Start with an Archangel

Chapter 1092 Everyone takes a step back

There was a hint of threat in Daliang's seemingly calm tone. He expressed with a very firm attitude that the Five Color Flag Alliance and Shangjiang City would never make any concessions to Bauhinia City during the celebration.

And now that the troops of Bauhinia City have been stationed in Rio de Janeiro, for the sake of the prestige of the first main city in the Magical Realm, they will not withdraw their troops from here under a casual threat.

Bavaria also said very clearly: "We have been too indulgent towards you Shangjiang City. In Rio... you are challenging our bottom line step by step.

Don't think that we will continue to make concessions this time.

Whatever you want to do in Rio de Janeiro, we have to see it. "

Bavaria and Liang are at odds with each other in the talks, and it seems that the two armies are about to start fighting here.

King Duolun quickly calmed down the atmosphere and said: "You two... what we are preparing is a celebration. The Five Color Flag Alliance, Bauhinia City, and Rio de Janeiro City far have no conflicts that require war to resolve.

I believe that if there are any misunderstandings, we can completely negotiate and come up with a result that satisfies everyone.

Mr. Bavaria... Mr. Holy Bella is coming to Rio de Janeiro. It is definitely not appropriate for you to let Shangjiang City's army leave the city.

Duke Daliang... The troops sent by your Five Color Flag Alliance to participate in the celebration this time are too many. Although you have no other intentions, it still makes Bauhinia City nervous.

I suggest... that you all withdraw your respective armies from Rio de Janeiro City, and Shangjiang City can retain part of the honor guard to greet Lord Holy Bella. And the entire work of escorting the ceremony is left to our army in Rio de Janeiro.

This is also our job..."

"I agree with the method proposed by His Majesty." Daliang immediately expressed his attitude, giving King Duolun enough face, and then said to Bavaria: "The city of Rio de Janeiro is the organizer of this celebration and the owner of this place. We put this

Placing too many troops in other people's cities is really disrespectful to His Majesty.

I am willing to withdraw all our troops from Rio... leaving only the necessary honor guard.

This is our biggest concession.

Lord Bavaria...are you also sending your troops out of the city? "

Bavaria looked at Daliang and King Duolun, and all he wanted to do was slap the table and scold the two of them for their shamelessness.

Now anyone can tell that Rio de Janeiro City and Shangjiang City are wearing the same pants and conspiring against Bauhinia City. Your troops from Shangjiang City leave the city and let the troops from Rio de Janeiro City be responsible for guarding the celebration...

How is this different from Shangjiang City's army in the city? The purpose of Bauhinia City is to see what tricks the two cities are doing inside the city. What can they see outside the city?

But on the surface, Shangjiang has indeed made a lot of concessions. If he continues to be tough...then he will really have to fight with the Five Color Flag Alliance.

But Bavaria was extremely unwilling to withdraw from Rio. He said: "If the troops in Shangjiang withdraw from Rio City, then we can also withdraw most of the troops from here. But in order to protect the Bauhinia City here, Heavy

We need personnel and facilities, and I want to leave a small amount of military force to stay in the city as a protective force.

I guarantee that the number of this army will never exceed 100. And I asked Shangjiang that the honor guard stationed in Rio City should not contain more than 10 creatures higher than level 13, including level 13. "

Bavaria took the current situation into consideration and made a decision that was most beneficial to itself.

No matter what trouble Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City plan to cause during tomorrow's celebration, 95 golden dragons and 5 elves are enough to deal with various complex situations. Even if Holy Bella takes action personally, such military power will still be

Can hold out until reinforcements from Bauhinia City arrive.

King Doron knew that the one hundred troops Bavaria mentioned must be an army composed of golden dragons and elf envoys. These forces could still threaten tomorrow's gold coin exchange.

But when King Duolun opened his mouth to further reduce the military strength of Bauhinia City, Daliang said first: "Let's do it this way. Anyway, we are doing things openly and we are not afraid of your surveillance.

However, I still hope that Bauhinia City will do something to avoid the arrival of Lord Holy Bella and not let your dragons run around in front of the Lord. "

Bavaria did not expect that Daliang had already guessed that the troops he left in the city were all giant dragons, and he still looked so relaxed.

Could it be...that I guessed wrong?

Is Shangjiang and Rio de Janeiro really just a commercial diplomatic relationship?

The simultaneous concessions made by Shangjiang City and Bauhinia City effectively eased the tense situation in Rio de Janeiro. The armies of both sides quickly withdrew from the city and set up military camps at close range while supervising each other.

, strictly alert to possible hostile actions of the other party.

Daliang placed all the Purple Dragon and Crystal Dragon in the military camp outside the city. Facing more than twenty level 15 dragons, Bavaria did not dare to be cautious. He once again cut down the five elves who were originally planned to be placed in the city of Rio.

The number of elf envoys in the military camp outside the city increased to 18. And he took two other elf envoys and 98 golden dragons to station in the city, preparing to guard against possible emergencies during tomorrow's celebration.

When Bavaria deployed its own troops, it also closely monitored every move of the Five-Color Flag Alliance army.

The Five-Color Flag Alliance did not leave any excessive troops in the city of Rio.

An honor guard consisting of about 3,000 basic human troops, eight archangels, and two... special-looking 15th-level dragons.

In terms of overall strength, the army in Shangjiang City was weaker than the army in Bauhinia City.

Logically speaking, Bavaria, which had an absolute advantage in Rio, should feel at ease, but he always felt that something would happen at tomorrow's celebration.

Because Duke Daliang of Shangjiang City always gave himself a very dangerous feeling. And judging from past contacts, the Duke of Shangjiang is a very sharp human race, how could he compromise so easily... Looking at himself in Rio

Are there so many golden dragons placed in the city?

Bavaria couldn't figure out what Daliang was going to do, and what Shangjiang City and Rio de Janeiro City were planning.

Night comes.

The opposing armies withdrew from the city, and the lively atmosphere returned to Rio. The light from magic towers across the city lit up the sky.

Music was flowing on every street, and the elves had already started the carnival before the celebration. Even the players stopped their tasks and mixed in with the crowd to enjoy the alternative fun in the game besides upgrading.

Daliang stayed in his Lord's Mansion, sorting out the final arrangements for tomorrow's celebration while paying attention to the war that was breaking out in Songjiang City.

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