Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1085 Siege of Black Iron City

Pluto, like most dwarves, is straightforward, reckless and extremely loyal.

His body is very strong, and his lateral width is almost the same as his height. As a White Bear Knight, he also wears heavy armor made by dwarves, a horned helmet on his head, and a thick beard that covers his mouth. When he was transferred to Daliang by the King of the Hill, he had no complaints and meticulously carried out every task given to him by Daliang.

Even when Daliang wanted to know about the war situation in Black Iron City, Brooke also knew everything.

The dwarves independently chose a very good time.

Before the start of the plane war, the surrounding area of ​​the Magical Realm was very stable. Although it was hostile to the Kingdom of Death, it was only a small fight, and no one would invade the other side too much.

In a magical realm where elves are extremely powerful, there is no possibility for dwarves to become independent.

After the plane war broke out, the default peace was broken.

After the Kingdom of Death experienced a civil war, both sides entered a period of repair. Both sides were doing their best to accumulate strength. The wilderness was filled with armies of the undead. An eternal night battle did not damage the vitality of the Kingdom of Death, but instead stimulated its terrifying war mobilization ability.

As a hostile plane to the Kingdom of Death, the magical realm dare not allow any distractions.

The dwarves were independent at this time, and the elves had no way to concentrate their forces against the dwarves. Because if the Elf Kings come out to encircle the Black Iron City, there is no guarantee that the Death Monarchs will not attack across dimensions. Perhaps the Blue Alliance Army is also willing to turn a creature from the magical realm into a member of their skeleton army.

This is the best time for the dwarves to become independent. If the good camp wins this plane war, then the dwarves will not know how long it will take to become independent.

Therefore, in the war in Black Iron City, the King of the Hill did not have a pair of six 16th-level Elf Kings, but only two Elf Kings commanding the Elf army to encircle and suppress the dwarves. Other elven kings are sitting in various main elven cities, closely monitoring the movements of the Kingdom of Death.

Black Iron City is built inside a large volcano, and its territory is also covered with mountains and hills.

The dwarves knew that there were no flying units in their army that could compete with the Elf Pegasus Knights and Golden Dragons. Therefore, with the Black Iron City as the center, the dwarves dug criss-crossing underground passages in the surrounding mountains, and then connected them with teleportation arrays to form a A huge and complex underground network.

The dwarves in Black Iron City use this underground transportation network to communicate with the outside world. Resources and dwarves supported from other places reach Black Iron City through these underground transportation networks. Black Iron City also uses these underground transportation networks to deploy troops to the entire war zone to prevent the elves from approaching Black Iron City.

It is precisely because of the existence of these underground networks that the attacking elf army is hundreds of kilometers away from the Black Iron City.

However, the advantages of elves are still too obvious. There are dwarf cities scattered in the magical realm, and there is no underground Great Wall that Black Iron City started to build a long time ago. Dwarf uprisings in various places are being quickly extinguished, and Black Iron City is receiving fewer and fewer resources and soldiers from the outside.

It was only a matter of time before the elves attacked the Black Iron City.

The attack and defense of Black Iron City at that time will determine the fate of the dwarves and the situation in the magical realm.

The battle situation in Black Iron City that Daliang learned from Pluto is more detailed than the information the players currently have, and the situation is more critical than Daliang expected. Whether Black Iron City can survive the onslaught of elves for a while depends on whether they can successfully capture Obsidian City.

Whether the dwarves can truly become independent and become an independent race accepted by all major planes will be determined by whether they can defend the Black Iron City.

By guarding the Black Iron City, the dwarves have proven their strength, and they have a main city in both the endless maze of the evil camp and the magical realm of the good camp. Both the good camp and the evil camp will win over them. Under pressure, the elves are likely to acquiesce or even admit that the dwarves have their own territory in the magical realm.

The Iron Hoof Kingdom, which cannot defend the Black Iron City and the endless maze, will not allow its portal to be occupied by a disobedient force.

In short, the journey of dwarves to independence is rugged and arduous. If they are not careful, they will be expelled by the elves and become a wandering race like the black elves.

In another timeline.

The dwarf independence movement ended with the defeat of the dwarves. The elves finally captured the Black Iron City and sealed the King of the Hill. Then the tree fell and the hozens dispersed. There was no dwarf king, no main city, and no cohesion. The dwarves never recovered from the fall, and the group was scattered in various parts of the world.

Therefore, for players who are in the Elf camp, the Black Iron City War is a welfare battle that brings in huge amounts of merit and rewards.

How much you can earn depends on your ability.

As an elf player, Shi Fei owns the elf territory and has a unique advantage in the magical realm ruled by elves. Relying on the memory and experience of his previous life, he swept away high-prestige tasks throughout the Magical Realm, and successfully contacted the ruling class of the Magical Realm. He has a very high position in the largest main city of the elves, the Bauhinia City built on the World Tree. status.

He was relied upon by King Wadsworth, the owner of Redbud City.

Then, Shi Fei used various methods to promote the plot and became the commander of the second-line army sent by Bauhinia City to the Black Iron City combat troops.

The second-line army, to put it bluntly, is the supplementary force that follows the main army and connects the main battle army with Bauhinia City. Replenish the troops lost at the front, and then treat the wounded soldiers brought down. After they are cured, continue to replenish the losses at the front.

Since the most casualties in this kind of large-scale war are basic troops, the second-line elven army in Shi Fei's hands does not have many ultimate creatures and heroes. Most of the 200,000 are basic elven troops, with a small number of green dragons and golden dragons. , and a strategic magic team composed of 10 level 15 elves.

However, the logistics supplies and combat equipment of the second-line army are very sufficient...all prepared to supplement the losses on the front line.

The elves' offensive was in full swing at the front, and the dwarves were already struggling to defend themselves, and they were unable to risk attacking Shi Fei's second-line army.

So Shi Fei led this army of elves, leisurely and leisurely along the road opened by the main army in front, and entered the battle zone besieging Black Iron City.

"Are all our people in place?"

Shi Fei rode a golden dragon, protected by four elf envoys, and hovered at low altitude to inspect the army he commanded. This is an endless mountainous area. They are about to pass through a battlefield where the battle ended not long ago. The army must be alert to sneak attacks by the remaining dwarves.

However, Shi Fei did not ask the NPC subordinates who were following him, but asked Half-Moon Cat through the Dominator Legion channel.

The Half-Moon Cat quickly replied: "Everything is already in place. After many investigations, we have determined that there are no dwarf defenders on this road. But it is too difficult to walk here. There are spatial dislocations everywhere. If you are not careful, you will walk." We arrived at other planes by mistake. Even though our people had the road map you gave us, we still lost one-third of our manpower.

But fortunately, guides have been left in all dangerous and dangerous places. If you lead the army through, it should reduce a lot of losses...

Boss... I feel very strange. Even if you know that this road exists, it is impossible to find the correct route without dying dozens or even hundreds of times. How do you know that this road can be taken and how to take it? "



Introducing a novel about invincible heroes, "The Catastrophe of Death"

The game Invincible Heroes materialized into real life, and the whole world changed overnight.

Chinese became learning the characters of native creatures, mathematics became learning how to calculate the coordinates of another world, and English became learning language communication in another dimension.

Transform organisms, build bioprocessing plants, and establish multinational listed companies.

Lin Yi, a man destined to become the boss of a listed company!

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