Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1089 Celebration preparations

Da Liang randomly arranged for four black elf assassins to live in a vacant house in the slave exchange, and gave them a job to help Pluto buy and sell slaves.

Then he quickly left the endless maze and headed to the main world...

City of Rio de Janeiro.

Shangjiang's fleet stationed in Rio has already stationed in two leased ports. The Shuntong Chamber of Commerce has also built a large trading market based on the commercial port, and the unloaded goods are piled up on the dock.

The caravans coming from afar made the whole of Rio lively. The human griffins and the elven Pegasus soared in the sky together. Dozens of archangels floated quietly over the two ports, with the sound of dragons. Roaring around the city.

The owner of Rio de Janeiro, King Doron, requires that every tree in the city should have flowers blooming, and every intersection should have a band playing. During the day, there should always be a rainbow bridge crossing the city, and at night, the city lights should be The sky lights up.

Everything is to celebrate the official establishment of diplomatic relations between Rio de Janeiro and Shangjiang City. A grand ceremony has been arranged in the open commercial port.

Just waiting for that moment worth remembering to come.

A supreme angel will descend to witness the beginning of the friendship between the two cities.

It was at this time that Da Liang arrived in Rio from the endless maze...

Holy Bella's visit to Rio de Janeiro on behalf of Shangjiang City is an important diplomatic event for the Five Color Flag Alliance. Not only must we provide cover for the exchange of gold coins and war bonds, but we must also let the South American city-states see clearly the strength of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and confidently exchange their gold coins for Shangjiang war bonds, and let the bonds circulate.

Shangjiang's issuance of war bonds can be said to be seeking skin from a tiger, taking things from the mouths of the good camp and the evil camp.

Now both camps are staring at their opponents and ignoring the main plane. Although they may know the existence of Shangjiang War Bonds, they both believe that Shangjiang is raising limited funds. Because war bonds have to pay interest, the more they issue, the more interest they pay. Shangjiang cannot blindly issue bonds regardless of its own costs. If the money earned in the end is not enough to repay the interest, then the Five Color Flags Alliance has not gone to Shangjiang. If Jiang is supported by this treasury, he will be doomed.

Therefore, all major planes believe that there is a limit to the gold coins Shangjiang can raise from the main plane through the issuance of war bonds.

For the wealth of the main plane, it is just a drop in the bucket.

The speed at which Shangjiang makes money through trade is simply incomparable to theirs.

Not enough to be afraid of.

Even Shangjiang himself didn't know what kind of power he was wielding when he issued bonds.

However, when the good camp and the evil camp discover that the gold coins in the main world are pouring into the Yangtze River like a burst dam, what will be their reactions?

What will the two camps think about when they have no way to grab gold coins from the main world?

If Shangjiang becomes the center of the world's wealth, what will the world look like?

When everything is over, there are only two results for Shangjiang.

To reach the peak of the city of nations and fall in the flames of war.

Daliang could have allowed Shangjiang to be an ordinary main city, under the protection of the Five-Color Flag Alliance, and spend this plane war in a low-key manner. But...he chose another path for Shangjiang.

By issuing war bonds, the entire main world and Shangjiang are tied together.

If someone attacks Shangjiang, then if you don't want the war bonds in your hands to turn into waste paper, come and join the war.

To achieve this goal, the global issuance of war bonds must be completed before the two camps realize what they are.

The exchange operation in Rio de Janeiro is a pilot project.

If this is successful, a global travel visit from Divine Bella can be arranged.

Because of this, Daliang attaches great importance to the arrival of Holy Bella in Rio de Janeiro. Even if he terminates his main mission and does not pay attention to the Black Iron City War, he still wants to make this celebration end perfectly.

Because Shangjiang's highest official in Rio de Janeiro is Marquis Wilson, and he cannot mobilize the troops of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

At Da Liang's request, Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon sent a dragon army to protect the celebration.

Sidney's fleet transported Amber's dragon robbery team to the sea off Rio de Janeiro.

Crystal Dragon Qianli was also transferred to Rio by Daliang.

Once Bauhinia Flower City wants to cause trouble during the celebration, Daliang will gather the Sons of Fuxing and the Daughters of Fuxing to form the Dragon Clan Honor.

(When the Son of Renaissance and the Daughter of Renaissance are in the same area, the law-level field [Dragon Honor] is triggered: the attributes of your own dragons in the area are enhanced by 20%, all magic attribute damage is exempted, and the enemy dragons below level 15 are designated to withdraw from the battle. .)

The ultimate creatures of the elves are the 13th-level green dragon and the 14th-level golden dragon. The honor of the dragon clan defeats the elves to death. When the time comes, Bauhinia City will know that the Five-Colored Flag Alliance is not something that the main elf city like him can fight against. If you want to fight... first deal with your internal strife, and then gather the 15th-level elites from the Magical Realm to come back.

There are also the Shangjiang Angel Legion and the Royal Honor Guard who arrived earlier...

They are all demonstrating the powerful military strength of the Five-Color Flag Alliance to the nobles in Rio and the representatives of South American city-states who came to watch the ceremony.

That's it... Marquis Wilson is responsible for business negotiations and gold coin exchange negotiations. Daliang was responsible for the military escort at the ceremony. King Duolun actively contacted the nobles of South American city-states who wanted to exchange gold coins, and also prepared various activities to welcome Holy Bella.

Everyone is waiting for the celebration to get closer day by day.

The four black elf assassins in the Creed Assassin Group are also waiting for Da Liang's return day by day.

After leaving the Black Elf tribe, they never imagined that their life as assassins would be like this.

Drive a bunch of cavemen into a fence...

Push a bunch of cavemen off a fence...

Drive a bunch of cavemen into a fence...

The slaves in the entire slave exchange are not higher-level creatures, they are all cavemen.

There are also more and more dwarven bear cavalry.

Since the dwarf military camp was built under the Torch Tower, fifty bear riders have been brought back to the slave trading center by Pluto every day, which is more than the number of slaves traded in the entire slave exchange every day.

A slave exchange that only trades in cavemen slaves, and a slave exchange with bear cavalry guards that outnumber slaves.

The owner of this slave exchange and the leader of his assassin group aroused great curiosity among the four assassins.

So when Da Liang failed to return to the slave exchange, the black elf assassin Red Helmet took the initiative to find the temporary person in charge, the dwarf Pluto.

"Mr. Pluto, I want to know where our leader, Leader Da Liang, is? We are black elf assassins, and driving away caveman slaves is not what we should do, and...

What's going on with these dwarf bear cavalry? If they continue to increase the number, we will have no place to stay. "

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