appear here. You must know that this is a cabin he built specifically for issuing assassination missions. The built-in magic circle in the cabin contains space protection magic to prevent other people from invading the space.

In other words, in this cabin, theoretically only he, the master, can use space magic.

Now, Hauge was in his home space, and the portal was closed.

And the one who can cause spatial interference here... is undoubtedly the mysterious novice assassin opposite.

"Who are you?"

Haug held the dagger in a defensive posture, quickly calmed himself down, and released his momentum. The fact that he can run the assassin's hut shows that he is a very successful assassin. For a mage... he should be able to win if he finds the right opportunity.

But at this time...a black sword was placed on his neck from behind.

There's someone behind you!

Haug found that with his ability, he didn't even notice that there was someone behind him. He could imagine what a powerful assassin was behind him.


In this closed space, facing a high-level mage and a more terrifying assassin, there is no possibility of winning. So Haug threw the dagger to the ground, keeping it harmless, and asked Daliang: "Can I know the reason why you killed me?"

Da Liang picked up the two tentacles that Haug had cut off by himself from the ground, and used the mage's hand to take the dagger from the ground, and then said to Haug: "I don't have time to answer your question now, because I have to go to help Margaret went to kill your other body..."

"Margaret?" Haug realized something and asked, "You didn't kill her."

At this time, the night had opened a portal behind Da Liang. Da Liang stood at the door of the portal and said with a smile: "I originally wanted to kill her, but for some reason I changed my mind temporarily.

Just like now... I originally wanted to kill you, but suddenly I wanted to change my mind.

So don’t use any tricks...otherwise, you will really die! "

After saying that, Da Liang backed up and left the airtight hut through the portal.

Hauge looked at the black sword on his neck and didn't dare to move.

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