Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1088 Creed Assassins

Although Margaret was confused as to why the King of the Hill gave Daliang a general to lead the army instead of a merchant. But she couldn't think of any other explanation. She could only attribute this to Pluto being a buyer of Black Iron City and being familiar with Obsidian City.

The black elf assassin also saw it, and Daliang did not express dissatisfaction.

Margaret took them to the Obsidian City Assassin's Guild to register for the Creed Assassin Group.

The engineering team to rebuild the slave exchange also arrived on time. Daliang purchased the architectural drawings of the slave exchange from the city lord's palace in Obsidian City. After various building materials were transported, the entire dilapidated exchange quickly became a It became a big construction site.

All the slaves snatched by Margaret were sent back. Under Medusa's strong request, Daliang obtained the first batch of goods from his slave exchange by paying only half of the fee.

Then, under the introduction and guidance of Pluto, Daliang visited businessmen in the free trading market to establish contacts for his exchange.

However, the establishment of a new slave exchange did not cause much ripples in the free market.

Because something bigger is happening at this time.

Moore, the city lord of Obsidian City, leased the Torch Tower to the dwarves of Black Iron City. After the dwarves obtained the lease right, they immediately built a dwarf military camp next to the Torch Tower, right next to the Free Trade Market.

A large number of dwarf troops stationed in the Torch Tower dwarf barracks, and defensive and recruiting buildings were quickly built.

There are also weapons manufacturing factories...

Black Iron City leased the Obsidian City Torch Tower in the name of establishing a weapons manufacturing factory. Making weapons definitely consumes a lot of ore, which is simply the greatest blessing for the ore traders in the free trading market.

Not all the weapons and equipment produced by the dwarves will be transported back to Black Iron City, some of them will definitely be exported...

All businessmen are trying to establish relationships with the dwarves. The arms business is definitely more profitable than the ore and slave trade, especially the weapons and equipment made by the dwarves of Black Iron City. If you can get a share of the dwarves' exported weapons, you can really make money while lying down.

So much so that the dwarf weapons manufacturing factory has not yet started construction, and all the weapons expected to be exported have been sold.

And there is no credit, you must first pay real money or ore as collateral.

Black Iron City does not need to invest at all. The weapons manufacturing factory has not been fully built yet. It only needs ore and funds, and it can just start manufacturing directly.

Among the many businessmen in the free trading market, Margaret can be said to be one of the biggest beneficiaries after the completion of the Obsidian City Torch Tower weapons manufacturing factory.

As a long-term stable ore supplier in Black Iron Stone City, the ore provided by Margaret has been recognized by the dwarves in terms of quality and delivery speed. This time the dwarves built a new weapons manufacturing factory, and Margaret was given priority to get a large order, and she was also qualified to sell dwarf weapons on a consignment basis.

It’s true that if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later.

Margaret's business is booming. Not only does she have to send people around to purchase the ores that the dwarves need, but she also has to increase the business of selling dwarf weapons in her ore exchange. At the same time, she also uses Da Liang's assassin group as quickly as possible. Register with the Assassin's Guild.

After completing the task of registering the assassin group, Margaret and four black elf assassins came to Da Liang's slave exchange. At this time, the slave exchange has been built in a decent manner, with the fence filled with slaves, and the dwarf bear cavalry acting as receptionists. Occasionally, one or two customers come to the door to pick and buy a few low-level cavemen.

"Customers need to be cultivated slowly. When credit is established, business will naturally improve..." Margaret could see that the slave exchange was still losing money. She wanted to comfort Da Liang, But I thought that with his net worth, he might not care about this little money. So Margaret took out a badge and said: "Sir, I have registered the Assassin Group for you. This is the badge that represents the ownership of the Assassin Group. From now on, you are the owner of the Creed Assassin Group."

And I saw the skills of these four assassins when completing the registration tasks. They are definitely the best assassins I have ever seen. The black elves are indeed a race that produces excellent assassins. "

Daliang took the badge of the Assassin Group from Margaret.

Creed Assassins

Level 1 Assassin Regiment, personnel (5/5).

Registration location: Obsidian City, the Iron Shoe Kingdom of Endless Lost Ways

Assassination missions: 0

Completed tasks: 0

Task failed: 0

Total value of assassination targets: 0

[Mission to join the assassin group: completed! 】

[Dictatorship in the Dark: You have joined an assassin group in Obsidian City. Since there are black elves in your assassin group, this will save you a lot of trouble in subsequent tasks.

Obsidian City is a city with a torch tower. The light attracts black elves to gather here. These underground creatures who migrated from the surface like to watch in the shadows the flames that can dispel the darkness.

Maybe they still have the memory of the sun in their bodies. 】

[Task 2: Assassin is a very dangerous profession. No matter what type of assassin you are, as long as you can survive, you are an excellent assassin. Black elves are a race rich in assassins, and their definition of excellence is also higher.

A powerful assassin will attract the attention of the dark elves...

Task 2... No matter what method is used, get the approval of the Black Elf Assassin. 】

When Daliang activated the badge of the "Creed Assassin Group", his main mission was also prompted to complete the first mission, and then the second mission was given immediately afterwards.

"Approved by the Black Elf Assassin"

There is no clear direction for this mission, but according to the previous mission prompts, you should complete more assassination commissions and more difficult assassination commissions, and then you can be recognized by the Black Elf Assassin.

Now Da Liang admires himself for thinking more about it when completing the first task.

The first mission link of the main mission only requires joining an assassin group, but Daliang added a condition to himself, that is, the black elf assassin group.

Because he felt that since the main mission was related to the black elves, he could not join the Minotaur Assassin Group, nor could he join the Evil Eye Assassin Group.

Now it seems that it has really saved a lot of trouble. There are four black elf assassins in his assassin group. As long as he can get the approval of one of them, then the task will be completed.

Oops... I have Night to do the assassination mission. This main mission doesn't seem to be too difficult!

Da Liang, who was in a good mood, invited Margaret to visit his slave exchange.

And Margaret was really too busy during this period. Sometimes she was very envious of the "dead" Haug. The Soul Eater could really turn one person into two people.

After Margaret completed Da Liang's commission, she left the four black elf assassins at the slave exchange and left here.

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