Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1084 Bear Cavalry

The King of the Hill called in the dwarf Pluto who was waiting outside, and then handed over the bear cavalry commander to Da Liang's command very simply.

Daliang once again got a very good troop-leading hero.


White Bear Cavalry (Level 6 Dwarf)

Attack: 8

Defense: 12

Kill: 50-60

HP: 300

Troop special skills: Enrage, when a group of friendly troops is completely killed, the attack power will be increased.

Roar, when attacking, there is a chance to cause the target and adjacent enemies to escape, and the chance is doubled against small creatures. In addition, the surrounding bear cavalry have +1 morale and +10% health for 20 minutes.

Hero Unit: Level 43

Attack: 40

Defense: 60

Intelligence: 47

Knowledge: 47

Specialty: Bear Cavalry Command (increases the combat effectiveness of Bear Cavalry, Black Bear Cavalry, and White Bear Cavalry. The improvement is related to the hero level)

White Bear Cavalry (You can train Bear Cavalry with full combat experience into White Bear Cavalry)

Hero Special Skills: Advanced Defense, Advanced Earth Magic, Intermediate Offensive, Intermediate Tactics, Intermediate Resistance...

Special skills/magic: War cry, protective stone skin, protective aegis, heavy attack, collision, trample...

The White Bear Cavalry is a special branch of the advanced Bear Cavalry. The attack is stronger than the Black Bear Cavalry and the defense is weaker than the Black Bear Cavalry, but it is also a heavily armored cavalry.

According to the special skills of the unit, the role of the White Bear Cavalry on the battlefield is more suitable for charging into battle. The Black Bear Cavalry's claw attack only has a probability of knocking back a single target; the White Bear Cavalry's roar can have a frightening effect on the surrounding enemies. The more enemies around, the higher the chance.

And the roar of the White Bear Cavalry can apply a buff status to the nearby Bear Cavalry.

In terms of battlefield value, the White Bear Cavalry is superior to the Black Bear Cavalry. However, the roaring shock is ineffective against mindless creatures and can be resisted by some magic and treasures; while the black bear cavalry's claw attack is a physical attack and has a probability of affecting any creature.

Therefore, a reasonable combination of black bear cavalry and white bear cavalry can produce miraculous effects on the battlefield.

The King of the Hill allows Da Liang to recruit Bear Riders from the Torch Tower dwarf camp. The bear cavalry recruitment building of the dwarf race can upgrade bear cavalry with full combat experience into black bear cavalry by default. Now Da Liang's new hero Pluto can train the White Bear Cavalry. In other words, Daliang incorporated this backbone unit of the dwarf race into the military system of the Black Fire Territory.

Daliang is very satisfied with the newly recruited dwarf hero. His expertise did not conflict with that of the Blackfyre Cavalry commander, Copper, when the Bear Cavalry army was merged under Copper's command. The bear cavalry army can receive the attribute blessings of the main commander's red copper specialty (cavalry commander) and the attribute blessings of the sub-commander Pluto's specialty (bear cavalry) at the same time.

After double blessing, the basic combat effectiveness of the Bear Cavalry is not weaker than that of the Dark Cavalry.

Capable of attacking, capable of defending... able to adapt to various complex battlefield battles, the cavalry army of the Black Fire Territory finally became a cavalry regiment with heavy responsibilities after being mixed with various types of cavalry.

However, in order for the Bear Cavalry to truly form a combat effectiveness, it will take a period of recruitment to accumulate the number.

It can be seen from the various benefits promised to Daliang by the King of the Hill that the dwarf king is not just trying to thank Daliang for his help and suggestions to Black Iron City.

If Da Liang is just an ordinary high-level player, in such a plot, the King of the Hill may only directly give gold coins, skills, hero equipment... to allow players to improve their strength in a short period of time.

But by giving discounts on weapons purchases, Black Iron City can be linked to the Five-Color Flag Alliance...

In such troubled times, if the Five Color Flag Alliance gets good equipment, it will definitely give priority to arming its own army. When their army is accustomed to using weapons made by Black Iron City, how can ordinary weapons be looked upon by them again? At that time, how could they sit back and watch the Black Iron City that provided them with sophisticated weapons be attacked by the elves?

By gifting dwarf craftsmen and opening up the recruitment of bear cavalry, the King of the Hill is also pulling Daliang onto his chariot.

Little did he know that Daliang himself was a main ally in the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and he had no intention of selling the ordnance purchased from Black Iron City in the Five-Color Flag Alliance domestically. Instead, he thought that after keeping enough for his own use, he would sell the rest to wealthy players.

Anyway, I have the dwarf craftsman gifted by the King of the Hill. The weapons produced by these craftsmen are enough to meet the weapon consumption of the elite troops of the Black Fire Territory.

As for whether it supports Black Iron City or not, it still depends on the changes in the war situation in the entire plane. If the system wants to destroy the dwarves, Da Liang cannot do that unnatural thing.

However, Da Liang still has a very fond impression of the generous King of the Hill. It is still possible to fan the flames and make suggestions behind the scenes.

After the King of the Hill clarified his future war thoughts in Daliang, he immediately left Margaret's residence and went to the Obsidian City Lord's Mansion. He wanted to personally tell Dark Dragon Moore about borrowing the Torch Tower.

Building a plane teleportation array requires a huge amount of manpower and material resources, and secret construction is even more time-consuming. Therefore, the sooner you rent the torch tower, the better. There is also the matter of protecting Black Iron City's material suppliers... Some dwarf heroes want to enter Obsidian City and need to greet the city's master.

The dwarves' attack on Obsidian City is proceeding very secretly, and the black elves are already secretly spying on the city that blocks their way to the prosperous world above.

Daliang stayed in Heiyao City, waiting for Margaret to come back while practicing the black bear cavalry he had just obtained.

Among the dwarves, war bears are just as common as human horses. These powerful beasts, which can stand up to more than two meters tall, look heavy and heavy after wearing a set of heavy armor made by dwarf craftsmen, but are actually extremely fast.

The dwarf knights who control the war bears also wear heavy full-body armor, and the weight of more than 100 kilograms does not bring any burden to them. The unique metal forging process of the dwarves allows the dwarves to quickly fix and unlock it as needed when riding the war bear. This frees the hands of the dwarf knight. Even when the war bear uses its paws to pounce and slap the enemy, the dwarf can easily use war hammers and battle axes without worrying about being thrown away.

Ten black bear cavalry, led by Pluto, marched in a line, like a moving iron wall.

These black bear cavalry who can follow the King of the Hill are all battle-hardened warriors and have survived every battle. Each black bear cavalry's combat experience has already reached full value, and then they have learned one or two skills. Just like the original big-eared monster Simon, they have actually stepped into the door of becoming heroes.

Pluto and the ten black bear cavalry heroes are a command team of the bear cavalry.

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