Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1078 Killing Haug

After Da Liang came out of the assassin's hut, he appeared in the sky above the slave trading center.

At this time, the slave exchange was in chaos. Margaret commanded the guards who had been surrounded in advance to rush in, catching the unprepared guards of the slave exchange by surprise.

Magic and combat skills set off strong winds that saw each other on the battlefield. The harpies and manticores from both sides fought in the air, with explosions and roars everywhere... The minotaurs waved their battle axes and cut down all the fences holding the slaves, and the slaves inside After running out, they were running around, making the scene even more chaotic.

Da Liang unfolded his fallen angel wings to stabilize his body in the air, and then used "Expulsion" to expel all approaching flying creatures to random places in the endless maze.

At the same time, he observed the battle situation on the field.

Margaret, who came prepared, completely took advantage of the situation. Take the first shot and let her people take out most of the guards here first. Now, while Margaret sent people to create greater chaos in the slave exchange, she also brought her elite forces to besiege Hauge, who was unable to escape.

Magic, arrows and combat skills were violently unleashed on Hauge and his gang.

There were only a few subordinates around Hauge. Faced with Margaret's siege, he could only maintain a weak defensive circle by relying on his good magic ability and agility.

He needed to hold out until reinforcements arrived.

Haug has his own residence in Obsidian City, where there are not only his men, but also assassins who are trained in secret. The signal for help has been sent out, and these reinforcements are coming quickly. In addition, the nearby assassin groups will not ignore the attack on the assassin hut. Haug has their mission deposit, their bounty, and their jobs. These assassin groups will definitely arrive one after another. .

That is to say, as long as he can persist for a while, it is still possible to make a comeback.

But what worries this Haug is that Margaret is not dead...

Margaret is not dead, which means that the new assassin did not kill Medusa, and he lied that he completed the assassination mission, and his purpose is self-evident.

This was an assassination targeting herself. Margaret's attack on the slave exchange at this time meant that the assassin had seen her other body in the assassin's cabin.

How is the other body doing now?

Haug, who was fighting Margaret, didn't know that the communication between his two bodies was being blocked by a space barrier, indicating that a very skilled space master was involved in his assassination.

The other body is probably in danger. If he doesn't want to die completely, Hauge must keep his only body.

"Margaret... I think we can talk. If we continue fighting like this, you won't get any benefits. It's not me who wants to assassinate you. I'm only performing the tasks of the Assassin's Guild. Even if you kill me , the Assassin's Guild can also commission another Assassin's Hut.

If you are willing to let me go, I can do my best to help you cancel this assassination mission.

I can compensate you, haven't you always wanted to get involved in the slave trade? Please let me help you...

You will become the largest ore merchant and slave merchant in Obsidian City, and you will become the richest person in Obsidian City.

And if I die, what good can you do except to eliminate the temporary anger?

My market will be divided up by other slave merchants. You can't even get back the deposit you gave me for ordering slaves, and you have to kill and injure so many subordinates...

Margaret, my friend... Now that things have happened, killing me will not help, so why not get the greatest benefit?

dont you agree? "

Hauge's words made Margaret, who was attacking fiercely, hesitate. She weakened the magic attack and asked the wounded in front to withdraw to reduce the pressure on Hauge.

" can I trust you?"

Margaret's answer gave Haug hope of living. He quickly replied: "I can use my slave trading as collateral..."

As Hauge was talking, bright light fell from the sky and landed next to Margaret.

Both Haugs are quite eloquent... After seeing that Margaret wanted to let Haug go in exchange for benefits, Daliang immediately entered the middle of the battlefield. He said to Margaret: "Haug is an assassin. You let him go." As an assassin, other assassins think you are easy to bully. Only by killing all the people who are trying to kill you can you scare other people who want to kill you.

Margaret... No matter how much money you have, you must be alive to enjoy it. mission is complete. "

While Daliang was speaking, he threw out two Soul Eater tentacles, and then turned the "Song of Silence" in his hand.

Seeing these two things, Haug knew that his other body had been brutally murdered. He begged in a more pitiful tone: "Margaret, I can provide you with protection. My assassin group is very powerful. I can Find those who want to assassinate you and kill them all.


At this time, Margaret smiled and said to Haug: "Haug, there are two mistakes in what you said. First, I know who the people who want to kill me are, and you don't have the strength to kill them; second, Your assassin team can't even protect you, how can they protect me?

Sorry... Haug.

As Mr. Daliang said, only dead assassins can scare other assassins.

Since you are an assassin, you should be prepared to be killed.

Attack and kill them all. "

After replacing the new manpower, Margaret led the team to launch an all-out attack on Haug. The Medusas rushed at the front, using petrification magic to turn all their opponents into stones, and then swiped their tails to turn the stones into gravel.

In order to show his strength, Daliang also joined the siege of Haoge.

He put on the magic armor, summoned the blazing spear, and used advanced fire magic and advanced earth magic to show off his power alternately. Magma spurts, stones rain down, and the dragon's power sweeps across the place under the dragon's magic.

With his top-notch equipment and magic mage specialties, although Daliang only mastered advanced skills, he could also exert a level 15-like power.

The magic swept across, like a fierce winter wind, sweeping away all the dead leaves that were still resisting.

Soon, Margaret completed the capture of the slave exchange before the massive arrival of reinforcements that Haug was expecting. Hauge was killed in the chaos under the joint attack of Daliang and Margaret.

In the battle field, the assassins who came to rescue Haug quietly evacuated.

Everything is quiet again.

Margaret glided to Daliang's side, saluted him and thanked him: "Thank you sir for your help, I don't have to worry about being assassinated by an assassin in the near future.

Now I need to go to Obsidian City to report to the city lord why I attacked the Haug Slave Exchange...

Sir, you can wait for me at my Ore Exchange, or you can pick whatever you want here. "

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