Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1091 The situation is tense

Groups of purple dragons flew through the sky over Rio, using their flapping wings to sprinkle magical elements in the drizzle. Flowers bloomed in every corner of the city.

The city turned into a sea of ​​flowers, and the haze of the plane war seemed to be swept away.

Every elf is cheering for the flying purple dragon. It seems that these powerful dragons are already the guardians of this city.

Only Druid Bavaria was in a very bad mood.

This is definitely the Five Color Flag Alliance demonstrating against the Bauhinia City. They keep saying that they will not provide military assistance to Rio de Janeiro City, but what are these purple dragons, what are the crystal dragons in the wilderness, and the angel legions on the sea, and the teleportation The human army came out of the formation.

If Holy Bella were to come here, the military strength of the Five Color Flags in Rio de Janeiro would be enough to fight a full-scale confrontation with Bauhinia City.

Will the Five Color Flag Alliance take the opportunity to accept the elves from Rio as their new members?

Bavaria feels that the promise of Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City does not seem to be very safe.

Bauhinia City must take tough measures to deal with the military showoff of the Five Color Flag Alliance.

Moreover... Bavaria can determine that Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City must be plotting something. These five-color flag alliance troops seem to be to welcome the arrival of Saint Bella, but they have actually controlled the inside and outside of Rio City. When the celebration begins, these troops can block every road.

At that time, Bauhinia City's army will be restricted.

What exactly does the Five Color Flag Alliance want to do? Do they have the guts to provide military assistance to Rio City?

During this time, Bavaria has been trying to find out the conspiracy behind the secret discussions between Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City, but all the talks between the two cities were about business, trade, and how to establish fast trade routes that connect the city-states on the South American continent. .

Thriving commerce is a characteristic of the main world, allowing the city-states here to accumulate wealth that the base camp plane covets.

Bavaria saw no hint of conspiracy in these business negotiations.

However, he knew that no matter what Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City were planning, the time for implementation was already the moment when the celebration began and Holy Bella descended.

Bauhinia City must increase its garrison in Rio de Janeiro to deal with the Five Color Flag Alliance's big conspiracy in Rio.

Bavaria's reasoning was supported by King Wadsworth.

The Five Color Flag Alliance has arranged so many troops in the city of Rio de Janeiro, whether they are really to protect Saint Bella or they are performing some secret mission. Bauhinia City cannot allow the Five Color Flag Alliance to show off its force like this. As the strongest main city in the Magic Realm, Bauhinia City must give the most powerful response.

So while the Five Color Flag Alliance continued to mobilize troops to the city of Rio de Janeiro, the army of elves from Bauhinia City also swarmed through the plane teleportation array and arrived in Rio.

Hundreds of golden dragons and green dragons roared into the sky, showing their strong bodies to the angel in the air.

Twenty level 15 elves flapped their butterfly wings and spread magical light rain in front of the purple dragon.

The army of Bauhinia City faced off with the troops of the Five Color Flag Alliance on every road in Rio. The originally warm and joyful celebration suddenly became tense. The celebrating residents of Rio City all returned to their homes in fear, as if war would break out at any time. The battle between so many ultimate creatures and the confrontation between level 15 creatures is enough to completely destroy Rio City.

King Duolun not only hopes that the war between the Five Color Flag Alliance and Bauhinia City will start, but he also does not want them to start fighting in Rio City. So he summoned representatives from Bauhinia City and Shangjiang City to his palace to try to resolve the matter as soon as possible.

After the representatives from all parties sat down in their respective seats, King Doron said: "Master Bavaria, Duke Daliang, and Marquis Wilson. I believe you have all seen the situation in Rio City now...

Tomorrow, the Holy Lord Bella will come to this city, and the visit of a supreme angel will be a great honor for us. But... your army has scared my subjects, and I think you don't want to see Lord Holy Bella like this when she comes. "

Daliang said: "Your Majesty... Lord Holy Bella is the guardian of Shangjiang City and the most powerful force of the Five-Color Flag Alliance. She is visiting Rio de Janeiro this time to participate in the official diplomatic relations celebration between the two cities. We have arranged some escort work... It seems Nothing wrong with that.

On the contrary, it is Bauhinia City...

Lord Bavaria, why did you send so many hostile troops? "

Bavaria held his head high and said: "Rio de Janeiro is a city protected by the Redbud City. We station troops in this city... without anyone's permission.

On the contrary, in Shangjiang City, Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon do not belong to your Shangjiang military force. What are they doing here? Even if your troops from Shangjiang City entered Rio City without our permission, we can already say that you are invading.

I suggest you withdraw your troops from Rio so you can hold your celebrations. "

The gold coins of Rio City are in the city treasury, as well as the gold coins in the hands of nobles in the city and the gold coins of affiliated cities.

All need to be transported by road in the name of goods during the celebration. At that time, the carnival in the entire city is the best disguise for the entire exchange process.

If the celebration cannot be held, the goods transported on the road will be particularly eye-catching. If they are interrogated by the Bauhinia City army, everything will be exposed.

Even if Bauhinia City fights to make the Magic Realm and the Five-Color Flag Alliance go to war, it will also prevent these gold coins from leaving Rio.

Daliang thought that Bavaria didn't know about the gold coin exchange yet, but he must have realized something and knew what would happen during the celebration tomorrow. What Bauhinia Flower City did was a set of random punches, and maybe it would hit something.

This indeed makes Shangjiang City’s arrangement in Rio very uncomfortable.

Daliang spoke righteously to Bavaria: "Holy Lady Bella is the guardian of Shangjiang. She will come to Rio through the teleportation arrays of the two cities. We must let her see our own army first, so We will never withdraw from Rio.

Bavaria, what I want to say to you, the Redbud City, is... Bullying should stop in moderation. Everyone knows who is invading Rio City. The Five Color Flag Alliance will not use military power to invade anyone. At the same time, we are not someone who can be driven away at will. Bauhinia City does not have this strength.

We have established diplomatic relations with Rio City just for business, so Bauhinia City does not have to worry about our intentions here.

Do us a favor and withdraw your troops during the celebrations.

Once the celebration is over, our troops will leave.

Isn't it better for everyone to live in peace than the current situation where war can start at any time? "

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